
Hitsugaya Toshiro was angry, Yang Lei was even more angry, he grabbed Rukia, who was about to rush out, into his arms, grabbed the hilt of the wooden knife behind him, and asked with a smile, "You Is this ignoring my existence? Huh? Stupid brat."


Ichigo Kurosaki seemed to have only seen Yang Lei now, and said solemnly: "There is still one person here, I'm really sorry, I thought there was only air here."

Yang Lei is angry, he has always been angry with others, and he has never been played like this.

"Stop it."

Rukia hurriedly opened her mouth to block, first making Yang Lei quiet, then looking at Kurosaki Ichigo, and asked, "Ichigo, what's wrong with you? Why are you putting on a decadent expression?"

Ichigo Kurosaki was shocked. He had encountered some things recently, but he just didn't want to be known. At this time, when Rukia asked about it, he couldn't help but squeak.

"It's really annoying to look like this."

Madarame is the most direct, grabbing the handle of his wooden sword and fighting against Kurosaki Ichigo.

"Give me peace."

Hitsugaya Toushiro finally showed his power. This is a school. Their existence has already surprised other students, and he quickly said: "Come upstairs with me and talk about it."

As the leader of the team spoke, the group hurried out and walked upstairs to the rooftop, and even pulled the reluctant Kurosaki Ichigo up.

After coming to the rooftop, I finally don't have to worry about others anymore. It's still in the morning, and no one will come over from the rooftop.

"You handle it."

Yang Lei knew what problems Kurosaki Ichigo had encountered, and also knew that everyone wanted to enlighten him, and he was too lazy to follow along.

In fact, the problem Kurosaki Ichigo encountered was very simple, it was just a blur.

But he is too repulsive of the void. He doesn't know that as long as he can control the power of the void, not only will he not lose his self-awareness, but also the strength will be enhanced out of thin air, so he is rejecting it.

The power of the emptiness comes from himself. It is one of the three forces in his body. It is an existence that cannot be discarded. He can't get rid of the emptiness if he doesn't want to, or the Masked Legion will not defect.

It's just to see when Kurosaki Ichigo will wake up. As long as he admits and accepts the power of emptiness, in fact, the so-called white Ichigo in his body will not rebel against him at all. It's a pity, unfortunately, he is too ignorant.

"Power is power, there is no such thing as good or bad."

Yang Lei looked at it very indifferently. He believed in the essence of power, which was neither good nor bad. For example, whether it was the power of emptiness, the power of the god of death, or the power of the quencher, in the final analysis, it was just spiritual sons and spiritual pressure.

It's just that the spiritual pressure of the god of death should be flat and gentle, and even if you kill Xu, it will only make Xu's soul transition to the soul world and re-exist.

And Quincy's spiritual pressure is much more domineering, whether it is Death or Xu, once killed by Quincy, it will disappear forever.

As for Xu's spiritual pressure, it is more violent, and the weak Xu can't even save his self-consciousness, and will become a real beast, and can only act by instinct.

But once the virtual evolution is above the Achucas level, you can find yourself, and even restore your original memory.

Therefore, there is no good or bad power, and the power of emptiness cannot be attributed to evil because emptiness is the enemy of the god of death, because emptiness will be driven by instinct to attack human beings.

Take Yang Lei, for example, hasn't he replicated the ringing and flickering on Xu's body before?But if you want to release the skills of the virtual, how can you do it without the spiritual pressure of the virtual?

In other words, Yang Lei can actually be blurred, it just depends on whether he wants it or not.

And he has never been entangled. He only regards the virtual state as another state of his own, and regards it as one of his trump cards, not like Kurosaki Ichigo, who is so entangled just because of his own power, and even dares not dare. fight.

Just like now, Madarame and Renji, who were once defeated by him, can hardly stand it anymore, because Ichigo didn't dare to take out his Zanpakutō. What does this look like?

"Yang Lei?"

In the end, Rukia had to ask Yang Lei for help, who called him her boyfriend, Kurosaki Ichigo was her friend, and she wanted to help him.


Yang Lei stood up helplessly. He had just sat down and the book had just been opened. Why did he go earlier?Couldn't I have asked him sooner?

Among the people present, it can be said that only Rukia knows how terrifying Yang Lei's strength is.

Whether it's a corner of the [-]th team, Gong Jin, or Renji, Ranju and Dongshilang, they have never participated in the Shuangshangtai battle, and they have never seen Yang Lei's shot up close.

That's why Rukia finds Yang Lei as soon as possible.

"Help him."

Rukia looked at Yang Lei with pitiful eyes, this seemed to be the first time she acted like a spoiled child to him?


Yang Lei could only nod his head and stepped forward to Kurosaki Ichigo, who had turned into a god of death.

"Why are you so afraid of blurring?"

Yang Lei went straight to the point and hit Kurosaki Ichigo directly.

Kurosaki Ichigo opened his mouth and didn't know what to say. 080 Others didn't know, only he himself knew the guilt and self-blame in his heart.

Just two days ago, there was a broken face in the virtual circle and came to attack the real world. In that battle, he accidentally made a virtual appearance, and almost killed Inoue Orihime and Chato Taihu.

Those were his friends. He wanted power to protect his relatives and friends, but he almost killed them, which made Kurosaki Ichigo even more repulsive and fearful of the power of the virtual.


That's right, it's fear. Kurosaki Ichigo is afraid that he will become virtual again. Once he makes an irreparable mistake in that state, it will make him regret and suffer for a lifetime.


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