This is not suspicion of peers, but concern for peers.


Yang Lei simply nodded and stood aside, saying, "You should settle the duel with Natsu first, and we'll come back later."

Elsa nodded to Yang Lei, her face suddenly burst out with strong fighting spirit, she had long felt that Yang Lei was not a mortal, so she wanted to test his true strength.

"Finally got a chance today."

Erza muttered to herself in her heart, and when she turned her head to look at Natsu, the scorching heat in her eyes made Natsu shudder.


Natsu's voice was a little stiff, and he shouted, "Let's just compete."

"I remember."

Erza smiled happily, she used her outfit to change into a suit of armor with a thought, holding a big sword in her hand, and shouted, "Come on Natsu, I won't release water."

She doesn't know how to release water. She has put on fire-resistant equipment, which can weaken most of Natsu's attack power. It's too serious.

Natsu's fighting spirit was ignited by Erza, and he rushed up regardless, shouting: "This is better, I can play to the fullest."

As he spoke, Natsu condensed two flames on his hands, and 0.4 rushed in front of Erza, hitting Erza's head with a punch.


Erza raised her great sword to block Natsu's attack with the blade, and suddenly kicked Natsu's stomach with her foot, sending him flying.


Erza really didn't release the water. After kicking Natsu, she quickly chased after him, and when she came to Natsu's landing, she swung her sword and slashed.


Natsu didn't dare to hide, knowing that Erza would really cut it down, and rolled out a little distance, a carp tingling stood up, just about to use magic to attack again.

"you lose."

Erza's sword had reached Natsu's neck, but when she realized that Natsu had evaded her attack, she did not stop the sword, but turned around, just in time to stand up. Natsu neck. .

0362 Elsa to Yang Lei

"Okay, that's awesome."

Lucy was dumbfounded, but in such a flash, Erza had already defeated Natsu. That was Natsu. I remember when the two first met, he destroyed a port.

But in front of Erza, she was defeated so easily.

Although Natsu was unwilling, he would not be rude. If he lost, he would lose. He said that he would practice harder in the future, and then stepped aside to be a spectator.

The crowd did not disperse because Erza defeated Natsu, because everyone knew that there was a big show to be staged next, and Ersha and Yang Lei were going to have a duel.

Yang Lei is a new partner. The people in the guild want to see how strong he is. He can be approved by Makarov to go to the second floor to take the task. Is he very strong?

"Yang Lei."

Elsa turned to look at Yang Lei, who was walking out slowly, and explained to him: "My armor is called Yandi armor, which can resist the attack of flames and reduce the damage of fire magic by half."

Because it was a duel between partners, Erza did not want to be defeated, so she explained the role of her armor to Yang Lei.

Yang Lei shook his head and said, "The so-called damage reduction is just because the power of fire is not enough. If it is my flame, you can't stop it."

Having said that, Yang Lei raised his hand and took out two shallow punches from his personal space, and continued: "Also, I'm not a simple fire magician. I advise you to change to a suit of armor."

Ai 16 Lusha's eyes lit up, and as expected, she replaced the armor with good manners, and did not take out the new armor, but changed back to the original set of ordinary armor, holding two short swords in her hands.

"A simple kendo competition? Then I won't lose to you."

Erza's tone was very confident.

"is it?"

Yang Lei smiled and didn't show any posture. He slowly walked forward. When he came to the surprised Elsa, he slashed the sword in her hand with his left hand.

Ersha was caught off guard. Seeing Yang Lei's slowness, she thought that the duel had not yet begun, but she was suddenly attacked at this time, and she was sent flying without noticing.


Erza flew behind her like an arrow, knocking down her companions who were watching the fun along the way.

"Everyone backs up."

On the side, Makarov hurriedly shouted, and instructed everyone to expand the circle of onlookers several times, leaving enough venues for Ersha and Yang Lei to duel.


Yang Lei stood on the spot without chasing, holding the knife in both hands and hanging on both sides of the body, and asked, "Is my strength not bad?"

Elsa walked back from a distance, she was not hurt, but was pushed out by Yang Lei.

"is acceptable."

Erza took a deep breath, but that just made her heart slam. Although she had no defenses, no one could knock her out, and she wouldn't be hurt in the slightest. .

It can only be said that Yang Lei is too strong.

"I'm going to attack."

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