"what happened?"

Yang Lei rarely blushed, and shouted angrily, "I'm just embarrassed, what's wrong? You can do it."

Geely suddenly froze, Yang Lei grabbed his painful foot, his back foot bounced to Yang Lei's heart, stood there condescendingly staring at Yang Lei, and shouted: "What, don't I have to participate? Or will you kill me? of."

Before going home, Yang Lei asked after receiving Makarov's instructions, meaning that Geely had also joined the guild, and whether she would like to participate in a show.

Makarov informed on the spot that Geely and Harpy would also participate in the parade, but the performances at that time would have to see their own ideas.

This made Geely tangled, so he had been lying on Yang Lei's body all the time, but now when he mentioned it, he was instantly blown away, and he kept saying that it was Yang Lei's fault.

Yang Lei laughed, he wanted to make Geely more integrated into the guild, and it wasn't a bad thing, but seeing Geely getting more and more awkward, he couldn't help but point out: "Don't be so entangled, if it really doesn't work, you just wear something beautiful, and then surround yourself with it. Just fly with me."

"we can only do this."

Geely sighed lightly, she was so cute when she made this move, even Yang Lei wanted to hug her into his arms for a moment and rub his face.

"Cough cough."

With a dry cough, Yang Lei put away the dangerous idea that might damage his own image, stood up with Geely in his arms, and said, "Let's go, it's time to sleep."

Geely is just a kitten, not a person, nor can he become a person, so Yang Lei has always slept in the same bedroom with her, and he is not afraid of others gossiping or something.

Of course, the two of them didn't sleep together. In Yang Lei's bedroom, there was a small cradle for Geely. Yang Lei was not afraid of anything else, but he was afraid that he didn't pay attention when he turned over. What to do if you are crushed to death?

Do I still need his strength?With a slight wave of his hand and a single shot, he has tens of thousands of pounds of strength, let alone auspiciousness, even Makarov can't hold it.

After a night of silence, the next day, one person and one cat came to the outside of the bathroom in a daze, stood in front of the two washbasins and began to wash up, and then entered the two bathrooms one by one and began to wash thoroughly.

Before crossing the threshold, Yang Lei had made a ruthless oath that when he had the conditions in the future, he would take a shower every day, morning and night.

After the time traveled, Yang Lei really had the conditions. In addition, he had to cultivate every day, and he had developed a good habit. As long as the conditions allowed, he could take a bath twice a day.

Otherwise, let alone the smell of sweat, not to mention that others can't stand it, in fact, I don't want to smell it.

After washing up, Yang Lei and Geely came to the restaurant. Breakfast was already prepared for them on the long table. It was not rich, only two glasses of milk, two plates of fried eggs and two slices of bread.

It's early in the morning, who can eat something too greasy.

"Let's go."

After one person and one cat finished eating breakfast, Yang Lei waited for Geely to jump on his shoulders, then took her to stand up and walked outside.

The distance between the house Yang Lei bought and the guild was only one street, and after crossing that street, he came to the gate of the guild.


Geely stood on Yang Lei's shoulder, grabbed Yang Lei's ear with one hand, touched Yang Lei's cheek with the other hand, and reminded: "I remember there was a selection contest for Miss Fairy in the morning, who do you think will win? Is it Erza? Or Lucy? Or Rebby? Or Mirajane? Oh, they're all pretty, there's really no way to choose who's the prettiest."

Counting and counting, Geely was a little tangled, not knowing who to choose.

Yang Lei forcibly restrained his laugh, for fear that his shoulders would knock her off when he laughed.

"Just look at it and you'll find out."

As he spoke, Yang Lei stepped into the gate of the guild, and saw that others had come long ago, and the trial for Miss Fairy was about to start. .

0385 The Fairy Tail Civil War broke out

Because it was a memorial ceremony, in addition to everyone in Fairy Tail, some citizens also came to visit Fairy Tail's program at this time.

"Citizens of Magnolia Town, and friends from nearby towns, the next is the much-anticipated Miss Fairy contest. Let our lovely fairies put on a wonderful performance for everyone."

A wizard named Marcus in the guild acted as the host. His hosting skills were not bad, but he could barely arouse the atmosphere of the audience.

Amid the warm applause of the audience, the contest for Miss Fairy will officially begin.

The first to come on stage was Kana.

"Player No. [-] is..."

Marcus gave Kana a brief introduction, and added a lot of compliments to her, and then it was Kana's performance time~.

This is not a modern Miss World contest, but a Miss Magical World contest, how can a show be - without magic.

Kana's specialty magic is card magic, which can be used both to attack and to use them for divination.

It's just that the magic used by Kana at this time turned out to be a change of clothes. I saw that under the package of a pile of cards, Kana first disappeared for a while, and when she reappeared, she had already changed into a swimsuit?

"Is this kind of thing still used to decide the outcome?"

Yang Lei silently put his hand on his forehead and made a speechless gesture.

His position is on the second floor of the guild. Not everyone can come up here. At this time, he is the only one with auspiciousness lying on the railing and looking down, but he is very happy.

Yang Lei is not claustrophobic, but he doesn't want to stand in the middle of the crowd, it's uncomfortable.

Kana was followed by Jubian.

Because it is a new member, Ju Bian wants to take this opportunity to build a good relationship with everyone.

Marcus also introduced Jubian, and in addition to the name, he also added some words to modify the praise.

Correspondingly, Ju Bian also showed her magic, but.

"Sure enough, it's still a swimsuit? Is this a swimsuit show?"

Yang Lei put his hand on his forehead again, and Zhu Bian was unavoidable in the end, and put on a cool swimsuit in a mass of water wrapped around his body.

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