Sato Kazuma's expression at this time is not at all disdainful and disgusting, that is to say (bgdd), in fact, he has long regarded Darkness as a partner, but he thinks Darkness is best to be a husband and a child, that way It is very safe and will not encounter the slightest danger again.

But if you follow them, don't forget that their mission is to defeat the Demon King.

Don't look at Kazuma Sato, in fact, he has not forgotten this goal from the beginning.

And Yang Lei also said that he also had to defeat the Demon King, and even their team had to defeat the Demon King before anyone else.

In other words, sooner or later, they will face the Demon King, or even hit the Demon King City.

Thinking of it this way, it would be better to let Darkness take advantage of this opportunity to marry?

"Don't say that."

Yang Lei patted Sato Kazuma on the shoulder with some relief. This time, he won't be embarrassed for Sato Kazuma any more.

"Have faith in yourself."

Yang Lei said: "Don't forget the meaning of the swordsmanship I taught you before. If you dare to forget just three words, as a master, I will repair you severely."


Kazuma Sato was taken aback and looked at Yang Lei in shock. He just said three words that were not clear and that made people feel a little warm-hearted, that's all, he has become his master?It's too simple, right?

"If it was Master, you would teach me some serious skills."

Sato Kazuma forgot his entanglement about Darkness and began to argue with Yang Lei.

Yang Lei rolled his eyes angrily, Mao's unique skills, which of his skills should not cost a lot of skill points?

Yes, Sato Kazuma has a lot of skill points, after all, does he have skill point potions?

But what if Sato Kazuma learned it?Can he use it?

Just like the water-making technique, the water-making technique of Aqua, the goddess of water, is at the flood level, but what about him?He Sato and Zhen's water-making skills are the size of a glass of water, so the gap is too big, right?

"I think you'd better not embarrass me."

Yang Lei curled his lips with a look of disgust, and said, "I regret it, I will expel you from the teacher's door."


Kazuma Sato was even more dissatisfied: "I haven't joined the division, okay, so I'll be expelled? It's too miserable and one-sided, right?"

After arguing and laughing along the way, the two returned to the outside of the men's locker room.

"Where have you been?"

At this time, the girls had already changed their clothes, and I saw that Aqua and Megumin had changed into maid costumes that fit their bodies. Even Xiaomi didn’t know where to find a child maid costume to change. It's amazing.

"Huh? Where's Darkness?"

Yang Lei asked a question instead of answering, because he didn't want to say that he had communicated with Ignis, mainly because he didn't want to make another splash on this matter, and he didn't want others to think that he was noble or something, the past. Just let it go.

"She went to change clothes."

Huihui came over and looked up and down Yang Lei's clothes, looking like a good wife and good mother to her husband to clean up the wrinkled areas.

Having said that, she has never been a character with this attribute, right?what is it today?Is it because you're playing a role-playing game in a maid costume?

of course not.

"Hey, Yang Lei."

I heard Huihui suddenly whispering beside Yang Lei: "What's the matter? Darkness suddenly became a little afraid to look at me, even if it happened to meet my eyes, she would quickly turn away, as if she was very sorry for me. Do you know what's going on?"


Yang Lei was startled, he said no?

"I don't know anything."

Yang Lei could only pretend he didn't know anything awkwardly, but he did know something, which was really embarrassing.


Megumin raised her head and stared at Yang Lei's eyes with suspicion, and even a blind man could see the suspicious look on her face.

It seems a bit exaggerated, but at least even the mentally retarded goddess Aqua can see it, which shows how obvious Megumin's performance is.


Fortunately, Yang Lei was much taller than Hui Hui, so Hui Hui couldn't see her slightly flustered eyes when she raised her head and laughed dryly.

In other words, Yang Lei is really good now, and he is really afraid of what to do.

"Don't despair yet."

Yang Lei cheered himself up in his heart: "Maybe Megumin misunderstood, Darkness is a T-change, and the person who wants to date must also be a T-change, it's impossible for me to fall in love with me, just a word. It's too exaggerated to be moved, isn't it?"

"No, what are you, I'm changing to T now... Am I not a lolicon?"

"My God, does she really like me? Can't she? No? Author, save me, save me...".

0751 Darkness's Three Plans

While Yang Lei's side was still tangled in secret, soon, Darkness's side had already changed into the luxurious clothes that he was going to wear at the next blind date ceremony, and walked over from the other direction.

As a master, Darkness will definitely not change clothes in the servant's dressing room, not because of her own worth or status, but because she has her own room, and the clothes to change are also in her own room. Well, there's no need to make a toss here, why don't you just change it in your own room?

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