This is a race where all adults and adults are great magicians. Even though there are only three hundred people in the entire Red Devils hometown at most, the fighting power they can bring out is not even the Demon King can ignore.

The only thing Yang Lei has to worry about is that in the original book, there was a prop that specializes in defeating magicians and can even make magic invalid. It is called a magician killer or something.

If this thing really appears, I am afraid there will be an accident in the hometown of the Red Devils.

After all, he has recognized Megumin and is indeed dating. If he can help, he will not be stingy.

It's just that Megumin's appearance doesn't seem to be the same, but Yunyun has also moved to Axel Town, and plans to visit soon.

"So that's what happened."

Yang Lei breathed a sigh of relief, and said that since Megumin's friend was coming, he should prepare a little.

It's just that Yang Lei, who had already walked to the kitchen, didn't know that what he was worried about was still happening. .

0769 Bad news from the home of the Red Devils

In the blink of an eye, Yang Lei and the others had already returned from Akanretia for more than a week.

During this period, they did not engage in adventurer activities, but had been carrying out so-called repairs, which was a rest.

After all, Sato Kazuma had promised to take a break for a while, but the trip to Acanretia was even more tiring, and he defeated another demon king army officer.

It seems to be getting more and more tired.

In the past few days, Yoyo has also visited several times.

According to Yoyo's explanation, she may have been very uncomfortable in the hometown of the Red Devils. After all, she is the only person with more common sense, unlike everyone else who is suffering from secondary school diseases, which makes her a freak in the eyes of others. , and then summoned up the courage to move to Axel Town alone.

It's also because Megumin is also in this city, so she doesn't feel alone.

After all, the Crimson Demons are still relatively withdrawn, perhaps because of their names, or because of the relationship between Taizhong and the second disease, they do not like to contact the outside world very much.

I believe that if Megumin hadn't been in Axel Town, Yoyo wouldn't have come this far.

. . . . . .

One morning a few days later, Yoyo came again.

Now she has become a frequent visitor to Yang Lei's house. Originally, Yang Lei said that she could move in with her, but she was embarrassed. Maybe she was a bit arrogant?

Obviously, Megumin and Megumin are the best friends, but both of them refused to admit it. They are really arrogant and cute.

"Not good, not good."

The only difference from usual is that as soon as Yunyou entered the room, she started yelling.

"Meihui, it's too bad, something big has happened."

He quickly ran to the side, with Yang Lei's Huihui lying on the lap pillow, and heard Yoyo shouting: "Huihui, our father sent a letter saying that the Demon King sent an army to surround the home of the Red Devils, what should I do? do?"

"Is it still here?"

Hearing Yoyo's exclamation, Yang Lei closed the book he was looking at and sat up with some strength.

Megumin also recovered from the wandering, turned her head to look at Yunyou, and asked, "What are you talking about"? "

No wonder Megumin is so nervous. As I said before, the strength of the hometown of the Red Devils should not be underestimated. Although there are only more than [-] people, these [-] people are all great magicians. Come, enough to be worth a huge army.

"I did not lie to you."

Yunyou explained quickly, and took out a letter from her pocket and handed it over.

"Oh? What happened?"

On the side, Darkness and Aqua, who were playing a board game, put down the chess pieces in their hands, and gathered around together with Kazuma Sato, who was lying on the sofa and couldn't get up.

"I'll take a look."

Megumin unfolded the letter and read it, and thoughtfully read out the contents: "When you receive this letter, I must be gone."

"The Demon King's army, which is afraid of our power, is finally going to formally attack this place."



In a word, the situation recorded in this letter probably means that a unit of the Demon King’s army suddenly went to the hometown of the Red Devils to be stationed and built a huge military base.

It looks like they are planning to attack the hometown of the Red Devils. After all, according to the information found in the hometown of the Red Devils, it can be known that there is also a unit equipped with high magic resistance equipment in the Devil King's army, and also has a high resistance to magic. A cadre of sex is Sylvia.

In this way, what the Demon King's Army wants to do is simply known to everyone in Sima Zhao's mind.

And because this letter was written by the Crimson Demon clan's patriarch, Yoyo's father, and it was filled with a tone of account for the funeral, one had to believe the terrible situation and the authenticity of the letter.

"What, what should I do? Megumin?"

Yunyou was already in chaos, and she ran over as soon as she received the letter, wanting to ask Megumin to discuss countermeasures.

After all, for now, only the two of them are traveling outside the hometown of the Red Devils. If the hometown of the Red Devils really encounters a major crisis, they will be the only people who can discuss countermeasures.

"What else can I do, of course, call back."

Without any hesitation, Megumin immediately started drinking angrily. She dared to go to the red devil's hometown to make trouble. She was really bold.

Hui Hui Xin said, "I haven't waited until I go to the Demon King City, but you guys made the move first. This is too out of line to play cards, isn't it?"

Isn't it common in ordinary adventure stories that the demon king will stay in the demon king's castle and wait to be defeated by the brave?How is the plot different?

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