Yang Lei didn't think about going to war with his mother-in-law, so he quickly raised his hand to stop him and said, "Don't you just want to restore your human body? Can't I help you?"


Until now, Irene finally turned her eyes from Elsa to Yang Lei, and asked in disbelief, "What did you just say? Can you help me recover into a human body?"

"Of course."

Yang Lei shrugged: "The dragon slayer children in our guild have dragons making antibodies for them. I have researched that as long as I make an antibody for you, and then extract your existing dragon power, You will never be a dragon again in the future."

Yang Lei is telling the truth, and he can do it too, otherwise he would not have come to ease their mother-daughter relationship for Erusa and Erin.


Erin exclaimed, her face full of disbelief.

For more than [-] years, she has been trying to find a way to return to a human form, but she has never been able to find a useful way. Even Jeff can only temporarily change her body into a human form, but in essence she is still dragon.

This made her despair, otherwise she would not choose to kill herself or kill herself in the original work.

"Of course it's true, otherwise why would I come and waste time."

Yang Lei confirmed.


Elsa, who was on the side, also spoke, holding her flat abdomen in both hands, and said to her husband, "Go and help my mother."

Now she is also a mother, so she can experience the feeling of being a mother. After listening to Erin's narration, she has forgiven her mother's abandonment.

Or should I say, in fact, Irene did not abandon her, but did not dare to let her know the fact that her mother was actually a dragon, even if she was as strong as she was, she was just a mother.

In other words, Irene was actually running away.

"I will."

Yang Lei nodded and stepped in front of Irene, showing no signs of being on guard, not afraid that Irene would suddenly explode.

In fact, he really doesn't have to worry about being attacked by Irene, because he has this confidence.

And this can also be said to be a temptation for him.

He would rather risk himself than put Erza in danger, not to mention Erza is pregnant.

Yang Lei told himself in his heart that he only gave Irene a chance, and if she was honest, he would help her solve the problems that had plagued her for four hundred years.

But if she dares to take action, don't worry, he will solve her with thunder.

I believe that for Erza, her husband will definitely be more important than a mother who is only known today.

Fortunately, Erin didn't do anything stupid.

"Let me check your body first."

Yang Lei stood in front of Irene, not in a hurry to start, but opened Tongshubai with a thought. Reincarnation and reincarnation, we must take a closer look at Irene's body.

It's not that he is taking advantage. The protagonist of this book is called Yang Lei, not that bastard Fang Haoran, SO, he is really checking for Irene.

Because he always had to know Irene's physical condition to make antibodies for her.

Irene didn't make any resistance, just stood there and let Yang Lei look at herself. Gradually, she suddenly blushed.

She already knew about Fang Haoran and Elsa's marriage, and she was also informed by Elsa that she was pregnant, and her dress was not considered conservative. Over the years, she suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, Yang Lei quickly finished her inspection.

"I see."

Yang Lei nodded and muttered to himself, "I'll solve this problem for you now."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and took out a bookmark from his personal space, and then his hand shook and turned into a sharp sword.


Before Irene and Erusa asked Yang Lei what to do with the sword, they saw that he had already slashed on Irene's body.

Fortunately, the place he cut was only Irene's arm, and only a small piece of skin was broken, so that Irene would not be misunderstood.


Irene couldn't help but snorted, this was subconsciously, thinking she was injured.

But the next moment, she frowned, glanced at her arm with some doubts, and found that the skin that was cut just now was intact, and the pain she thought did not appear.

"It's one of my abilities."

Yang Lei changed the long knife in his hand into a bookmark and put it away, and explained to Erin and Erza: "As long as I get cut by this knife, I can intervene in the past of the thing or person that was cut. That is, Say, I made an antibody for you four hundred years ago."


Irene exclaimed, this is the first time she has heard that such a powerful ability can change the cause and effect of the past?Is it too BUG?

Nonsense, if it weren't for such a bug, Yang Lei wouldn't copy it on purpose.


Yang Lei ignored Irene's exclamation, but continued to solve her physical problems, saying: "As long as I extract all your dragon power, you can restore your human body, and it will no longer appear in the future. Dragon power, but magic power."


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