"Let me help too."

Elsa followed, seeing that Gray and Leon were no longer going to make a move. The two brothers looked at each other in silence. The atmosphere was so embarrassing that she couldn't stand it.

At the same time, Lucy, Natsu and Happy were catching up. The former couldn't stand the scene, but Natsu and Happy were simply because they heard it.


Gray looked at the lost Leon who fell to the ground, and after a moment of silence, he said, "You should also grow up, find a guild for yourself, you will find that joining a guild is really interesting."

After he finished speaking, he also turned around and left, chasing the direction his partners left and quickly leaving the underground space.

After a night of rioting, with the exception of Yang Lei, Elsa was in a relatively complete state. The others sat on the beach by the sea and were too lazy to get up.

The breakfast was prepared by Yang Lei. He went to the sea at 720 and caught a bunch of seafood, such as king crab, big lobster, abalone, and cod. They really had everything.

The most convenient place for seafood is that the seawater it carries can be used as a seasoning, and there is no need to struggle with the problem of salt, as long as it is steamed, it can be eaten.

As the saying goes, if you are full, you will be in a daze and you will be hungry.

After eating, everyone who had fought all night was sleepy. Facing the gentle morning sun on the beach, they all fell asleep with their eyes closed. Even Erza yawned and fell asleep.

Yang Lei shook his head speechlessly, his mental strength was extremely powerful, and he didn't fight much, so he was guarding everyone at this time.

He made a reclining chair for himself with a wooden scorpion. Yang Lei leaned on it and looked at the sea in the distance. He suddenly thought of his wife in two other worlds.


With a sigh, Yang Lei took out a harmonica from his personal space. It was bought because he was bored in the world of the god of death. After simply learning it twice, he mastered the skills and memorized many, many songs.

At this time, I put the harmonica to my mouth, because of the thoughts in my heart, I unknowingly blew a beautiful and a little sad tune.

Behind, Erza, who was clearly asleep, suddenly slid a hot tear from the corner of her left eye, and she felt sadness in her heart, not for herself, but for the man sitting there playing the tune.

(PS: First set the stage and then take it down, let's take it slow...).

0368 The first task completed

In the afternoon, the group was not in a hurry to go back to the Devil's Village, but continued to stay at the beach.

Why go back so early?According to Yang Lei, the crystal hood can only be seen when it is destroyed at night, which can make the villagers realize that they are not cursed, but their memory is confused.

In the daytime, even if the crystal cover is broken, nothing can be seen, and the demon villagers will think that they have done nothing.

One more thing, there is something to eat and play on the beach, and you can go swimming or something if you have nothing to do. It's not as fun as staying in the village.

In the evening, the group of people got up and hurried to the demon village. When they came back, the moon was already high in the sky.

"You are finally back."

The village chief waited so long that he could see through the autumn water, and finally brought Yang Lei and the others back.

"Let's start right now."

Yang Lei simply exchanged a few words with the village chief, took out a small punch from his personal space, and was about to break the crystal hood.

"Don't you need our help?"

Elsa on the left and right asked questions.

"Need not."

Yang Lei shook his head, and with a single thought, he untied the shallow swastika in his hand. It was the Tiansuo Zhanyue among the many Zanpakutō he had mastered.

I saw Yang Lei holding the knife in his backhand hanging in front of him, condensed his strength a little, and then slammed it out violently. When the blade reached his head, he shouted, "Crescent moon sky rushes."


A black sword light erupted from the blade, and finally formed a crescent shape and rose into the air. Before reaching the crystal cover, there was no obstacle at all, and a big hole was easily cut in the middle of the crystal cover.

not only.


At this moment, Yang Lei snapped his fingers and said 'explosive'.


In the sky, the sword glow of the crescent moon sky suddenly exploded like a bomb, and the huge shock wave shook the entire crystal cover to pieces in an instant.


Below, the demon villagers cheered. Although the moon was not broken, they could already see the real moonlight because the crystal cover was broken, and the fragments of the crystal cover fell on them. The body continued to emit a gleaming radiance, which made them believe that their curse was finally lifted.

However, after all the fragments of the crystal cover were dissipated, the demon villagers did not 'recover' into human beings because the crystal cover was broken, and they still looked like demons.

"What's the matter ¨'?"

The devil village chief asked Yang Lei why the crystal hood was broken, but their curse did not disappear together.

"It's simple."

Erza opened her mouth to explain to them, saying that you were originally demons, but your memory was confused because of the crystal hood, and you mistakenly thought you were human, but in fact you were originally demons.

Anyway, what Yang Lei said to them before, and the villagers did recover some memories, I didn't think that Ersha was lying.


The villagers looked at each other in a tangled state, thinking what is this called, so, wouldn't they have been tangled for three years in vain?

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