"What a dishonest kid."

Yang Lei muttered and slowly raised his feet. Since Laxus still regards him as a companion in his heart, he is really embarrassed to put his hands too heavy.

This is his character. He is not afraid of others taking action against him, but he is afraid that others will treat him well. His philosophy is that you respect me one foot and I respect you ten feet.

"never mind."

Yang Lei scratched his ears and walked towards the gate without waiting for the goblin's law to end. This farce was basically over.

The goblin's law will soon be over, even if Laxus came to perform this trick, it would be a little overwhelming. Fortunately, he was lying on the ground himself, otherwise he would have to fall again at this time.

"Did I win? Hahahaha."

There was a trace of blood on the corner of Laxus' mouth, and he was exhausted to the limit, but he didn't worry about himself, but let out a loud laugh, he felt that the foot on his back had disappeared, so he mistakenly thought that he The magic has already killed Yang Lei.

"Even if you win."

But suddenly, the annoying voice came from the front, and Laxus reluctantly raised his head to look in front of him, just in time to see Yang Lei's back walking out of the door of Karutia Cathedral, and he continued to say: "What a Not cute stinky bastard. By the way, am I really an old man already?"

"How could this be?"

Laxus showed an unbelievable expression, he couldn't accept the result, why didn't his magic destroy Yang Lei?Is the opponent too strong?


Laxus turned his head and looked to the other side. When he found that Natsu and Gajiru were all right, and were still in their previous postures and fell not far away, he found the problem.

"My magic didn't work?"

Laxus guessed something, but he didn't want to admit it, as Yang Lei said, he was very dishonest.

Next, another battle broke out here. Natsu originally wanted to reconcile with Laxus, and then made an agreement to fight again later.

But it was impossible for Laxus to calm down now, so Natsu had to grit his teeth and get up to wake Laxus.

Laxus is really strong enough, and everyone has the aura of the protagonist. Even Natsu finally defeated him with the help of Gajiru.

It has to be said that Yang Lei shattered Laxus' self-confidence, and he exhausted all his magic power. Otherwise, the current Natsu is really no match.

It's also that the two of them are still several years old. If Natsu fully awakens all his powers, it will be Laxus' turn to be suppressed by Natsu.

Look at Yang Lei again.

After coming out of the Karutia Cathedral, after walking not too far, at the corner of a street, Erusa was leaning against the wall with Geely in her arms and waiting for Yang Lei.

The two of them had already been nearby, but before they had time to go in, they encountered Laxus' law of activating the goblin. At that time, Erza was shocked. It was super magic. Get hit, and even get wiped out.

But later, Erza discovered that Laxus' fairy law had not been activated. No, it should be said that although this super magic was activated normally, because Laxus had no real enemy in his heart, no one was hurt.

Knowing this, Erza said in her heart that this farce was about to end here. Laxus didn't regard everyone as an enemy, but just treated it as a fight when they were awkward. Don't everyone make a fuss like this at ordinary times.

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And she was also at ease with Yang Lei, so she kept standing here waiting for Yang Lei to come out.

Sure enough, Yang Lei did not disappoint Erza. Although Laxus's magic power was completely consumed, Erusa could clearly feel that Laxus was still very healthy. Has Laxus and Natsu arguing and fighting again?

"Yang Lei."

Elsa walked away from the wall and walked to Yang Lei's side. The two walked towards the guild together, but as they walked, Elsa suddenly called out to Yang Lei.

In Erusa's arms, Geely was used to being held by Erusa. At this time, she suddenly felt that the atmosphere in the air seemed to be a little wrong. She couldn't help but look up at Ersha, then turned to Yang Lei, clutching in confusion. I scratched my ears, not knowing what this atmosphere represented.


"what happened?"

Hearing Erza's opening, Yang Lei couldn't help but tremble in his heart, but he pretended to be very calm on the surface, stood up and turned to face Ersha, and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

Erza opened her mouth lightly, her teeth wanted to say something, but she was too embarrassed to speak when the words came to her mouth. She bit her red, moist lower lip and lowered her head. Her cheeks were already flushed, and even her fair swan neck was dyed. Got a blush.

Yang Lei was not in a hurry, nor was he in a hurry to say refusal. After all, Ersha hadn't spoken yet. How could he refuse?

Another, Erza is a girl after all, he doesn't want to embarrass her too much, if possible, it's better for everyone not to pierce that layer of window paper, he has decided that he will alienate Ersha in the future, I believe this has not yet begun. Emotions can slowly fade away.

Elsa kept her head down, her left hand was holding the inexplicably auspicious little waist, her right hand was rubbing back and forth on her head, and she was always embarrassed to speak.

In this way, in the middle of a street, two people, a man and a woman, stood facing each other, the man was tall and handsome, and the woman was white and rich. If Sha was holding in her arms, it was Hubby instead of auspicious words. I'm afraid Hubby would have shouted 'have a leg' long ago.

I don't know how long it took, and even the duel between Laxus and Natsu was over, Erza finally summoned up the courage, looked up at Yang Lei in the breeze, and opened her mouth to express her heart. I officially confessed to Yang Lei.


"I'm sorry, you are a good girl, but I don't deserve you."

0391 Laxus Evicted

Yang Lei is a person of the new era. The education he received is monogamy, which is a fair and just theory, so he never feels that he can do what he does after he has a strong strength, so he can always maintain a normal mind.

Therefore, Yang Lei really thinks that he is not worthy of Ersha, not because he is not good, but because he has fallen in love with someone else, which is unfair to Erusa, so he is not worthy of it.

If he didn't have Hinata and the others in his heart, he would definitely pursue Erza on his own initiative.

But now it's different, he met them first, how could he go to harm such a good girl again.

. . . . . .

As Laxus saw his inner thoughts clearly, this civil war farce finally ended.

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