
Kuchiki Byakuya was also looking up at the sky, frowning at this moment and looking very surprised, Qianben Sakura was his Zanpakutō, but what he didn't expect was that Yang Lei could solve so many Qianben Sakura together. This scene It was so shocking.

The Quincy Masters were even more dumbfounded, and at least more than [-] Zanpakutō were sworn at the same time. Excuse me, what should they do if there are not even a thousand people in total?

"I didn't expect it to end like this."

Some Quincy Masters were already desperate, and lowered their weapons with a wry smile, looked up at the fluttering pile of cherry blossoms, and slowly closed their eyes to welcome the arrival of death.

"Impossible, it's an illusion."

There are also Quincy masters who refuse to believe this is true, jumping up to break the so-called illusion, but they are wrapped in a pile of cherry blossom blades, and in the end, not even a bit of flesh and blood is left, and only a bone is left.

"This kid."

The commander-in-chief slowly put back the jacket and jacket that was hanging around his waist, and the Zanpakutō in his hand returned to the shape of a cane, looking at the sky, he couldn't help but sighed: "It seems that I am indeed an old man. Now, it’s time to find a place to clean it up.”

Before, the commander-in-chief had always regarded Yang Lei as a thorn in his side, because this guy dared to refute the order of the forty-sixth room, and he might not even pay attention to the king of Ling.

But today, Yang Lei personally rushed to the Lingwang Palace to stop Youhabach.

However, what the captain didn't know was that Yang Lei didn't care about the position of the captain at all, and living a leisurely life was the life he longed for.

In addition, he can't stay at all, and he may be leaving this world soon, so how can he care about the position of the captain.

"Speed ​​wiped out all Quincy masters, except Ishida Yulong."

Yang Lei issued an order to the shadow clones, looked down at the ground, searched around and found Rukia, and quickly came to his wife.

Cherry blossoms scattered all over the sky, and a pair of people on the ground hugged each other tightly and enjoyed the last time. When the last Quincy of the Invisible Empire finally shed blood on the spot, a layer of white light appeared on Yang Lei's body and wrapped him. .

"I'm leaving."

Yang Lei whispered goodbye in his wife's ear.


Rukia was still crying, she had decided to be stronger.

Yang Lei didn't persuade him either. After waiting for more than three hours, Rukia finally calmed down.

"Why haven't you left yet?"

In Yang Lei's arms, Rukia raised her head and looked at her husband with strange eyes, didn't she say she was leaving?Why haven't you left yet?

It's not that she wants him to leave, it's that he can't stay, but it's really worrying if he wants to leave.

Yang Lei scratched his hair, but he didn't understand why it was so slow this time.

What Yang Lei didn't know was that the Heavenly Spirit Palace did not return to peace because of Youhabach's death, or rather, it was because of Youhabach's death that a war broke out.

Why didn't the people from Team Zero show up at the first time?Because after they knew that Yang Lei had caught up one step ahead, they all ran to the Lingwang Palace to get ready.

What are you going to do?Prepare to suppress the resistance of the Spirit King.

Why was Yohabach born?What was the purpose of his birth?Why is there a connection between Yohabach and the Spirit King?

If coupled with the miserable appearance of the Spirit King, there are various signs that the Spirit King did not voluntarily stay in the Spirit King Palace, but was sealed there.

The birth of Yohabach was also the spirit king's self-help.

What I didn't expect was that, instead of saving the Spirit King, Yohabach in the original book killed him and absorbed his power.

And here, Youhabach was killed by Yang Lei, which gave the Spirit King a huge amount of power, and finally broke the seal and escaped.

Fortunately, everyone in Team Zero was guarding the door of the Spirit King Hall. They discovered the Spirit King's escape at the first time, and hurried up to start the suppression.

The Spirit King cannot fail, otherwise, without his suppression, the three worlds will be crushed to each other.

It is because of this that Yang Lei has never left the world of Death God, because his task has not been completed, and there is still a spirit king waiting to solve it.

Don't forget, in the choice of camp, there is also the choice of the Spirit King, which shows that the Spirit King and the Jingling Court are definitely not from the same camp.

It's just that Yang Lei didn't know this, so he hugged Rukia in Jingling Court for three hours, and he waited until now to wonder, why is he still here?

The moment the two couples just separated, the King of Spirit was sealed by 257 again. At this moment, the white light on Yang Lei's body suddenly bloomed. In the dazzling light, Yang Lei was taken away by the Infinite System. left the world of death.

That is, from the moment he left the world of death, the time of the world of death was frozen at this second, and only when he came to this world again, the time gear would turn again.

. . . . . .

Returning to the main god space of the Infinite System, Yang Lei was briefly absent-minded for a moment, still thinking about Rukia's voice and smile in his heart, and when he came back to his senses, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh.


Yang Lei sighed and forced himself to temporarily forget Rukia, otherwise he would be restless all the time, and he wished to return to the world of death immediately, but there were still two girls from the world of Hokage waiting for him.


When he mentioned the idea of ​​going back to see his girlfriends, Yang Lei suddenly remembered that he could use the vacation system to return to the world he had experienced before?Although there are only ten short days in total, that is not a lot. You can spend five days in the world of Naruto and the world of death.

But before leaving, Yang Lei didn't forget the business.

"Infinite system."

In the main god space, Yang Lei can talk to the infinite system, just like Jarvis, the smart housekeeper in Iron Man.

The Infinite System seemed to know what Yang Lei was going to ask for a long time, and gave the answer as soon as he opened his mouth: "Answer the question in the host's heart. When the host's reward points reach [-] million, the family carrying function can be turned on."

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