When fighting the ghost before, Makarov was plotted against by Alia. Although he was cured later, he only recovered on the surface, but in fact, there were internal injuries that had not recovered.

There is no way, if people refuse to accept their old age, it will not work. Even if they are as strong as Makarov, they have to take care of them slowly, and they cannot be cured at once.

"How about it?"

Natsu looked at Yang Lei and asked nervously, "Is the old man okay?"

"Do not worry."

Yang Lei nodded and assured: "I will help him heal his injuries."


Then, Yang Lei explained to Lebi: "The so-called enchantment technique will be handed over to you. I hope that when I heal the president's injury, you can let me go out, and I will beat Laxus again. ."


Lebby nodded firmly and said, "I will definitely do it."

After she finished speaking, Lebby turned and ran to the side. The ground was filled with books by her, and she was constantly figuring out how to release Fried's enchantment.

On Yang Lei's side, he has already started to treat Makarov, using the medical chakra plus the yang attribute chakra to continue to warm up and treat Makarov's internal injury.

The nature of Yang-type chakra is too heaven-defying. It is the purest vitality. It is more beneficial to Makarov's injury than medical chakra. Husband is still young, such a small wound will heal quickly.

Just kidding, do you think the protagonist halo attached to the Fairy Tail Guild is fake?

Even if it is a trick, as long as it is a Fairy Tail person, no matter how serious the trauma is, it will recover quickly.

The protagonist Halo in Fairy Tail World is not a single person or two, but a guild as a unit.

In other words, this world is not a matter of one protagonist or two protagonists, but the entire Fairy Tail Guild is the protagonist, so domineering.

It didn't take long for Makarov's internal injury to be completely healed by Yang Lei.

It's just that Makarov didn't wake up the first time. He had been holding on for a while, and he was exhausted. Coupled with the recurrence of the old injury this time, even if his body recovered at this time. You will have to rest for a while to recover.

"How's your side? Rebby?"

Yang Lei let go of Makarov, stood up and looked at Lebi, with a faint look of impatience in his eyes.

As I said before, Makarov was recognized by Yang Lei, so he was really provoked and fired by Laxus.

If Makarov was like the captain, he would only think of Yang Lei when he used it, and then put him aside when he was finished, Yang Lei would not care about Makarov's life or death.

For example, at the opening of the final battle in the world of Death God, Yang Lei had the ability to save the three of Ulquiorra in the shortest time, and then rush back to the Jingling Court in the shortest time.

But he didn't, and he didn't show up until the captain was killed.

This can be said to be intentional, didn't the captain use him as a tool?Then you go to die.

It's just that he kindly resurrected the captain, not because he still had some good feelings for the captain, but because he knew that Jingle Chunshui, like him, didn't like to deal with those busy team affairs.

The relationship between Yang Lei and Jingle Chunshui is not bad, the captain of the resurrection can only say that he is helping Jingle Chunshui, and he has nothing to do with the captain.

At this time, Yang Lei also wanted to vent his anger for Makarov. Even if Laxus was Makarov's grandson, it could be regarded as a family affair of the Doleah family.

However, who told Laxus to threaten Makarov with people from the guild.

"Laxus, Laxus, didn't I tell you a long time ago, 'If you dare to regard me as a comrade as rubbish, even if you also have Fairy Tail's badge on your body , I will also take action against you'."

"It's not as simple as 'trash' now, Laxus, you say, if I kill you, will it be a bit too much? Why don't you abolish your magical talent."

While muttering to himself, Yang Lei walked towards the barrier, no longer planning to give Lebi another chance to build her self-confidence.

After joining the Fairy Tail Guild, Yang Lei's first relationship was of course the other members of the strongest squad. After all, they had experienced the Iron Forest and the Lalabai incident together, and then completed an S together. level tasks.

Besides Elsa and the others, the first friend Yang Lei made was actually Lei Bi. Both of them liked to read. Lei Bi would recommend books that she thought were wonderful to Yang Lei, and also got a lot of unread books from Yang Lei. Books, they are book lovers.

But don't get me wrong, the two have always been pure.

That's why Yang Lei didn't act in a hurry before, but wanted to give Lebby a chance. As long as Lebby can find a solution to Fried's barrier this time, even if it just finds a loophole in it, it will be an opportunity for Lebby. Nice progress.

It's just that he can't help it now, because the people outside have been wiped out, and even Erza has been petrified by Abagrein again.

According to the battle report, Lucy and Biguslo were tied, and both of them lost their combat effectiveness, while Mirajan was found a chance by Abagarin after defeating Fried, and she also became a stone statue.

In addition to the three of them, the other three women were also defeated.

As for the others, the entire army was almost wiped out long before the 243 women of the stone statues attacked. At this time, no one really could stand still.

That is to say, there are only a few people in the guild left in the Fairy Tail now, while Laxus still has two combat powers, one is Laxus, and the other is naturally Abagarin.

"Wait for me, Laxus."

Yang Lei raised his hand and was about to touch Fried's enchantment. As long as he activated the chakra extraction pupil technique, he could instantly absorb the enchantment's magic power.

Yang Lei has thoroughly researched the principles of magic and chakra, and can convert these two forces back and forth at any time. Therefore, although the pupil technique of Tensei and Samsara is chakra extraction, he can also extract magic at the same time.

And just when Yang Lei was about to touch the barrier.

"Finally finished."

Leibi wiped the sweat on her forehead and shouted, making Yang Lei's movements pause.

"Look at me next."

Lei Bijiao drank, grabbed a magic pen in her hand and started writing in the air in front of her, and finally waved her hand forward, shouting, "Rewrite the barrier."

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