The teenager named Hugh smiled at Erza, only to hear him say: "It's time, it's time to take you back, to the paradise you left for the so-called freedom you betrayed us."


Erza looked at Xio with a sad expression, as if she wanted to say something but couldn't say it.

Aside, Geely retracted his wings and landed on Erza's shoulders, looking at Erza with a worried expression.

Yang Lei stood up and murmured, "Although I don't know who you are and what your relationship is with Erza, I won't watch my companions being kidnapped by you."

Xio squinted his eyes slightly, and a trace of jealousy flashed across his eyes quickly, but he held back and did not break out. He used to be Ersha's companion, and he always regarded Ersha as his sister.

But in the end, she betrayed them.


Xio forced himself to remain calm, used magic to contact his companions, and said, "You can start moving."

Simon gave a reply there, and then used his magic.


The originally brightly lit casino turned dark in an instant. Except for a limited number of people, everyone became blind. Even Lucy and Natsu, who were also mages, were unable to reach out.

Yang 477 Lei was definitely not in the ranks of those who couldn't see things. He watched as Xio used his magic to lock irrelevant people into the cards while everyone was invisible, and he was not in a hurry to stop him. , but quietly took out a bookmark from personal space and turned it into a sharp sword.

This is Tsukishima's Full Representation.


After Xio locked everyone up, the casino became bright again, but compared to the crowded and lively scene before, only the Fairy Tail people and Xiu and others were still standing there.

No, and Ju Bian was not locked up, and she was not either of the two groups, and she is now free.

"Who are you?"

Natsu and Gray have already rushed over, and they still don't know who Hugh is, so they can't help asking to know their identities first.

"Don't get in the way."

Except for Hugh, several others shot together. A person whose body seemed to be made of cubes stopped Natsu, Simon stopped Gray, and a girl with a pair of cat ears stopped Lucy.

Jubian ran to Gray's side to help him fight together, and the scene immediately became lively, and the two sides fought together.

"Hugh, Simon, Wally, Miliana."

Erza looked at her former companions, her eyes gradually moistened.

She didn't betray them, but for a reason.

But she couldn't say it, because Gerald threatened her that if she dared to tell the truth about the Tower of Paradise, she would kill her important people.


Gritting her teeth, Erza said the name, her hands turning white from the strength of her fists, her eyes showing hatred anger.

Yang Lei glanced at Elsa and couldn't help but sighed. He felt that his heart seemed to be touched by her sadness.


Yang Lei frowned, reluctant to think about it any more, and stepped in front of Xio, blocking Erza who was behind him.

"No matter who you are, it's too late to retreat now."

Yang Lei warned.


Xio sneered, just about to say that he is no longer the cowardly child he used to be, but has become a magician.

But don't wait for him to speak.


"Looks like you don't want to stop."

Yang Lei suddenly appeared behind him, and the sharp long knife came out directly from the back of his heart, piercing Hugh's heart and coming out in front of him.


Elsa exclaimed. I didn't expect Yang Lei to say that he would do it, and he was so unfeeling, that a shot would be a lore.


The surrounding battle was silent for a while, and Xio's partners rushed over quickly. When they came to them, they didn't dare to get close because they were afraid that Yang Lei would hurt Xiu again.

"Yang Lei."

Ersha's tears couldn't be stopped any longer. A line of hot tears flowed from her left eye. She opened her mouth and shouted, but she didn't know what to say. She looked at Xio and then at Yang Lei standing behind him, with despair and sadness in her eyes.

"don’t worry."

Yang Lei opened his mouth, slowly drawing out his long knife (bgdh) and comforting: "He's fine, I'm just frightening him."

Sure enough, as Yang Lei pulled the knife out of Xiu's body, there was not even a single wound left on Xiu's body.

"How is this going?"

Everyone was startled, even Yang Lei's partners were dumbfounded.

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