Aizen frowned, and suddenly found a bright purple crystal from inside his clothes. It was a collapsing jade he made himself, but it was not finished yet. He wanted to use the collapsing jade of Urahara Kisuke to complete his collapsing jade. It's a pity, he knew that he couldn't snatch Rukia from Yang Lei's hands, and naturally he couldn't dig out the Bengyu in Rukia's soul.


Yang Lei subconsciously paused after seeing Lan Ran's actions. He became greedy and wanted to grab this piece of collapsing jade and give it to Rukia. Since she already has half of it there, why not gather it for her?


Aizen got a chance to breathe for a moment, and without hesitation, he threw Bengyu into his mouth.

Originally, Bengyu didn't use it like this, but he no longer had the right to choose. At this time, it was either life or death, so he chose to fight.

Or Lan Ran was too careless. If he hadn't been too confident in Jinghua Shuiyue's ability before, he wouldn't have been easily pierced by Yang Lei with a knife, at least Yang Lei wouldn't have been so relaxed and had to show more strength.

The same is true for Dongxian, who is too confident in the power of the Zanpakutō to be easily cut into serious injuries without even the slightest sense of advance.

"Did you eat?"

Yang Lei finally put away his distracted thoughts and looked at Aizen with all his attention, not knowing what the effect of raw collapsing jade would be. 233


Hearing Aizen let out a muffled groan, the blood that was still flowing stopped instantly, and the wounds on his body healed rapidly. The next moment, a violent and shocking spiritual pressure beam burst out from Aizen's body.


The huge wave spread out, and the nearby Dongxian was the first to bear the brunt. He was seriously injured and couldn't resist.

Even the commander-in-chief couldn't help but take a dozen steps back before he stood firm. He looked at the direction of the spiritual pressure beam with horror on his face, and then looked at Yang Lei, whose face was calm. He couldn't help but sighed inwardly. really old.

"This feeling?"

Yang Lei was not affected at all, standing there without moving, not even the death tyrant outfit on his body. At this time, he looked into the inside of the spiritual pressure beam and couldn't help frowning. He felt that Aizen was undergoing a huge change. .

"Such a violent Reiatsu?"

Yang Lei reached out and grabbed a handful of spiritual sons, and speculated in his heart: "It seems that Aizen is going to evolve?"

Yang Lei's guess was very accurate. At the center of the spiritual pressure beam, Aizen's body was undergoing tremendous changes.

In the original work, Aizen chose to integrate with Bengyu. In the final analysis, Bengyu is still Bengyu, and Aizen is still Aizen.

Even more, Aizen needs to use the power of Bengyu to lead the evolution of Bengyu.

But now, Aizen chooses to eat Bengyu. This is to completely devour Bengyu. The effect is much better than the original work. It is just to see if he can succeed. The power exploded into blood. .

0312 The Evolution of Aizen

Aizen's changes continued, and the violent spiritual pressure beam continued to release its mighty aura.

With the gradual advancement of the degree of evolution, Aizen lost its original appearance, and was wrapped in a layer of white spiritual fruit, like a cocoon.


When Aizen had evolved to this stage, the Reiki light beam suddenly shook, and the commander-in-chief, Ichimaru Gin, and Toxian who had retreated to the distance just felt suddenly lost their pressure. If it weren't for the line of sight, the Reiki light beam could still be seen. Now, they are about to lose Aizen's perception.

In particular, Dong Xian Yao suddenly lost his sense of Aizen in his sensitive perception, as if Aizen had disappeared out of thin air.

This is proof that Aizen has evolved to another level, and unless he is on the same level, he will no longer be able to feel his power.

"Still continuing?"

Yang Lei was still safe, watching Aizen continue to evolve without the slightest rush, nor did he intend to interrupt.

Yang Lei's strength is too strong, and he has already reached an unpredictable realm. He had deliberately lowered his realm before, so he could be perceived by the captains, and the purpose was to shock them.

If Yang Lei burst out with too much power as soon as he came up, it would not shock the captains, because he couldn't feel it, just like mortals couldn't feel the breath of God.

As for why he didn't interrupt Aizen, it was because Rukia's soul already had the existence of Bengyu, so he had to get enough information from Aizen to avoid sudden incidents that would be difficult to handle in the future.

Another, he has an invincible belief, even if Aizen can continue to evolve, it does not matter, self-confidence can be easily crushed.


Inside the spiritual pressure light column, Aizen let out a long and pleasant howl. Since he evolved to this stage, he felt powerful. At the same time, there was no more pain in his body, and the pace of evolution began to speed up.


Like a real cocoon that turns into a butterfly, the white spiritual fruit body on Aizen's body suddenly burst open, revealing Aizen's changed appearance.

I saw that the blue dye at this time had a long blue shawl and long hair, and he was still wearing the white long coat, wearing a pair of white gloves, and holding a slender sword in his right hand, but he was holding it at this time. The knife he was holding was no longer a mirror, it was just an ordinary shallow punch.

With the evolution of Aizen again, his strength has been improved, and the realm of Reiatsu has also been raised to a new height.

"One percent..."

Yang Lei outside the spiritual pressure beam muttered to himself, no one knew what he meant, only he knew that the strength of Aizen at this time had reached [-]% of his level.


Aizen itself already has the strength comparable to the level of the captain. At this time, he has undergone two qualitative evolutions, but the result is only [-]% of Yang Lei's.

But everyone thinks about it, Yang Lei's strength has long been extraordinary, and even when he first came to the world of death, he already had the strength not weaker than the captain.

Considering that he has practiced for so many years, it is Yang Lei's modesty to say that Aizen has one percent of his own strength.

Lan Ran didn't know this. He looked at Yang Lei outside through the spiritual pressure beam, and felt the level of strength that Yang Lei deliberately let him perceive, and he couldn't help but feel a little more confident.

"I will surpass him."

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