
Yang Lei nodded and said: "I heard that this world is very big, I want to try to see if I can travel all over the world, and try again to see if I can forget you, if not, I will pursue it even if I am called a scumbag. You, I hope you won't reject me then."

Yang Lei said so bluntly that Erza was stunned for a moment, and then her face flushed red.

"Yang Lei."

Lucy came up from behind, holding a few keys that originally belonged to Angel. The King of Star Spirits had already returned, and the Gemini constellation was not damaged in any way. She was considered a huge benefit.

At this time, I heard Lucy say to Yang Lei from behind: "I really don't blame you for what happened just now, it was I who had to intervene to stop you. Originally, we and they were enemies, and it was all my fault. You Don't take it to heart, please don't leave the guild."

This is what Lucy said in her heart, and it's also a fact. She had to rescue the enemy by herself. What's the matter with Yang Lei?

For example, Fairy Tail and Ghost are fighting. Just when Yang Lei was about to kill Ali (Wang Nuo's), Lucy rushed to save him. Isn't this crazy.

Speaking of which, Aliyah is the same as Gemini. It is because of other people's orders that she is the enemy of Fairy Tail. It is the same nature.

But everyone is the enemy, it's the enemy, you don't care about the feelings of your companions, regardless of your companion's life or death, you have to jump out to protect the enemy, what does this mean?

Seriously, it's called a spy.

So Lucy not only didn't blame Yang Lei, but felt very embarrassed. Yang Lei came here in a hurry because he wanted to support them and protect them. In the end, not only did he not get thanks, but he got sao all over himself, which was really bad luck.

"you misunderstood."

Yang Lei shook his head and explained, "I think the reason for the trip really has nothing to do with you, and I don't plan to quit the guild."

"Take this as a test. If I really can't get through this difficulty, then let me fall completely."

(PS: Don't let the protagonist be entangled with emotional matters anymore, they have been entangled for a long time...).

0399 Destroy Nirvana!

Yang Lei said he wanted to leave, but did not leave immediately.

After taking Ji Li from Erza, he said there was one more thing to deal with, and that was Nirvana.

"Nirvana is very dangerous. Since the Six Demon Generals can know it, it is very likely that other dark guilds that belong to the Balam Alliance will also know it, so I plan to destroy it completely."

The so-called Balam Alliance is a dark guild alliance headed by the three major guilds, the Six Demon Generals, the Demon Heart, and the Gate of Hades. It is very similar to the Magic Council on the regular guild side.

On the surface, the Balam Alliance seems to have only three guilds. In fact, there are many small guilds under the three guilds. For example, the former Iron Forest was one of the six subordinate guilds of the General Six Demons.

Regardless of the fact that the Six Demon Generals were destroyed, there are actually many small guilds below them that are safe and sound. If someone really wants to fight Nirvana again, everyone is afraid that they will have to toss again.

So Yang Lei decided to completely destroy Nirvana, anyway, that's not a good thing.

Hearing that Yang Lei was going to destroy Nirvana, everyone looked at each other and followed behind him, not because they were suspicious of him, for fear that he wanted to destroy Nirvana because he wanted to master Nirvana.

But everyone is actually very curious about Nirvana, and they don't know what the power that the Six Demon Generals wants to control is.

The location of Nirvana is very hidden, and Yang Lei didn't know where it was.

But, didn't I just say that there are still many guilds under the command of General Six Demons. Yang Lei caught some people on the road, and he finally asked him that General Six Demons had found Nirvana, but I didn't know what to do. Just lift the seal.

Knowing where the address is, everyone no longer neglected, and all the way through the barrier will kill the past.

On the road, the three kittens are the most leisurely, and these little guys don't need to worry about them.

Therefore, the three kittens flew together and communicated, mainly Xia Lulu asked Geely to ask if Yang Lei was a dragon slayer.

"In fact, I do not know."

Geely shook his head, because he saw another compatriot, who was quite friendly to Xia Lulu, and replied: "He is very powerful, since we met, I have never seen him feel helpless, so I am not sure. What power does he have, what's wrong?"

In the end, Geely asked back, wondering why Xia Lulu asked that.

Xia Lulu shook her head, not as disdainful as she did when facing Happy, but muttered with a hint of puzzlement: "Why? Why doesn't even Geely have a memory of the mission?"


Geely didn't understand what Xia Lulu was muttering, and subconsciously asked a question.

"It's nothing."

Xia Lulu shook her head again, her expression suddenly became firm, she looked at Wendy's little figure from behind, and said in her heart that I would definitely protect Wendy, and no one could hurt her, including myself.

Before Xia Lulu was born, she quietly awakened her ability, which is a predictive ability that can foresee the future.

Because Xia Lulu saw some pictures of the future, which confused her memory, and mistakenly thought that the purpose of their transcendence coming to the continent of Aislandon was to annihilate the dragon wizard.

In fact, this is just a mission she imposed on herself. Apart from her, neither Harpy nor Geely, nor other transcenders have this mission and memory.

Aislandon is the name of this world, and Edras is the hometown of Harpy, Gili and Xia Lulu, which is the name of another world.

Not to mention the communication between the kittens, let's look at Yang Lei and the others.

The combat power of this coalition team is really not to be underestimated. In the original book, the Six Demon Generals were defeated without the help of Yang Lei.

Along the way, everyone eliminated all the dark guilds that the Six Demon Generals belonged to, and finally came to the sealed land of Nirvana.


Except for Yang Lei, everyone was so tired that even Natsu, who was the most noisy, collapsed to the ground and said angrily, "Yang Lei, I'll leave it to you next."

Yang Lei nodded, walked to the place where the seal of Nirvana was, and looked at the magic circle of Nirvana's seal with the eyes of the ancients, and in just a moment, he deduced the method of dispelling the magic circle. (bgbg)

"You are waiting for me outside."

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