An overwhelming sea of ​​fire was released from the magic circle, and quickly came to Lalabai and surrounded it.

"So hot."

The power of the flames even Natsu felt the heat, and he dared not to touch it lightly when he stepped back, which shows how terrifying the power of Yang Lei's ninjutsu.

(PS: I forgot to post it in the afternoon...because I fell asleep...I didn't fall asleep last night, I kept my eyes closed until morning and couldn't sleep, my head hurts to death...).

0360 Join Fairy Tail

Even Natsu, the magician of the Dragon Slayer of Fire, felt the flames so hot that he didn't dare to touch them. One can imagine how terrifying the power of Yang Lei's fire escape.

As for Lalabhai.


Just listening to its shrill howl, when it first came out, it was attacked by the demon tail people, and now it is wrapped by Yang Lei's fire escape magic, and it can no longer bear it, and its body is slowly burned to ashes. A little bit drifted out ~ go.

"So strong."

All the guild leaders present were at least S-rank mages, and the higher ones such as Makarov and even holy tenth-rank mages were all staring at Yang Lei with weird eyes.

That is a demon created by Jeff, and the way to deal with it in the past can only be sealed. Who would have thought that Yang Lei would be so easily burned to ashes today.

"President, how is it?"

Natsu ran over as soon as Yang Lei put away the flame, and shouted at Makarov with a big laugh, "Aren't we strong?"

Elsa also followed, and at the same time did not forget to pull Yang Lei over, and introduced to Makarov: "President, this is Yang Lei, who has helped us a lot in the previous operation of arresting Tiezhisen, I Seeing that he doesn't have a guild, he dares to recommend him to our guild, what do you think?"

"Of course it's fine."

Makarov glared his eyes to the fullest, and with a big wave of his hand did not give others a chance to win over, and hurriedly shouted: "I have decided, you are now a member of Fairy Tail."

"Thank you, and please take care of me in the future."

Yang Lei smiled reservedly, showing that he was neither humble nor arrogant.

"Hey Hey hey."

At this moment, someone from the back of the team exclaimed, raised his finger to the front, and shouted: "Although it is very pleasing that Lalabai was eliminated, but this is a bit too much, right?"

Hearing this, everyone turned their heads subconsciously, and saw that not only Lalabai was destroyed, but the village that used to hold the regular meeting was also vaporized.

Fortunately, the presidents knew the information first and evacuated all the villagers, so that no personal injury was caused. Otherwise, Yang Lei might not know how much trouble he would cause this time.

"Oops, run away."

Natsu was used to getting into trouble, and the first thing that came to his mind was to run, but he didn't even think about it. The whole village was destroyed. They ran away. What should these villagers do?

"I am sorry."

Yang Lei didn't escape, he stood there squarely and bowed his body for a while, raised his hand and snapped his fingers to condense an iron-gray magic circle in front of his hand. A hill was piled up in front of Yang Lei.

"These should be enough to compensate for the damage to the village and town, right?"

Yang Lei asked, he doesn't care about the so-called Magic Council, but can't bear the villagers losing their homes because of themselves. The money is enough to make them live well, whether they go to other cities to buy a house to live again, or rebuild their homes.

The presidents were stunned for a moment, and Makarov was also stunned, and then invariably showed a look of approval on his face, very optimistic about his responsibility and responsibility.

Especially Makarov, who almost never burst into tears, those bear children under his command only cause trouble but don't care. Fortunately, there is a magic council behind to help wipe their farts and buttocks, otherwise, Fairy Tail should have gone bankrupt long ago. .

At this time, everyone thought that Yang Lei was generously giving out his own money to make up for the mistakes he caused. The destruction of the village was all caused by him alone. The others were fighting Lalabai, and his magic range was too large. , the village was also burnt to the ground.

Yang Lei laughed, he made gold with a magnetic dungeon, and it wouldn't hurt at all to spend it, and he could easily turn another golden mountain into it.

Yang Lei understood the principle of magic power, and at the same time, he also understood the original magic circle, unlike others, who had to correspond to the corresponding magic circle to cast magic.

He doesn't need it. For example, as long as he opens the fire magic circle, he can use fire magic or ninjutsu at will, and he doesn't need to create magic circles one by one.

At present, Yang Lei has mastered more than ten magic circles. First of all, the basic ones are fire magic circles, water elements, wind elements, thunder elements, and earth elements.

In the advanced version, there are also wood-type, magnetic-dun gold-type, melting-dun, melting-dun, and so on.

That is to say, all the attribute ninjutsu he mastered before can be displayed by magic.

And Yang Lei's ninjutsu has not changed, the only difference is that there is no need to seal, which is much more convenient than before.

Because of Yang Lei's compensation, the Fairy Tail group finally did not need to escape. After comforting the villagers with kind words, the presidents followed Makarov after the meeting was over the next day. Head towards Magnolia Town, where the guild is located.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

Because the previous station had not been dredged yet, Makarov and others worked very hard. When they arrived at Oshibana Station, the damaged areas had been repaired, and the derailed train had also been repaired. It has been processed and can be opened to traffic.

"If I knew this earlier, it would be better to stay for another day."

Makarov raised his head and sighed at a loss, and there was no way to turn the time back, so he could only safely get on the train and head home.

On the way, Makarov secretly asked Yang Lei what his origins were and how powerful he was.

Yang Lei hesitated for a moment, and finally he could only choose to talk nonsense, and said, "I'm not from the Fiore Kingdom. Don't ask me where my hometown was before, and I won't say it."


"As for my strength."

Speaking of the issue of strength, Yang Lei thought about it and said to Makarov: "If your strength is one, then my strength should be around ten thousand."


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