After all, Yang Lei had rampaged in the body of the demon dragon. Even if he could keep his body from being contaminated with the flesh and blood of the demon dragon, he would inevitably carry a little breath, which was inevitable.


Looking at Yang Lei again, after helping Natsu to strip out all the demonic power belonging to END, he moved the Amaterasu flame in his hand, and added a little bit of the attribute of the demon-killing method, and instantly destroyed the book in his hand. Lost.

In this regard, with the help of Yang Lei, Natsu is no longer associated with the devil.

"Don't rush to fight."

Yang Lei looked at Jeff in front of him and said, "Let's fight again after I have dealt with some of the people and things that should be explained."

Yang Lei knew that he was leaving soon, so he had to deal with all the people and things that should be dealt with.

"no problem."

Jeff was very talkative and took a few steps back to show his sincerity.

His greatest wishes are only two, one is to kill the dragon, and the other is to find someone to kill him.

Now that Yang Lei has helped him kill the magic dragon, maybe he can help him solve his second wish after a while. He is naturally willing to wait for a while.

Yang Lei nodded with satisfaction, turned around, and saw that all those who fell to the ground, whether it was the magician of the Fiore Kingdom or the people of the Arubares Empire, had not died, and he felt a lot more relieved.

"I order those present."

Yang Lei spoke slowly, using the ability he got from Serra, and said, "Everyone is back to their best."


A cloud of magic power suddenly appeared out of thin air, wrapping the people of the two countries who fell to the ground, and even Jeff, who was not far away, was also wrapped by a cloud of magic power.

In a blink of an eye, the people who were still covered in injuries just now are all back to normal. Not only has the magic power in their bodies been replenished, but their injuries have also healed, and even their clothes are in good condition.

"I order."

Yang Lei continued to read: "The city that was destroyed is restored to its original state."


Under the shocked gazes of those who have not yet understood what happened, the broken city that has been destroyed is being restored at a speed visible to the naked eye. Back to normal.

After completing these two points, Yang Lei finally stopped talking, raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and activated the power of space to summon everyone in different positions, only Irene and Ersha and their daughter were still in the previous one. isle.

After everyone from the two countries came here, a confrontation was naturally formed. One was naturally the Twelve Shields camp headed by Jeff, and the other was the Fiore camp headed by Yang Lei.

"Don't do it, or I'll kill you."

Yang Lei warned everyone that the threat in his eyes is not fake. Since he can help everyone recover, he can naturally make them disappear.

Yang Lei wanted to deal with more than just these two things. He suddenly raised his hand and took out four pieces of flesh and blood from his personal space.

"Ninja, the art of reincarnation in dirty soil."

He muttered a word in his mouth, but there was no need for a seal on his hand at all. He saw that the four pieces of flesh and blood in Yang Lei's hand were slowly squirming and moving, and finally the whole exploded, and four people gathered in the blood mist.

These four people are lined up in order, from left to right are Urrutia's mother Ulu, Gray's father Gin, Yukino's sister Sono, and Wally's brother Richard.

"how come?"

Everyone in the Fairy Tail exclaimed in surprise, even the Twelve Shields on the opposite side were also shocked.

"Magic to resurrect the dead?"

At this time, Mebis' soul was also here, looking at Yang Lei with worried eyes, but he just opened his mouth and didn't make a sound.

"Resurrection, the art of reincarnation."

Regardless of others, Yang Lei continued to move his hands. With a snap of his fingers, he released a large amount of life force from himself. He saw four green life force wrapping the four people in the state of reincarnation, and finally brought them back to life. .

When he killed Kong Nai, Yang Lei had deliberately left behind. He had already said that he was very pitiful for Xu Nai.

The same is true for Wally's brother. Wally is also Erza's friend, so he will naturally stay behind.

As for Ulu and Silver.

In fact, as early as the original Karna Island, Yang Lei used Yuedao's ability to involve Daliola's past, and then grabbed a calf of Ulu that it destroyed.

The same is true for silver, he found the opportunity to get flesh and blood.

It can be seen from this that Yang Lei was already preparing for his departure a few years ago.

Ulu is a tragedy, as are the other three, and Yang Lei wants to change these tragedies in the original book before he leaves.

not only.

"And the dragons."

After Yang Lei helped the four Ulu resurrect, regardless of their reunion with their respective families, he turned to look at the dragon slayer wizards in Fairy Tail.

"Natsu, let me help you find your dragon parents and dragon mothers."

While speaking, before waiting for the Dragon Slayer Magicians to react, Yang Lei raised his hand and pulled out the giant dragons hidden in their bodies with ease.

At this time, the giant dragons are no longer in the state, and Yang Lei can clearly see that they are long dead and will soon be scattered.

"I'll help you."

Yang Lei said, once again squandering his own vitality, that is, the yang attribute chakra nature, the group wrapped the giant dragons, used medical ninjutsu and death god's return, and quickly recovered the dragon's condition, and finally it was even more casual. came out and said, "I command you to be perfectly resurrected."

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