Sting took a slow breath, then bowed solemnly and respectfully to Yang Lei, and shouted, "Please enroll us in Fairy Tail."

Sting is still very smart. We are talking about us here, but he does not say whether it is the two of us or the four of us. That is to say, he actually counts the cats of both of them.

Yang Lei shook his head unable to hold back his laughter, and just when the two thought he was mocking and rejected them, they heard him say, "Okay, come with me too."

Sting and Rogge glanced at each other. They didn't expect them to join Fairy Tail so easily, and they couldn't help but be a little excited.

After all, they are still two children, only one year older than Xuenai. After seven blank years, they both reached the age of nineteen. Even though they were all dragon slayer wizards, they were still excited and loud after learning that they had successfully joined the Fairy Tail. cheered.

"Rector and Flossie are happy too."

At this moment, two voices came from behind the backpacks of the two, which made the atmosphere here pause. .

0413 Qualifiers are about to start


Because Lecter and Flossi accidentally made a sound when they were happy, the cheers of Sting and Rogge suddenly froze, and Yang Lei was a little overwhelmed.

"what happened?"

Yang Lei shrugged and asked, "Is your cat talking? Don't worry, the three dragon slayer wizards in our guild also have their cats, and so do I."

Hearing this, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief, and Rector and Flossie were equally relieved.

"Let's go, it's time to go back and get ready for dinner."

Yang Lei greeted the two of them, and continued to hold Xuenai who had stopped crying, hiding in Yang Lei's arms at this time, embarrassed to raise his head, and took the lead in walking towards the hotel where he was staying.

Back at the Crocus Garden Hotel, Yang Lei directly took the three children back to his room. Anyway, his room was big enough, and there were two big chuangs. As long as he slept on the sofa, it was enough to accommodate them.

It's not that he doesn't have the money to open another room, he just wants to take care of them.

After returning to the room, Xuenai first went to the bathroom to take a good shower, while Yang Lei was communicating with Sting and Rogge, mainly because the two of them asked Yang Lei to answer, and the topic of discussion was related to Natsu and Gajiru.

Of course, when the two learned that there was still the existence of the Heavenly Dragon Slayer, Wendy, in Fairy Tail, they also developed a strong interest in her.

There is also Laxus, the second generation is also a dragon slayer, which makes the two of them look forward to Fairy Tail even more.

It's just that Yang Lei didn't tell them about the Heavenly Wolf Island badly, and the two seemed to have no news so they didn't know about it. At this time, they were looking forward to returning to the guild as soon as possible.

In fact, the two of them also asked Yang Lei, why all the other guilds are the main force, but they have only Yang Lei?

Yang Lei's answer is very arrogant and handsome. There is only one answer, that is, he can win alone.

In fact, the truth is that the current Fairy Tail is really not a strong person who can do it. It is better to come by himself than to give points to others.

Now I just hope that the first Great Demon Fighting performance will not be as varied as in the original book, otherwise, he is afraid that it will be difficult for him to grab points by himself.

Or to put it the other way around, if the rules allow him to repeat the game alone, then he is really good at grabbing points.

Just as the three of them were chatting, Xuenuo had already finished washing and came out of the bathroom, and put on new clothes inside. It was a small dress, which made her look very cute.

The clean and new Xuenai made Sting and Roger stare blankly, but it wasn't that they knew so much at such a young age, at least they didn't have the same bird and beast as Yang Lei.

But it was clearly a little mud boy a moment ago, but now he has turned into a white and tender little doll, which makes people a little surprised.

Xue Nai was embarrassed to be seen, and lowered her head, her face flushed red.


Yang Lei hurriedly blocked the sight of the two of them, and complained angrily, "How old are you, and you are too uneducated?"

Sting and Rogge didn't know what he meant, but they also knew that it was not good to stare at people like this, so they quickly apologized.

"Okay, let's go downstairs for dinner."

Yang Lei didn't continue to tease Ssangyong, he greeted the three children and two cats out of the room, and the group went to the downstairs lobby to order a table of food and eat.

After a night of silence, the next day was the day when the Great Demon Fighting and Martial Arts officially started.

After breakfast, Yang Lei came out of the hotel with three people and two cats, and walked to the registration office for the Great Demon Fight.

Under the guidance of Yang Lei, Sting and Rogge will no longer hide Flossie and Recht, and they also believe that Yang Lei can protect them, so they are not afraid that someone will spy on their cat.

In fact, Fairy Tail has already registered, and all other invited guilds are also registered, but they still have to go to the registration office to confirm the specific list of participants.

If you don't come here and tell everyone who will participate, it will be classified as an automatic abstention when the final settlement is completed.

However, compared with other guilds, Fairy Tail is indeed much more shabby, and only Yang Lei participated alone, which made the people nearby feel amused.

In the face of other people's ridicule, Yang Lei didn't care, as long as he didn't say too much.

The three children couldn't accept it. Even though they hadn't officially joined Fairy Tail, they already regarded the guild's reputation as extremely important. If Yang Lei hadn't held them back, there would have been some trouble.


Yang Lei came out of the registration desk, and thought to himself, a little funny and angry: "Even if Natsu is gone, he is so noisy, should it be said that it is indeed our Fairy Tail?"

Although this is only the first Great Demon Fighting and Martial Arts, but because it was founded by the Council and the Kingdom of Fiore, the purpose is to decide who is the strongest guild in the Kingdom of Fiore, so many guilds came running There are more than [-] guilds, even if only one person participates in a guild, there are more than [-] players.

What's more, except for Fairy Tail, represented by Yang Lei, all other guilds sent a standard five-member group, which means that this will be a conference of more than [-] people.

"."So many people are too grand, when will this be over?"

When he learned that there were so many contestants, Sting complained a little. He wanted to follow Yang Lei to Fairy Tail as soon as possible, and didn't want to waste too much time here.

As I learned more about the guild from Yang Lei, the three children and two cats yearned for Fairy Tail even more.

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