Yang Lei looked into Laxus's eyes expressionlessly, and said indifferently: "Although I have just joined this guild, but because they regard me as a companion, in order to repay their intentions, I am also willing to give them See it as a companion."

"And if you dare to see me as a comrade as trash, even if you also have the Fairy Tail badge printed on your body, I will take action against you, and it will be a merciless lore."

".. Laxus, don't make it difficult for me."

After that, Yang Lei let go of Laxus and let him be taken away by Erusa and others.


Yang Lei stopped and did not continue to enter the guild. Without looking back, he asked Makarov, "Am I making a mistake by doing this?"

Makarov sighed lightly. It stands to reason that Yang Lei did something wrong. He hurt the guild's companions.

But the reason why he hurt Laxus was to stand up for the other companions of the guild, how to judge right or wrong?

In particular, Laxus' arrogance and domineering are well known. How can he do things unfairly, and his conscience will be unhappy.

"It's just a fight."

In the end, Makarov forced a smile and said, "Even the best companions will have friction and collision, it doesn't matter."

Although the reason for this so-called fight is very far-fetched, but fortunately, Laxus didn't suffer any serious injuries because of it, he just vomited blood, and he could recover after a little training.

Yang Lei nodded, and then stepped into the guild again.

He has no prejudice against Laxus, nor is he interested in his past, much less how cool it is to disrespect others, or even his peers, he has no idea about Laxus to pay attention to. .

It was only because Laxus dared to call himself trash, although he didn't say it, it was unforgivable.

Yang Lei has never been the kind of domineering person. Even if he is already invincible, he has never done anything to look down on others, whether here, in the world of death, or in the world of Naruto.

He has always felt that only if you respect others, others will respect you in the same way. The respect gained by strong strength is just hatred. Once someone finds an opportunity, he will suffer immediately.

However, Yang Lei was modest and polite, not a tortoise son of a bitch. .

0364 The cursed island of Karna

Stepping into the guild, Yang Lei walked directly up the stairs leading to the second floor this time. There was a hut on the second floor. There was no one in it, only a task bar hung there alone.

Before Yang Lei came to the task bar, he just casually glanced at all the S-level tasks above.

S-level tasks are S-level tasks, and each of them is not easy. The most difficult of them is to crusade a group of monsters on a certain mountain, especially the beastmaster in that group is a powerful S-level monster with strength and S-level magic guide. Equivalent.

If there are countless monsters in addition, I am afraid that the entire Fairy Tail guild may not be able to successfully complete together.

Yang Lei looked at the S-level mission requests, thinking in his heart: "Is the cursed island of the devil Karna Island?"

"At this time, Leon is trying to unblock Dalio there, right?"

"Apart from his companions, is there Urutia?"

"The magic of time?"

Yang Lei pondered for a moment, and finally made a decision. He raised his hand and took off the quest of Karna Island from the task bar.

He is not because this task is the best to complete, as long as a crystal cover in the sky can be completed, but he wants to go to Erna Island to see Urrutia, and he wants to see the so-called time magic from the other side.

Up to now, Yang Lei has a good understanding of the power of space, otherwise his Flying Thunder God technique will not become stronger and stronger, and the conditions for performing it will become less and less, and now it can be called teleportation.

However, he has never been able to comprehend the power of time. Although the eye of time can see pictures of the future or the past, it cannot allow him to comprehend the power of time. It has to be said that this is a pity.

It was because of this that he was so interested in Urrutia.

Having decided what his first task is, Yang Lei turned around and went back down the stairs to the first floor.

"How about it?"

Natsu had been waiting for him at the top of the stairs, and now he asked, "Is the task on the second floor difficult?"

"is acceptable."

Yang Lei shrugged, raised his hand and showed Makarov the quest letter. The normal process is that the guild has to make a report before officially accepting the quest.

If the guild does not report, the task will not be counted, and even if it is completed, there will be no reward.

On the contrary, if it fails, even if it fails to report, it will damage the reputation of the (bgbc) guild.

"The Cursed Devil's Island?"

Makarov raised his hand and rubbed his temples. Although the bounty for this task was the smallest, at seven million J, it was the most difficult task for other tasks.

Because other missions will have targets that need to be defeated, but this mission alone has nothing, only know that the residents above have become demons because of the curse, and the residents of the island have issued missions to pray for someone to help them break the curse.

However, no one knows why this island is cursed, so how to remove the curse?

Makarov didn't expect Yang Lei to take such a difficult task as soon as he came up. He wanted to persuade him, but after thinking about his strength, he finally nodded and said nothing.


Yang Lei turned over the assignment letter in his hand, glanced at the reward, then raised his head and asked Lucy who was not far away, "Lucy? It says that the reward will be an additional zodiac ten in addition to the seven million J. Do you want the key to the second palace?"

Lucy's eyes lit up and exclaimed, "The key to the Zodiac? Are you going to give it to me? That's great."


Listening to the conversation between the two, the guild suddenly exclaimed, and Mirajan asked, "Is that kind of relationship between you two?"

"of course not."

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