Looking outside, Ichigo Kurosaki and Kugo Ginjo were struggling to hit Tsukishima, because Ichigo Kurosaki was dragged by Orihime Inoue and Taihu Chato with too much energy.

It's not me, Hei Chadu and Inoue. It's just that they really don't have much strength, especially Inoue. The only way to attack is just a flower's Lone Sky Shield, who will cut it.

But their bond with Ichigo Kurosaki played a big role. In the words of Ichigo Kurosaki, the purpose of getting his power and getting it back was to protect them, so how could he attack them?


Ginjō Konggo cursed, now this is a battle of life and death, but Kurosaki Ichigo is so indecisive, Ginjō Konggo can't help but secretly scream, thinking that Kurosaki Ichigo must be dangerous.

This is also true. When Kurosaki Ichigo was blocked by Chadu Taihu again, Tsukishima on the other side suddenly pulled away and rushed over, raising his sword and stabbed forward.


The sound of a sharp blade piercing into the flesh sounded in the air, but the person who was stabbed was not Ichigo Kurosaki, but Kugo Ginjō who hurried over. He blocked Ichigo Kurosaki's back and carried it for him.


Kurosaki Ichigo cursed, and quickly pulled Gincheng Konggo back, which happened to fall not far from Yang Lei and his wife, looked down at Gincheng Konggo, Kurosaki Ichigo's expression was very self-blame.

If it wasn't for his carelessness, Tsukishima wouldn't have found that opportunity, and Ginjō Konggo wouldn't have to block the sword for him.

Although Ginjō Konggo was not injured, there was no wound where he was stabbed by the knife, but Kurosaki Ichigo did not relax his expression, because he knew that as long as he was slashed by Tsukishima's knife, he could change the opponent's attitude at will. memory.

"Don't worry, Kurosaki, at least now I still treat you as a companion."

Ginjō Konggo's eyes changed, but he still said that he was Kurosaki Ichigo's companion. He stood up with Kurosaki Ichigo's strength and looked at Kurosaki Ichigo's back with a trace in his eyes. The cold light is flickering.


At this moment, a figure rushed over with extremely fast footsteps, it was Ishida Yulong.

The first time he came to the battlefield, Ishida Yulong put up the longbow of Quincy's spiritual son, and pointed it directly in the direction of Kurosaki Ichigo and Gincheng Konggo.

"Ishida, are you also...?"

Kurosaki Ichigo opened his mouth and asked.

"Come here, Kurosaki."

Yulong Ishida interrupted Ichigo Kurosaki and didn't have time to explain it to him in detail, and shouted, "I'm on your side, and the guy who attacked me before was the guy standing behind you."

Kurosaki Ichigo's eyes widened, with an unbelievable expression on his face, but he had a deep friendship with Ishida Yulong, and subconsciously believed what Ishida Yulong said, and was about to turn around and look behind him.


It was too late, Ginjō Kugo sneered at the corner of his mouth, and plunged his knife into the abdomen of Kurosaki Ichigo who had just turned around.

"how come?"

(Alright) Kurosaki Ichigo was shocked and fell to the ground weakly.

Not far away, Ishida Yulong gritted his teeth, pulled the longbow in his hand, and shot out a rain of spiritual arrows.

"Three days of shielding."

It was a pity that Inoue Orihime jumped out again, with a tangled expression on her face, but she honestly used her abilities in accordance with Tsukishima's instructions and blocked all of Ishida Yuryu's attacks.


Because there is a shield in front of them, this allows Ginjō Kugo and Tsukishima to be very leisurely. The two of them stood in front of Kurosaki Ichigo on the left and right, and suddenly turned on the chattering mode.

First, I explained their planning process in detail to Ichigo Kurosaki, and after a long delay, I finally started, taking away the power that Ichigo Kurosaki finally recovered in one fell swoop.


In the dark night, only a nineteen-year-old boy could be heard screaming and howling, which contained despair and injury.

"I can't stand it anymore!".

0338 Death Ichigo!

"I really can't stand it anymore."

A voice suddenly came from behind the howling Kurosaki Ichigo.


Immediately after that, the barrier was broken, revealing Yang Lei and Rukia and his wife.

"Too anxious."

Rukia stared at Yang Lei, she still had to wait for Kurosaki Ichigo to make a decision.


Yang Lei fondly rubbed Rukia's short hair and said, "How can Ichigo Kurosaki make any choices now."

"Also, you've already come here. What is your choice, do I need to say more? Since you trust him, trust him, then help him."

Yang Lei's words will inevitably bring a bit of taste. Just like what he said, Rukia is here, and she has been holding the uncut white knife in her hand. What she means can be imagined. , believed from the beginning that Ichigo Kurosaki could make the right choice.

"I see."

Rukia nodded, the expression on her face firmed.

The conversation between the two couples was just a few words, and Ichigo Kurosaki hadn't reacted yet.

Although he can't see the god of death, he is just the most ordinary person now, but don't forget, Yang Lei is still in a normal state, and Kurosaki Ichigo can at least see Yang Lei.

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