Just when the author was about to brag about these guilds and their teams, Yang Lei suddenly yelled in his heart, because he found that, except for Jura, who is the scale of the snake princess, who has some strength, the rest of them are vegetables. .

Or should I say, in fact, even Jura is a dish in his eyes.

It's just that Yang Lei's most angry thing is that there is no magic that makes his eyes shine on these guys. His idea of ​​mastering some good things is completely lost.

"Let's go super."

Yang Lei waited for a long time, but no one used more powerful tricks, especially when the first seven teams found that there were no competitors behind them, they stopped, which made Yang Lei too lazy to waste time with them.


Speeding up again, Yang Lei completed the overtaking in an instant, but in an instant, he moved from the last to the front, and then disappeared in the distance with another dodge.

If this is in Chariots of Fire 2, I believe someone will shout out why they can't even see the taillights?

At that time, Yang Lei will give the answer, because I don't have tail lights, look at it.

Don't make trouble.

In other words, Yang Lei didn't bother to delay any longer after seeing that there was really nothing that caught his eye, so he directly ran through the rest of the distance and reached the finish line first.

"The champion team is a one-man Fairy Tail, let's cheer for Fairy Tail!"

(PS: I mentioned it a few times in the text, and I am afraid that everyone will still have misunderstandings, so I will say it again. Because it is the first time, many rules are not as strict as the seventh time in the original book, which leads to the number of people cannot exceed Five people, but it didn't say that there should be no less than five people. Everyone should assume that the rule that there must be five people participating in the competition is because of Yang Lei.

0415 The second day of the big magic fight

With the end of the preliminaries, the first day of the Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts is also over, although there is still a lot of time in the afternoon.

In the afternoon, Yang Lei found three little ghosts and two kittens, and the group wandered on the street, the main purpose was to search for delicious food or something.

Because Yang Lei's performance in the qualifiers was broadcast live in real time, he was considered a man of the hour in Krokas, unless he was defeated by others in the following games.

But at least today, his power has earned him respect and admiration.

It is also because of this that no matter where they go, they can attract countless onlookers. Yang Lei doesn't care, but the three little guys have never been treated like this, and they can't help but feel fascinated.

When will they be able to do this?

"You will come this far."

Yang Lei seemed to be able to see through their hearts. He raised his hands and rubbed the heads of the three little devils, and said softly, "You have high potential. As long as you grow up, you will surely become recognized mages. , I am very sure of this, after all, you are people recognized by my Yang Lei."

Hearing Yang Lei's words, the three of them looked at each other and finally showed bright and expectant smiles together.

After walking around the streets of Crocus for an afternoon, the group ate a lot of good food. Yang Lei also took them to the amusement park to play around, and didn't return to the hotel until after [-] o'clock in the evening.

After all, Xuenai and the others were still too young, and they were tired after playing all day. After returning, they only had time to rinse and fell asleep.

Yang Lei was not in a hurry to fall asleep, but walked slowly to the window, opened the window and looked at a huge venue in the distance.

The huge venue was the test venue for the Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts competition, and at this time, Yang Lei could see strands of magic power drifting towards the venue, as if there was a suction force pulling the magic power out of the air.

"not only that."

Yang Lei snorted softly and muttered in his heart: "That door should be able to extract the magic power from the mage's body, especially if there is a battle in that venue, it will extract more magic power."

"In this way, in order to prevent the magic power required by the Eclipse Gate from being collected too quickly, I should try to take it lightly."

Yang Lei naturally knows the origin of the Great Demon Fight, so he has made a plan. He will only participate in this session, and he will no longer take action in the future. There are two reasons.

The first is naturally that he will be recognized by the council as the president of Fairy Tail in the future, so he will definitely be banned from participating in the future.

And now he is not the president, but the acting president.

If in the future he becomes the guild leader and still comes to participate, I am afraid that the guild leaders of other guilds will also end up.

In that case, I am afraid that even if he uses less magic power, the speed at which the Eclipse Gate collects magic power will be accelerated countless times.

As for the second reason, he intends to let the Sirius Island group get exercise.

As the saying goes, it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish.

Now that Yang Lei has recognized Fairy Tail and everyone in the guild, since the plot has developed to this level, he will definitely not keep it.

He has already decided that when Sirius Island and his party return, he will train them. At that time, whether it is the Gate of Hades or the final battle, or the battle with Akunorokia In battle, everyone doesn't have to worry about him anymore.

In this case, it is better to keep the plot of the Eclipse Gate, so that Natsu and the other guild mages can try to fight the dragon.

"Go to sleep."

After standing at the window and watching for a while, Yang Lei turned around and walked to the sofa in the living room and fell down. He gave up the two big chuangs in the room to Xuenai and the others, and he only had one sofa left.

At the beginning, Xuenai and the others also wanted to compete with Yang Lei for the ownership of the sofa. Sting and Rogge also said that Yang Lei would still participate in the competition, so it could not affect his state.

But in the end, they were all knocked back by Yang Lei one by one. In his original words, I am such an old man, how could I do such a child abuse thing.

Moreover, Yang Lei also said that he regards them as future successors, so they are the precious wealth of the guild.

With just two sentences, the three little devils were moved to tears, and they couldn't recognize the Fairy Tail, who had not yet joined, in their hearts.

It is estimated that even if they know about Sirius Island now, they will not quit, right?

. . . . . .

Silent all night, six o'clock the next morning.

"Boom bang bang."

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