one more.

"What if my reflection really exists?"

Yang Lei whispered to himself in his heart: "I am invincible, even if the enemy is myself, I will win in the end."

After talking about the reason and purpose of the formation of Anima, Wendy and the others turned their attention to Geely again. She has changed too much. She used to be about the same size as Harpy and Xia Lulu, but now she has suddenly grown so much. It's like stealing fertilizer feed.

"I myself don't know what happened."

Geely also seemed very entangled. She didn't like such a big body, so she couldn't sit on Yang Lei's shoulders, and she was very tired to walk.

And she also likes being held by Erza.

Whenever Erza wants to hug Geely, she will change the armor in advance, so it is very warm.

But now that she has grown so big, she seems to be almost as tall as Erza, how can she be held by others?

In the end, Geely always felt that there was a concern in her heart that made her unable to calm down.

"These trifles aside."

Yang Lei helped Geely out of the siege, looked at Xia Lulu and asked, "Are you sure that the crystals that everyone turned into are in the capital?"


Xia Lulu nodded, pointed to her head and said, "My memory tells me that Armani will transport the giant crystal that was transformed from the entire Magnolia town to the capital."

Speaking of this, she couldn't help but lowered her head, and said with a bit of depression: "I'm sorry, I didn't intend to hurt everyone."

"It's not your fault."

Yang Lei shook his head with a wry smile, smoothed her white hair on top of Xia Lulu's head, and said with relief, "Xia Lulu, if my guess is correct, you should be the only one who has awakened the so-called mission, whether it's Harpy or Geely. It's not that they forget it if they don't have that kind of memory."

Xia Lulu was startled and looked up at Yang Lei.

Yang Lei shrugged and said, "Maybe it's like Geely getting bigger. This is your unique ability. Maybe one day you'll understand why."

"As for now."

Yang Lei squinted his eyes slightly, his tone suddenly turned a few temperatures cold, and shouted: "Since they dare to provoke our Fairy Tail, it means that they have the consciousness of death, go and destroy this kingdom, I will destroy the whole the capital."

"Wait a moment."

Natsu interrupted Yang Lei at an inopportune time and reported as a primary school student: "Yang Lei, Wendy and I can't use magic anymore, and Hubby and Xia Lulu can't fly either."

"how come?"

Yang Lei pretended to be surprised, spread out his hand and condensed a mass of ordinary flame in his palm and handed it over, and said to Natsu, "I'll be fine, Geely can fly too. Come and try it out with a bite of flame."

Under the shocked gazes of the crowd behind him, Natsu opened his mouth and swallowed the flames in Yang Lei's palm.

"good to eat."

After Natsu ate Yang Lei's flame, there was an expression of enjoyment on his face.

Although Yang Lei's flame is not magic, but a fire escape ninjutsu created by chakra, but for Natsu, fire is fire, no matter what the principle is, the essence of fire is the same, and it is his food.

In particular, Yang Lei's flames are of higher quality, which is a rare delicacy for him.

"How about it?"

Wendy asked Natsu nervously. She is also a dragon slayer. If Natsu can get back his power in this way, then she should be able to too.


Natsu's eyes lit up and cheered happily: "The power is coming, hahahaha, I am alive again."

As he spoke, Natsu raised his head and spewed flames from his mouth. This was no different from when he was in the guild before. Yang Lei couldn't help but complain. He was so heartbroken. There are still people waiting for us to save him. , don't be so heartless.

Next, Yang Lei used the magic of the wind to create a ball of air for Wendy to eat, which also helped Wendy activate her magic.

As for Hubby and Xia Lulu, Geely has already taken them to fly outside...  

In fact, Hubby and Xia Lulu have not lost their magic. The transcenders can fly in this world, but they cannot fly because of their psychological effects. At this time, seeing that Geely can fly freely, they will no longer have this psychological barrier. .

"I don't care what the plot is."

Before leaving, Yang Lei muttered in his heart that he had decided to hit the kingdom of this world hard, and he was merciless, very decisive, and would not consider the plot of the original book.

He has already destroyed the plot to pieces, only the plots involving Akulonoia and Geralf have not been touched, such as the Six Demon Generals, Gerald, these characters that will appear in the later period have been made by him. Dead, there is nothing to worry about.

"lets go."

After Natsu and Wendy regained their magic power, Yang Lei was about to set off.


Before leaving the house, Yang Lei suddenly turned his head and said to Lisana, who was standing among the crowd in the Fairy Tail of Edras, "I feel the fluctuation of magic power in you."

Lisanna was startled. Seeing that everyone around looked over, she quickly waved her hands in denial and said, "You must be feeling wrong, I, it should be the device I brought with you that made you misunderstood."

Lisanna took out a small thing very similar to a modern lighter from her pocket, and the smile on her face was very stiff.

Yang Lei nodded noncommittally, waved his hand without turning his head, and greeted Natsu and Wendy, "Let's go and save our partner."

Natsu and Wendy didn't flinch because the enemy was an entire kingdom, and they smiled and waved goodbye to the Edras Fairy Tail people who chased after them.

"Aren't they too bold?"

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