Relatively speaking, Yang Lei was more relaxed, but he was helped by his girlfriend, Megumin, who cheated on his teammates, to grab the title of changing T Lolicon and come back.

So Sato and Zhenyi fought hard, saying that since everyone is a partner, isn't it the same to sacrifice him or sacrifice Yang Lei for the sake of the partner?

And he is so pitiful now, don't let him continue to be despised.

"So, Master, it's up to you to take the blame for this child."

In the end, at the request of Sato Kazuma who was about to cry, everyone unanimously decided that if it was really time to come up with a third set of plans, it would be said that Darkness and Yang Lei had an affair, and they even had children.

Yang Lei had strongly opposed it, but in the end, even Huihui spoke up for Darkness, and his opinion was only rejected by unanimous votes.

Well, Huihui is too simple, and she knows that Yang Lei and Darkness are really okay, so she happily lends her boyfriend to Darkness to help her solve the current predicament. .

It's just that Megumin must have never watched those shitty romance dramas, otherwise, she would never be so optimistic now.

Like something like 'I got my best friend's boyfriend', and 'What happened to my friend's boyfriend and I', there are plots that are about to emerge.

By the way, is this really a bloody romance?Instead of some Rifan novels?Commonly known as Xiaohuang (Huang) Wen or something? .

0752 Sudden change of mind


The front door opened wide, and a group of three people walked in from the outside with the sound of a fascinated BGM.

The person who started walking in the middle was Balta, who was Darkness's blind date, and the two people behind him were his attendants, don't bother.


At this time, Yang Lei and the others were standing in the lobby with Ignis and Darkness, as well as their other servants, to receive Balta's arrival.

"Oh, Balta, you are welcome."

As the head of the family, Ignis did not have the slightest condescending attitude at this time, but took the initiative to greet him as an elder.

"See Mr. Ignis."

Balta hurriedly stepped up and came to Ignis, and bowed slightly and gave a simple salute.

No wonder Ignis values ​​this person so much, Balta's etiquette and behavior can be regarded as a model of nobility.

"Two six seven" On the other hand, Miss Lalatina on the side had no intention of taking the initiative to meet her at this time, and she still put on the attitude of an aloof host on her face, looking at the person not far away. Balta opened his mouth and said, "I'm Dustinis Ford Lalatina, so I won't go into details about their net worth. After all, the upstart lord..."


Not to mention anyone else, even the dull-witted Aqua couldn't help but touched Darkness's waist with her elbow.

Eldest sister, even if we agreed to humiliate others, don't do it as soon as we come up, okay? How about the etiquette of nobles?Aren't you afraid of causing disputes?

Darkness then stopped, barely restraining herself.

Looking at that side again, Ignis was already sweating on his forehead.

Before, he thought maybe he could try it, but now, he has regretted it.

Darkness's attitude is too resistant, right?To be honest, he couldn't even imagine what would happen next.


Not obviously wiping the cold sweat off his forehead, Ignis forced a smile and said to Balta, "It is estimated that you will be a little restrained if I am here. That's good, you can talk, and I will go outside for a walk."

As he spoke, Ignis walked away, as if Darkness would do something that would prevent him from coming down the stage if he took a step too late.

The fact is also true, if Aqua hadn't stopped Darkness just now, I'm afraid that some unpleasant words would have come out of her mouth.

You think, even the vocabulary of the upstart lord has come out, how will it be better next?

So Ignis was afraid, and he thought that the young people's affairs should be left to the young people to solve, and it was only once, and he would never dare to discuss such things in the future.

In this way, Ignis was defeated at the beginning, and was completely defeated by his daughter.

. . . . . .

Ignis left, and those servants were also taken away by him. Soon only Yang Lei and his party of six and Balta were left at the scene.

"Xiaomi, come here with me."

In order to prevent Xiaomi from making trouble, Megumin held Dounosuke in her left hand and dared not let Xiaomi touch her, and walked aside with her right hand to play.

Look at Yang Lei and the others.

As the master, Darkness greeted Balta and sat down on the two sofas in the living room, without saying anything about getting a glass of water, she just stared at Balta with a rather imposing manner, as if they were It's not a blind date, it's just like the enemies are jealous when they meet each other.

"That, Miss Lalatina?"

Balta smiled bitterly and ducked back, thinking that he had a grudge against her?No matter how he thought about it, he couldn't help but smile again, and he was the first to break the embarrassment and said, "I'm sorry, Miss Lalatina, I actually came here to decline this blind date."


Except for Yang Lei, Darkness and Huihui couldn't help exclaiming.

"What do you mean?"

Darkness asked in disbelief: "You mean, you mean, you don't want to marry me either? And are you against this blind date?"

"Sure enough."

Balta breathed a sigh of relief, nodded with a smile, and confirmed: "Indeed, I think the same as Miss Lalatina, and I don't want to confirm my lover in this way, so I'm sorry."

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