
The next moment, a vague figure walked out from behind Rukia, and slowly transformed from a phantom into a real one, it was Yang Lei's shadow clone.

"Clap, clap."

The avatar stepped forward, and when it came to Bambi Aita, she was not attracted by her beauty at all, and kicked her foot forward with a flat expression.


Bambi Aita didn't even utter a groan, and died in an instant, her entire body was directly crushed into a puddle of flesh and blood by the huge force. .

0344 Obtaining important information

Originally, Bambi Aita still had a very strong strength, which was comparable to the level of the captain.

It's just a pity that she was unlucky to meet Yang Lei's wife.

Yang Lei has countless ways to keep his lover safe from harm, one of which is to let others' invisible shadow clones escort them, and there are four at a time.

The shadow avatar was obtained by Yang Lei from Uchiha Madara. After Uchiha Madara evolved into the reincarnation eye, he awakened a pupil technique called Wheel Tomb Border Prison, which was copied by Yang Lei.

This pupil technique is very powerful, second only to Yang Lei's awakened pupil technique Lunhua detachment. After all, the two avatars of Lunhua detachment are physical, and their strength has not changed at all, exactly the same as the main body.

Shadow clones are a bit different, because basically they have to stay in the world of the Tomb of Wheels, and many methods cannot be used, and they can only use Yang Lei's physical skills to attack the enemy.

But don't underestimate the shadow clone because of this, Yang Lei's surrounding attributes have already exceeded the million mark, and he is heading for the five million mark.

For example, Bambiai Tower was killed with both feet. You said it was terrible.

He stepped on Bombieta to death, and the shadow clone did not speak, slowly faded away, and returned to the world of the wheel tomb and returned to Rukia's side.

Those who don't know don't feel that, once someone looks around Rukia with the eyes of reincarnation, they will be startled, only to see that there are four shadow clones of Yang Lei firmly surrounding Rukia in the middle, wanting to hurt her would be a thousand Difficult.

Rukia was still a little stunned, but she was relieved, knowing that this was a protection measure given to her by her husband, so there was nothing to worry about, but she didn't know whether Yang Lei's shadow was disposable or recyclable.

"Little Bumby?"

At this moment, three young girls stepped out from the spiritual pressure beam that did not dissipate. Among them, there was a wave, a bully, and a little girl, and the girl in the middle who was neither tall nor short exclaimed: "Little girl. Bumby? What's the matter with you?"

"What else could it be."

The little girl, who was much smaller than Rukia, frowned and shouted, "I was beaten to death, get out of the way, and I'll see if I can avenge Xiao Bangbi."

As she spoke, the little girl opened her mouth twice and moved towards it.

Rukia was engrossed in it, secretly saying in her heart that she had to figure it out, seeing that these women were partners with the previous woman, guessing that their strengths should not be much different.

Before, she was almost killed by Bombieta, so how dare she be careless at this time, and she must be relieved before the battle begins.


Rukia's movements were very fast, she made a movement with Shou Baixue in both hands, and said softly, "Baixia Punishment."


As Rukia activated the swastika, the three Quincy annihilation girls only felt a sudden chill around them, and a chill spread around Rukia, and a layer of ice appeared on the ground in an instant. Face, this kind of cold is really terrifying.

"Do you understand?"

But the little girl not only was not afraid, but also smiled. She rummaged through the pocket of her clothes to find a small thing that looked like a cross badge, and shouted forward, "I accept your swastika."


Rukia, who had just unwrapped the Zanpakutō, was stunned for a moment. She didn't understand the meaning of the little girl's words. Then she felt a suction force. It seemed that something had been pulled away from the blade. Bai Xia Punishment, actually has degenerated from the state of swastika to the sleeve Baixue of the beginning.

"How is this going?"

Rukia was inexplicably horrified. It was the first time she had encountered a Swastika being snatched away, and she couldn't help but panic.

Originally, the four major skills of the Death God, 'slashing, punching, walking, and ghost', were in no particular order and were all equally important.

However, as the power that Zanpakutō brings to the Shinigami becomes more and more impressive, and it takes a lot of perseverance and years of hard work to achieve results, the Shinigami's reliance on Zanpakutō has become more and more important. The steps and the ghosts are slightly inferior. Once the Zanpakutō is lost, I am afraid that more than half of the Shinigami will lose their combat effectiveness, because they do not know how to continue fighting.

In fact, many Shinigami have misunderstood. The slash mentioned in the four skills is not the slash of Zanpakutō, but the technique of slashing, which is the meaning of kendo.

If the Zanpakutō is lost, Kendo can't be taken away together, right?

But the fact is that Rukia was suddenly stunned in place after Swallow was suddenly taken away, not knowing how to continue the fight.

She was stunned, there were no enemies, and no one said that she would wait for her to calm down before starting the fight. No, the little girl suddenly opened her bloody mouth and bit her.

Don't look at the little girl's body is very petite and small, but this big mouth is really big, let alone Rukia who is also not tall, even a house can be swallowed.

Rukia hasn't recovered yet. Without Yang Lei's protection, she might have died many times.

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Seeing that the big mouth of the blood basin was getting closer and closer to Rukia, the shadow clones showed their power, and one of the shadow clones lifted their feet and kicked the chin of this big mouth, kicking the little girl out with her mouth and people.

"Tsk tsk."

The shadowy figure appeared beside him, shook his head and smacked his lips, and complained, "My lady, can we stop slipping?"

After all, the shadow avatar is a avatar, so I dare not directly call Rukia my wife, although in fact he is no different from the main body, and he will not murder the main body. The body will freak out.

Good guy, he even brought himself a green hat, who can stand it.

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