The next day, Yang Lei and the others went back early, not even embarrassed to stay for breakfast.

No way, who told Darkness to toss so much this night that she couldn't go back at all in the middle of the night, so she slept in Yang Lei's room.

When they woke up the next day, everyone woke up. When the housemaids and deacon saw their eldest lady come out of Yang Lei's room disheveled, they were all taken aback.

Immediately after Ignis learned the news, he angrily ran over and grabbed Yang Lei's clothes and sprayed him with a 'dog' blood on his head.

I don't blame Ignis for being so angry. It's because Yang Lei was too high before, and he accused him of not really loving his only daughter, and accused him of being a selfish father.

As a result, you bastard stole his baby without knowing it. What a bastard.

Yang Lei looked like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, so he stood and let Ignis roar, and he didn't argue that his daughter Darkness came to the door himself. After all, he took advantage of it. Since he didn't refuse before, then Take it like a man now.

After Ignis roared happily, he asked Yang Lei and 170 Darkness, who had changed back to his knight armor, when they would have their wedding.

This time, Yang Lei was also a little calm.

It's not because of anything else, don't forget that Yang Lei's girlfriend has another Megumin.

Megumin is only thirteen years old now, she is not yet the legal age for marriage, and she cannot be left alone. After all, she is already sorry. If he drags Darkness to a wedding or something, then he will Too scumbag.

Fortunately, Darkness had already thought about it and reached an agreement with Huihui. She quickly found an excuse to deal with it, and then dragged Yang Lei and fled with everyone.

In other words, if you escaped from your own home or something, the picture should not be too embarrassing.

It was Darkness who only realized now that it was indeed rude to do so, and she could be directly called a slut, a woman, a kinky, and a baby.

But there was no way, Darkness's mood was too complicated at that time.

Just when she found out that she liked Yang Lei, she was discovered by Hui Hui, her original partner. In desperation, she even thought of giving up the adventurer life she had always longed for. As a result, things took a turn for the better, and she was accepted by Hui (bgdb) Hui. .

In other words, with such an ups and downs plot, let alone her, Yang Lei said in his heart that even if it were him, he wouldn't be able to calm down.

So Darkness didn't care that he was still at home, and ran to Yang Lei's room that night to make things a given.

It can only be said that the time is still too tight, and Darkness is not given time to slowly sort out and think about it.

Of course, Darkness would not regret it.

You think, after she knew her intentions, the first thing she thought of was to quit the team and give up her adventurer career, instead of forgetting Yang Lei. When her feelings for him do not exist, it can be seen that she is the kind of person who dares to love and hate. Girls, to fall in love is to fall in love.

It's just that she may not be able to go home recently.

Although Ignis loves her, they are also a family of great nobles, how can they allow their daughter to do such a thing that ruins the family's reputation.

This means that Darkness is an only child, otherwise Ignis might drive her out of the house.

At least Darkness thought so.

And only Yang Lei knew that when they left, Ignis had been standing at the window on the second floor and looking out, watching his daughter running happily with her friends when she left, and the happy smile on her face, he suddenly I feel that my former self was really wrong.

It's just that Ignis will never admit Yang Lei, and he dares to steal it under his nose. This plot is really bad.

Also, who was standing on the commanding heights of morality and criticized him fiercely before?He will remember forever....

. . . . . .

That morning, Yang Lei and the others returned to their own small home after 'escape' from Darkness's big castle.

"What exactly is going on?"

In the living room on the first floor, I saw Sato Kazuma and Aqua sitting together with Xiaomi, while Yang Lei, Huihui, and the Darkness family were sitting directly opposite.

At this time, the situation was like a tribunal. Yang Lei looked at the inexplicably excited Aqua and Xiaomi, who was equally excited, with eyes filled with tears and laughter. He thought that you were watching a family emotional drama?


With a dry cough, how could Yang Lei explain the situation of his own family to others?

"What's the matter?"

At the moment, I saw him drooping his eyelids, deliberately looking at him with dead fish eyes, and asked Kazuma Sato: "Are you interrogating me? It seems that as a master, it's time for me to teach you. A practical class."


Kazuma Sato was startled, he didn't dare to escape anymore, he quickly lowered his posture, and said with a dry smile, "Oh, the weather is really nice today."

Although it was embarrassing, Kazuma Sato changed the subject anyway.

As for Aqua's words, although she was still struggling to know what happened to Yang Lei and the three of them, she had no choice but to die soon.

It seems that this girl is also very smart sometimes, and even unknowingly used Sato Kazuma, who has always claimed to be extremely smart, as a spearman.

"Okay, don't make trouble."

He knocked on the kotatsu in the middle, Yang Lei put away his joking expression, and didn't want to continue to be entangled and entangled by them in his own family affairs, he heard him say: "We haven't had a lot of rest recently, right? Is it time to engage in tasks and activities again?"

Listening to Yang Lei's words, although Sato Kazuma had a face of resistance, he thought that since the other party was in Kiel's dungeon, because he wanted to ask him to teach him kendo, he had always regarded himself as a master, and felt that if he dared to refuse, Surely there will be a beating revenge.

After all, Yang Lei had threatened him just now, so he had to keep his mouth shut, neither rejecting nor agreeing. This was a silent protest.

Yang Lei shook his head amusingly and ignored him. Anyway, the current situation is that there are many of them, and if the minority obeys the majority, even Captain Sato Kazuma has to listen to him.

That being said, it seems to be the case now.

You see, there are five people in their team. Now Yang Lei, Huihui and Darkness are in a relationship, a threesome.

In this way, I am afraid that in the future, as long as Yang Lei's opinions are put forward, they can get three votes in favor, this. . .

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