No way, he has no right to speak now, in order to achieve his goals and wishes, he can only try to please Yang Lei as much as possible.

Soon, Kazuma Sato called over the three beauties of his companions.

In fact, Megumin and Darkness were not far away. They were with Yang Lei just now, and Sato Kazuma was looking for Aqua.

This guy is so slippery, he even walks around in the hall, as if everyone is her friend, whether male or female, everyone can have a drink, let Sato Kazuma find him.

And when Kazuma Sato reiterated his intention to go to Acanretia in front of everyone, without Yang Lei's trouble, everyone agreed.

Well, it is said that soaking in hot springs can improve one's face or something, but the three girls are looking forward to it. It is definitely not because of mixed baths that they yearn for it. They are not crazy or something, so don't get me wrong.

In this way, after working hard for a period of time, the team's next direction has been confirmed, and they will go to Acanretia, the capital of water and hot springs, to cultivate and entertain.

"..." I've said it again."

Looking at the cheering companions, Yang Lei suddenly muttered: "Except for Aqua, it seems that no one else knows that Akanretia is the base camp of the Axis Order."

"No, Megumin should know, I remember that she had a bad relationship with the Axis Religion, and she wouldn't even be able to come to Axis without the car and horse fees sponsored by the Axis Religion. town."

"The Axis Cult, it seems a little awkward."

"Otherwise, I'll just join the Eris Sect along with Darkness."

"No way, will Aqua cry?"

"It's disgusting, is it true that the believers of the Axis sect are all mentally retarded because of Aqua?"

Suddenly, Yang Lei couldn't help frowning because he remembered that Akanretia was the base camp of the Axis Order, and even wanted to go back on it.

If he's still single now instead of having a (good) relationship with Megumin and Darkness, he'll even figure out a way not to go to Acanretia.

But now there is no way, he has to go with him, otherwise God knows what Darkness will do with this big change.

Speaking of which, because of Darkness's performance in the crusade against the army of lizard runners, Yang Lei trained her a lot during this time.

Of course, these are just the kind of games between lovers, and they certainly won't go too far. After all, what he wants is a wife who can marry back home, not a slave or something.

But Yang Lei finally found out that this girl was really hopeless, even if she had just been satisfied with him the night before, and even fainted in the end, she was still able to chase after him full of energy the next day. stimulus.

My goodness, Yang Lei is convinced, and feels that this girl is about to beat him unexpectedly in this aspect.

This is so rare.

So even if Yang Lei regrets it now, he can only bite the bullet and follow. .

0761 Barnier's visit

Before the arrival of the next morning, there was a small episode that night, that is, the revived Barnier came to visit.

Everyone should have not forgotten that Sato Kazuma has established a trading relationship with Barnier, and Sato Kazuma is responsible for publishing (plagiarizing) Ming (piracy) those objects in Japan, and then mass-producing and selling them by Barnier.

Because Yang Lei has been training Sato Kazuma hard recently, he has completed five tasks in succession, and has never had time to go home.

No, today Barnier blocked the door overnight and asked Kazuma Sato to discuss more details and to get samples of the new batch of goods.

In fact, the so-called details are just that Barnier wants to permanently buy the property rights of some things of Sato Kazuma.

It can only be said that the devil really deserves to be a devil. Once he really buys the freehold property rights of these things, no matter where he sells the business in the future, even if he sells it to hell, it has nothing to do with Kazuma Sato.

But not now, according to Barnier, being a demon is the most important thing about contracts.

Therefore, no matter how much money the two of them make together, he will leave a lot for Kazuma Sato.

For example, this evening, Sato Kazuma actually got a full dividend of millions, which is more than what they earned after working so hard for a month.

The key is not to be dangerous.

Sato Kazuma even almost fell and fell, and felt that it was more comfortable to be a businessman.

Of course, this is just talk, Yang Lei has already drawn his sword, please be careful when you speak and pay attention to your words.

"Cough cough."

Sato Kazuma coughed dryly, and took back the joke about quitting the adventurer team and becoming a businessman.

By the way, that sentence is not a joke, is it?Only now it has to be a joke.

After some exchanges, Kazuma Sato still rejected the question of Barnier's purchase of the freehold property, not because he has a long-term vision, but because he doesn't seem to be short of money now.

After a month of hard work, the bounty he got from fighting Barnier has not had time to spend, and now he has received a large amount of dividends, how could he be short of money.

Then, Kazuma Sato gave Barnier some things, such as tickles and the like, as well as some small toys and the like.

During this month, while Kazuma Sato was working hard, he also made some small things that he had used according to his memory during his breaks, otherwise Barnier might have gone to waste this time.

"Okay okay."

Barnier hurriedly packed the items, and then went back to prepare for mass production.

Speaking of which, it was rare for Aqua to not have trouble with Banir. After all, Banir is a demon among demons, and he is a high-ranking demon at the Duke of Hell level. Logically speaking, aren't they mortal enemies?

It can only be said that Aqua is yearning for the trip to the hot springs, and it is the base of her believers. At this time, Aqua is already absent-minded, and may not even notice the arrival of Banier.

It was precisely because Aqua didn't make a fuss that the exchange between Banier and Kazuma Sato ended quickly.

"Say it."

Before leaving, Barnier did not forget to ask Kazuma Sato, "Are you going to travel far soon? Don't forget to make more of these popular little things during your breaks."

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