In fact, Barnier doesn't know who Wiz is looking for. We just opened the perspective of God, and we know that Wiz must be looking for Piao Saburo.

As for the more detailed things, we have said it before, so I won't go into details here.

"Is such that."

Barnier adjusted his bow tie, calmed down his resentment a little, and then said his purpose: "I heard last night that you are going on a trip to Acanretia? If you don't mind, please bring Vivian Let's go together, I heard that you are friends, aren't you? Have you taken care of her a lot?"

Demons really deserve to be demons, obviously just ask for a little help, and I have to say that it is like a transaction between you and me.

However, this sentence also worked. Aqua, who had originally wanted to refuse, opened her mouth and closed it again.

Yang Lei didn't have to guess to know that Aqua would definitely dislike Wiz. Even if she couldn't resist in her heart, she still had to make a statement on the surface. After all, she was a goddess and Wiz was an undead. But the opposite camp.

But now, this guy, Barnier, went straight ahead and blocked the conversation, so she couldn't say anything else, or she would definitely be called ungrateful by this damn demon.

"Then leave it to us."

Sato Kazuma also hurriedly took Wiz and put it on the sofa not far away, and then sent Barnier away.

Aqua was about to stop wanting to hit someone, and she was woken up early in the morning, and then she had to listen to a demon she hated the most, chattering like a little daughter-in-law who was bullied by her sister-in-law. died.

"Take a little more rest."

Everyone didn't wake up yet, and when they looked outside again, they found that the genius was bright, and they hurriedly took advantage of this time to go back to the room and squint for a while.

After all, Axel Town is still far from Acanretia. Even if you hire a carriage, it will take more than a day. You even have to sleep on the road that night, so it’s better to set off with full energy. Otherwise, you will miss the scenery along the way.

This one went back to sleep and slept for about two hours, and it was only after seven o'clock in the morning that everyone was finally fully awake.

Because Yang Lei didn't care whether to sleep or not, he didn't follow Huihui and Darkness back to the house just now, but took advantage of this time to be very busy in the kitchen.

After all, we have to hurry up, so it’s better to eat a little bit better, otherwise you can’t find something to eat when you’re hungry halfway through, right?

Living outside the city is inconvenient. It's not like just messing around in the city. Whenever you are hungry, you can find a restaurant to eat something.

When everyone went to the bathroom to wash up, Yang Lei came out of the restaurant full of various delicacies and walked to the sleeping Wiz...  

"Drain. Touch."

He heard Yang Lei chanting a spell, and then put a finger on Wiz's wrist. Then, he saw a huge magic power that could be discerned by the naked eye was transmitted from his body to Wiz's body.

It stands to reason that Drain.Touch is an evil magic that can absorb the magic and vitality of others, but because Yang Lei himself is a god of death, there must be a breath of god in his life.

In order not to hurt Wiz, who is a lich, Yang Lei just transmitted the purest magic power, which was pure and flawless, without any attributes, while the vitality was filtered out by him.

As Wiz was supplemented by a huge amount of magical power, finally, she didn't look as embarrassed as before.

I don't know what's going on. It may be a problem with the settings. Once the undead in this world are purified, even the clothes will disappear together.

Just like Beldia, his armor was not left, but was purified along with it.

As a result, after Wiz's state gradually recovered, even her clothes were restored, as if she had never been scorched.

"This is where?"

When Wiz woke up, she couldn't help but be stunned. She was scorched by the furious Barnier last night with a murderous ray. In the end, she woke up in the morning and came to an unfamiliar environment. She wondered if she was already dead?

Yang Lei shook his head 5.9 amused at Wiz's natural stupidity, and then briefly explained what happened to her, including Barnier's grievances, the bitterness in his stomach, and the matter of getting her out of their hands. .

Wiz vomited a little embarrassedly, tapped his head with a fist with his head, and the small movements he made inadvertently were unexpectedly cute.

Fortunately, Yang Lei is determined. If Sato Kazuma was here, he would be so blushed that he would be speechless?

"All right."

After explaining the current situation to Wiz, Yang Lei saw that everyone else had finished washing up, and immediately invited Wiz: "Come and have some breakfast together, and then get ready to go."

(PS: Let me state in advance that Wiz will definitely not accept it, and others will not accept it. If we write more heroines, we will not be able to control it, and the character of the protagonist will completely collapse...).

0763 finally set off

Next, after the small team expanded to six people had a hearty breakfast together, they were ready to go.

Said to be prepared, in fact, everyone did not bring anything, only enough money was enough.

After all, they are all rich people.

By the way, when it comes to money, it looks like Aqua has lost all of her money again. This speed is truly unmatched.

Yang Lei said in her heart that even if she gave her her Dragon Ball, she would not be satisfied.

There's no way, Aqua has always been worried about the Axis Cult, maybe she donated money secretly later?

Yang Lei said that it doesn't matter, she can do whatever she wants, anyway, the money is her own, how to spend it is her freedom, and others can't interfere.

. . . . . .

After leaving home, a group of six people came to a specially run carriage shop, which is equivalent to a long-distance bus station in the modern world.

Because a carriage can only seat six people at most, Yang Lei and the others said that they should not buy tickets, and just pack the next car, so that everyone would have to be separated and so on.

Anyone who has taken a long-distance bus should know that 16, in addition to pulling passengers, the coach will also pull some mail and goods by the way.

The same is true of the carriage shop here. If you really buy a ticket, you might not be able to sit together. It's boring.

Going out to play, chatting with friends during the trip is also an essential program.

And when they spend money to book one of the carriages, it doesn't mean they can go now, but they have to wait a while longer.

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