Just kidding, can he?

"Let's go then." "

Everyone is not indecisive, even if Elsa is worried about Yang Lei, she will not hesitate. The big deal is that she quickly solve the enemy she is dealing with, and then rush to help Yang Lei.

She thought so.

At this time, Yang Lei had already begun to think about the aftermath of the killing of Joseph.

After all, Joseph is still the Holy Ten Sorcerer and the president of the Ghost Guild. Killing him will definitely cause huge waves in the council.

But it doesn't matter, because everyone in the Fairy Tail regards themselves as their companions, and Makarov is also willing to protect and protect themselves. What else is there to say, Yang Lei will definitely repay their hearts.

He has always been a person who reciprocates his gratitude. If it weren't for the relief and help of others, he would have died long ago when he was abandoned, and how could he live to this day.

In fact, dealing with Yang Lei is very simple, as long as you are good to him, he will pay you back ten feet if you let him.

Especially when he needs it, as long as you help him inadvertently, he will be grateful for the rest of his life. As long as you don't touch his bottom line, he will always regard you as his best friend.

Makarov did it. It can be said that when the guild needed Yang Lei's combat power the most, he was sent out to protect him, and he might not be able to come back for a few years. This kind of maintenance can be said to be too thorough. .

A few years later, when Yang Lei came back, this matter was completely over. No matter whether Fairy Tail won or lost, this matter has passed for too long, and Yang Lei can totally be regarded as ignorant of the existence of this matter.

Therefore, Yang Lei has a sense of belonging to Makarov and Fairy Tail. This is a good guild, which can be regarded as the existence of home.

"Kill it."

A huge murderous aura suddenly erupted from Yang Lei's body. Since he crossed into the Naruto world, so many years have passed, and he has never lost bloody company along the way. After years of nurturing, Yang Lei's murderous aura is really amazing enough.

In other words, only Joseph and that Alia were his targets, so he didn't let the four Elsa beside him be affected.

The plan has been finished, and the five people will not delay any more. The charging time of the magic beam cannon is only fifteen minutes. Their task is very important.


In the end, Yang Lei took the lead, and the five entered from the entrance where the ghost warriors came out before.

As soon as the five people came in, they split up. Yang Lei rushed to the deepest direction according to the passage, and the other four went to other directions. Their primary purpose was to destroy the magic cluster cannon, and then to defeat the four. element.

Of course, if the four elements can be encountered first, the primary and secondary goals can also be changed at any time.

"It's so sad."

Soon, when Yang Lei rushed to a certain area inside the ghost, a figure suddenly appeared along with a whirlwind, and he said, "Although I don't know who you are, I can already see your remains. It's really a sad story in a rotten picture."


Yang Lei didn't feel angry or anything, he tilted his head and said, "Ah? ', with a quick turn of his eyes, he opened Tongju Bai. Reincarnation and reincarnation, he asked, "I heard that you have the ability to extract other people's magic power?"


Aliyah sneered and said, "It seems that you still know how powerful I am. If you are willing to surrender, it is not that I can't spare your life."

"you misunderstood."

Yang Lei waved his hand, straightened his head, and said, "I just want to try it out. It's your ability to extract other people's magic power, or mine."

Having said that, before Alia could react, Yang Lei activated Tensei Eye's pupil technique, only to see Alia suddenly froze, and then fell to the ground.

Originally, Tenseigan's long-range extraction was limited to Chakra, including Samsara Eye.

But Yang Lei has already seen the principle of magic power, and a little rectification can change the pupil technique of Tenseisen and Samsara. Not only can he continue to extract chakra, but now he can also extract magic.

Not only that, as Yang Lei has experienced more and more worlds, these two pupil techniques will continue to increase the types of power that can be extracted, and there is a lot of room for development.

"It's really weak."

Yang Lei stepped forward, and when he passed by Alia, he raised his foot very naturally and stepped on his head, but don't get me wrong, Yang Lei didn't mean to insult or humiliate him. As soon as I stepped down, I heard a 'puchi' sound, and Alia's head was crushed in a pool of red and white dirt.

"Since it is an enemy, it must be cut down."

Yang Lei murmured, this is the truth that he had realized in the Naruto world as early as the so-called cutting grass without eradicating the roots and regenerating the spring breeze, he did not want to leave hidden dangers for himself.

Just like the Ghost Guild, why does Joseph hate the Fairy Tail Guild so much?Because long before the establishment of Fairy Tail, the first generation of Mebis had entangled with the founder of Ghost.

Even Magnolia Town was liberated from the hands of the founders of the Ghost Guild by Mebis and others. Without Mebis and the others, the entire Magnolia Town would be the possession of other ghosts.

It is precisely because of Mebis and others' kind-heartedness that the ghosts developed. Today, a conflict broke out. Joseph wants to completely destroy this old enemy for many years.

Yang Lei would never commit such a stupid thing. He would either not be an enemy of others, or he would stifle all hidden dangers in the cradle, and would never give the enemy a chance to make a comeback and take revenge. .

0374 The battle is over!

After stepping on Alia with one foot, Yang Lei kept walking, continuing to sprint into the depths of the Ghost Guild, and finally came to a room on the top floor.

"You are strong."

Joseph looked at Yang Lei who pushed in the door, as if he had seen the picture of him killing Alia, he couldn't help but praised, and then asked: "Are you interested in coming to our ghost? I can give you the position of vice president, and the greatest privilege."

"Not interested in."

Yang Lei shook his head and refused without thinking.

Just kidding, if you use other things to recruit him, there may be a chance of success, but what Joseph doesn't know is that what Yang Lei hates most is trouble.

In the World of Death God, how noble was the position of the commander-in-chief. In the Realm of Corpse Souls, it was above ten thousand people. Only the Forty-sixth Room could be a little more restrictive.

But Yang Lei didn't spy on the position of the captain at all. When the captain promised him to abdicate, he refused. Even the captain of the thirteenth division was inappropriate, and there was also the king of the virtual circle. The place was not also given to Ulquiorra.

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