After listening to Yang Lei's description of Fairy Tail, Freya's eyes gradually became somewhat anticipatory, no longer resisting, and nodded to indicate that she wanted to join Fairy Tail.

Only then did Yang Lei rub Freya's little head with a smile, then got up and took her daughter's little hand to the train station in Harugeon City.

That is to say, today, one year later, he has brought Freya back to the vicinity of Magnolia Town, and as long as he takes the train, he will be able to return to the guild soon.

At this time (bgcj) Yang Lei couldn't help but think with some wicked taste in his heart. He wondered if his body would be startled when he went back.

He just reported the work to the main body when he killed the big crow, and then he never contacted.

As for how they are connected, it is very simple. As long as the shadow clone is recruited and dispersed, the main body and other entity clones can receive his memory.

After all, the two physical avatars and Yang Lei are three-in-one existences, and the shadow avatars they recruited are also used to be summoned by the main body, so they can be shared.

(PS: I have to interject here, sorry everyone, I wrote two entity clones into three, and there is no way to modify it. Please forgive my mistake this time, I'm sorry.)

It's just that what this clone doesn't know is that he might be startled when he goes back.

Because Xuenuo had already opened the mouth to call the body father.

Xuenai's idea is actually very simple. She has a similar obsession with family as Yang Lei. She always wanted to find her lost sister, but unfortunately she has never been able to find her.

Now that Yang Lei takes care of her like this, Xuenai feels like home, and one day she finally recognizes Yang Lei as her adoptive father.

Xuenai is different from Sting and Roger.

Sting and Rogge didn't say they were one year older than Xuenai, and they still had the complete memory of Father Dragon. The key point was that they were accompanied by Flossy and Rector, which made them less obsessed with family.

Another, Yukino has been wandering since she was very young.

You think, before the official construction of the Tower of Paradise, Yukino's home was destroyed by the people of the Tower of Paradise, and Sono was arrested at that time.

But now, the group of children in the Tower of Paradise has grown up long ago, and at least eight or nine years have passed. It is conceivable how young Xuenai was when she started wandering, and how shallow her memory of her family was. .

That's why, like Freya, Yang Lei was regarded as a father.

Shuanglong will not be like this. They do not lack fathers, they have fathers, but in their memory, their dragon fathers have been killed by themselves.

What they didn't know was that the Shadow Dragons were still by their side, but they just changed from outside to inside of their bodies.

Not only the white and black dragons, but also the dragons that Natsu and the others have been looking for are also in their bodies. While helping them control the dragon power to prevent the children from turning into dragons, they are waiting for the arrival of the Dragon King Festival.

. . . . . .

Under the influence of Yang Lei's chaos, Freya also joined Fairy Tail, and she and Xuenaiquan became Yang Lei's adopted daughters, also called adopted sons?Righteous girl?

Anyway, no matter how you call it, the three people who are also attached to the family have become each other's fetters. .

0430 x791, seven years later!


At this time, seven years have passed since the Sirius Island incident, and the entire Fiore Kingdom has undergone great changes.

The first is the ranking of the guild. The Fairy Tail Guild, which was the number one in the Fiore Kingdom seven years ago, has now declined, and no one has even cared about it for several years. Who told them not to participate in the Great Demon Fighting and Martial Arts Conference for six consecutive years, there is no exposure rate Naturally ~ no attention.

Actually - can't blame Fairy Tail for not participating.

Mainly because Yang Lei not only became one of the Four Heavenly Kings, but was also officially recognized by the Senate as the president of the Fairy Tail Guild, but one of the rules of the Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts is that the guild presidents are not allowed to participate. What do you want him to do?

As a result, Yang Lei simply refused to let the guild go, not even a group of young children who had grown extremely fast in the past two years.

For this matter, Shuanglong also challenged Yang Lei, and the result was that they had already reached the S rank and they were killed in an instant.

Still want to challenge Yang Lei?They really think too much, they can only say that they are still too young.

With the withdrawal of Fairy Tail, the scale of the snake princess officially rose, and in the following years, she won two consecutive championships.

The four-headed hounds are also good, and they have won two championships, but their championships are not consecutively won, so they have some flaws compared to the scales of the snake princess.

There is also the mermaid's heel. In the session when Jura, Leon, and Pacas did not participate, Kagura, who had grown up, led the guild to win a championship.

As for the Tiger of Sword Biting in the original book, sorry, they haven't developed after Ssangyong. Although their strength is not bad, they can only be regarded as a 'mainstay'.

In fact, Minieba's strength is not bad, but unfortunately it is difficult to speak alone, how much power can she have alone, that is, to be on par with Kagura, and finally she was robbed of the championship by the mermaid's heel in the session with the most chance.

In fact, the strength of the blue sky horse is also very strong, but unfortunately, the group of lust and wolves have never been serious, and in the end they can only play soy sauce for ten thousand years.

After talking about matters related to the guild ranking and the Great Demon Fight, let's take a look at the development and changes of Fairy Tail.

Ssangyong has grown up, and at the beginning of this year, they completed an S-rank mission separately after a trial, and thus became S-rank mages.

With the disappearance of the guild holy land of Sirius Island, the S-level assessment of the Fairy Tail has changed. Those who want to be promoted only need to complete an S-level or higher task alone to become an S-level wizard.

Of course, the eligibility for promotion to S-rank must be assessed by Yang Lei.

In fact, Xuenai and Freya's strength is also very strong, even under Yang Lei's teaching, they are much stronger than Shuanglong.

Because Yang Lei really cares too much about these two daughters, countless small stoves are smashed, and the ninja's physical skills and other fighting methods have already surpassed the level of S rank.

They even awakened their original magical talents, such as Freya's hair and Yukino's Protoss.

It's just that Yang Lei never agreed with them to go for S-level promotion, which made the two girls helpless. They also knew that Yang Lei cared too much about them, so they could only follow his father's arbitrariness.

In addition to the changes in Yang Lei's family and Ssangyong, other people are also very different from seven years ago. For example, Romeo Kongbo, the son of Makao, has also become a good magician.

After all, Yang Lei can't be too concerned about one or the other. Since even Ssangyong has taught him, at Makao's request, he simply exercises Romeo often, making him stronger than himself in the original book, I don't know how much.

That is to say, he is still too young. He is only fourteen years old this year, and he will definitely become an S-rank mage in a few years.

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