Looking at the bright moon in the sky, I only felt as if I could see Erza's pretty face.

"Am I drunk?"

Yang Lei shook his head with a wry smile, shook the bottle of red wine in his hand, and poured more than half of it with his head up.


Putting down the bottle, Yang Lei let out a long breath.

His confidence was collapsing. It had only been ten days since he hadn't seen him. The longing for Erza in his heart had already made him see an illusion. He had experienced this feeling once, when he was alienated from Rukia before.

He had already had an experience, but he still didn't intend to compromise, he wanted to try again, if possible, he didn't want to make the three sweet wives who had already married sad.

"forget about it."

Shaking his head, Yang Lei didn't dare to think about Elsa, because he was afraid that he couldn't help but go to her now.

He clearly agreed with himself that he would test himself for seven years, but now he has not used it for even a year, not even a month.

In fact, Yang Lei can already predict the result. In the end, he will definitely make a choice for Rukia, because he can't let go of Erza.

It's okay to say that others are scumbags, or anything to say to him.

He just couldn't let go of the feelings that had happened, because he really valued his family too much.

Now doing this is actually punishing himself, and it can be regarded as making his conscience a little better.

If he did not even insist on it, but accepted Erza easily, he was afraid that his conscience would not be able to accept it, and he would have deep self-blame in the future.


"Actually, I'm very selfish."

Yang Lei chuckled lightly at himself. It was clearly the one who benefited the most, but Ersha suffered from this kind of torture that could not be obtained by falling in love with him.

That's why he didn't dare to release the seal of Sirius Island in advance.

Just let Erza dream for seven years, in this way, he will feel less guilt towards Erza.


In the breezy breeze, there was a man's murmur, telling a man's longing for his beloved girl.

. . . . . .

In the days that followed, Fairy Tail regained its calm.

However, because Yang Lei's performance in the Great Demon Fight was so amazing that he defeated all other teams by himself, which made the Fairy Tail instantly become the most popular guild.

It is precisely because of this that the number of tasks entrusted by the Fairy Tail has suddenly multiplied a lot. Whether it is a difficult task or an ordinary small task, many people want Fairy Tail to complete it.

But the current Fairy Tail has just lost a large number of main force, and the remaining people are really too scum.

But fortunately, they can still complete some simple small tasks.

As for those tasks that are somewhat difficult, they can only be shared with other guilds in the end, such as the Four Hounds, or the Scales of the Snake Princess, as well as several guilds that are friendly with Fairy Tail, such as Mermaid Heel and Cyan Pegasus.

Yang Lei had no choice. He had a total of three Lunhua detachment clones and four shadow clones from the Tomb of the Tomb.

Four of the shadow clones cannot be too far away from the main body. After all, they were copied from Uchiha Madara, and the restrictions are the same as Uchiha Madara.

As for the three detached clones of Lunhua.

One of the clones was thrown at the guild by Yang Lei to handle official business, and another clone had quietly hit the road to deal with the big crow's tail.

In the previous Great Demon Fighting performance, Yang Lei was assassinated one night, and that killer with S-rank strength was hired by Da Crow's Tail.

Yang Lei is not the kind of person who takes the initiative to cause trouble, but he is a person who will pay back. Since it is the excuse that the big crow's tail made for him, he will definitely take the opportunity to destroy them, and will never give them the opportunity to threaten the guild.

I think everyone knows what happened to the big crow's tail. Their president is Makarov's son, and he was once a member of the fairy tail. Later, he left the guild with unfavorable information to the guild and formed a large group. The purpose of Crow's Tail is to disintegrate and destroy the Fairy Tail.

Can Yang Lei let them go?

In fact, Yang Lei still has a physical clone in his hand, and it is not impossible to let him help the guild solve those difficult tasks.

It's just that Yang Lei didn't think it was necessary.

Anyway, the guild is not short of money, he is not short of money, and he doesn't care about the prestige of the guild.

Today, he has been officially recognized as the president of the Fairy Tail Guild by the Senate. As a result, he will not be able to participate in next year's Great Demon Fight.

And Ssangyong and Xuenai are still young, at least not for a few years.

In this way, even if they completed all the tasks beautifully this year, in fact, the guild's reputation will be damaged in the coming year.

Then he still cares about a PI.

Anyway, the main force will be back in seven years, and the big deal will be to revive the fairy tail.

He really thought about it. 940

As for everyone in the guild, anyway, if you like to do tasks, do them, and if you don't like to do them, you stay in the guild and mess around.

At first, the three little devils were more concerned, hoping that everyone could make more contributions to the guild, and some of them who were relatively depressed and relatively inactive had a feeling of hating iron.

But later Yang Lei educated them and told them that the so-called guild is not a place to compare, let alone a place to make sacrifices from others. Barabara brought the chicken soup for the soul that Makarov had been through once. , which is a good psychological foundation for the three children.

As long as the three children can stay in Fairy Tail and be guided well, I believe they will definitely be more sunny than in the original book.

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