But who is Yang Lei? In addition to Hui Dao, he also has medical ninjutsu and Yang Dun chakra. After some treatment, the corner has been completely healed.

Afterwards, everyone sat down together to summarize their combat experience, and finally Toushiro contacted the Soul Society and reported the information they had obtained from these broken faces one by one.

"Are you all right?"

After Dong Shi Lang put away the mobile phone-style communicator, Yang Lei became impatient, mainly because it was meaningless to stay here, and he was in a hurry to go back and hug his wife to sleep.

The wife Yang Lei wanted to hug was on the side, Rukia felt something and couldn't help kicking Yang Lei quietly below.

It was almost midnight, and it was only 3.1 hours away from the early morning. In addition, they had all slept before, and now Sima Zhao's heart was well-known for why they were in a hurry to go back to the hotel.

Of course, the passers-by mentioned here must be normal people, like Toshiro and Yijiao can't understand the meaning.

But fortunately, not everyone doesn't understand it. Like Luan Ju, who knows it very well, he winked at Rukia for a while, and finally shyly ran away with Rukia.

. . . . . .

In the virtual circle, Aizen held an emergency roundtable meeting after receiving information from Ulquiorra.

At this time, Aizen looked at the Ten Blades and stated his purpose: "If we want to win this war, we must find a way to strip that Yang Lei from the battlefield, so I decided to fight in the big army. When the seat was empty, lead Yang Lei to the virtual circle to trap him.".

0321 The virtual circle shot again

Yang Lei's strength has been recognized by the Ten Blades at the roundtable meeting, so they are silent at this time.

If it was the original Aizen, he would use a calculated method to trick ten blades, and would not tell them directly.

But now it is different. Today's Aizen is too powerful. He doesn't need to worry about anything anymore. He directly told the ten blades that he would sacrifice their choice, which made the ten blades helpless.

Among the Ten Blades, only Ulquiorra and Halibel have good loyalty to Aizen, while the other Ten Blades mostly follow Aizen for various reasons.

For example, Balegang, Xuye Palace was originally its territory, but it was later beaten by Aizen, and even it had to become the twentieth blade of Aizen in the end.

"Then it's settled."

Sure enough, Aizen didn't give the Ten Blades a chance to speak at all, and decided on his own.

"The people who accompany me to conquer the world are the first, second, and thirtieth blades, as well as Yin and Yao, and everyone else should stay in the virtual circle."

Speaking of this, Ai Ran's eyes suddenly flashed a icy cold light, and his tone dropped a few degrees, and he said to the 16 ten blades who remained silent: "The burial troops, the broken faces who were deprived of the ten blades, And a lot of your subordinates will stay, don't let me get disappointed."

Hearing this, the Ten Blades just lowered their heads and did not express their position, but they also knew in their hearts what would happen if Aizen's mission was not completed, unless Aizen would die in this world.

Next, Aizen simply arranged some work. In order to make Yang Lei trapped in the virtual circle smoothly, Aizen aimed at Rukia.

Although Yang Lei disappeared for decades after graduating from the True Central Academy of Spiritual Arts, Aizen still knew about the relationship between him and Rukia. Who told Yang Lei to show his love in such a high-profile way, not only did he take the initiative to break into the cell to accompany him Rukia, and later broke out on the double platform for Rukia.

So Aizen knew that as long as Rukia came to the virtual circle, Yang Lei would definitely follow.

Because Yang Lei didn't know that he made several collapsing jade successively, although they were only half-finished products, but it didn't matter, he still allowed him to successfully evolve more than once.

Therefore, in Yang Lei's heart, he must think that he still cares about the collapse of jade in Rukia's soul, right?


After Aizen explained the plan, her eyes began to become slack, and she didn't even look at the Ten Blades who turned and left. She was in a daze alone, thinking to herself: "Can I fight Yang Leijun again? Now I have Beyond his realm?"

"Forget it, my goal now is just to get on the cloud and sit in that position. The boring fight is really not my taste."

At this time, Aizen is no longer the way he was on the double stage before. He who has evolved four times before and after has returned to his original appearance.

It just doesn't mean that Aizen has lost the power of evolution, but that he has evolved again and his strength has been improved again, so he can control his appearance.

Now that's not needed, and when needed, he'll show his new look.

. . . . . .

Not to mention Aizen's thoughts, looking at a side hall of Xuye Palace, Ichimaru Yin had a smile on his face and his eyes were tightly closed, and no one could see that his heart was shaking violently.

Aizen's evolution in Shuangshangtai is what he and Dongxian want to witness with their own eyes, at least he saw it with his own eyes.

At that time, Aizen made him powerless, and he didn't know how to realize the idea in his heart.

He was still excited a moment ago, whether it was Aizen's serious injury and dying, or the weakness of Jinghuashuiyue mentioned by Yang Lei, he saw the dawn of hope.

It's a pity that Aizen survived and became stronger.

This made Ichimaru Gin confused, Aizen evolved several times after returning to the virtual circle, and finally stopped until Bengyu was completely ineffective against him. Ichimaru Gin can't guess what realm Aizen has reached at this time.

As the saying goes, knowing oneself and knowing the enemy can only win a hundred battles, and Ichimaru Gin's idea is still not to be lost.

No, he can't be benevolent, because no one knows his purpose and thoughts, and in the eyes of others, he is just a bad person.

That is to say, if he can't succeed, he can only end up in a tragic death, and then he will not be recognized or appreciated by others, and no one will even remember who he is except his childhood sweetheart.

"It's a little unwilling to think about it."

Ichimaru Yin smiled and thought in his heart, no one could see the unwillingness in his heart on his face.

"It's a pity I can't go back."

Ichimaru Gin was sighing, not because he couldn't go back to the Soul Realm, but because he couldn't go back to that person, but he had no regrets, just a little regret.

"Try it."

Ichimaru Gin finally sighed, and the corner of his eyes opened a little, revealing a flash of light that flashed quickly.

The most terrifying part of a viper is not its fangs, but the moment when it strikes.

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