"That's a plant monster named Anle Girl."

Kazuma Sato took out the map he bought before, and there are some introductions to the monsters that will appear in this area.

For example, the type of girl, her name is Anle girl, her ability is not so terrible, but she will make all kinds of pitiful appearances to arouse the sympathy and protection of others and so on.

Just don't underestimate her abilities.

Once you are accidentally tricked out of your conscience by her, you will really be reluctant to leave even one step, because as soon as you make a move to go, she will look at you with more pitiful eyes.

Even if you are hungry or thirsty, the girl of peace will feed you with the fruit of her body.

It's just that the fruit she bears is not a good thing. Not only does it have no nutrition in it, but it can't even satisfy the most basic hunger. It will only emit a nervous system toxin to paralyze your nerves and make you mistakenly think that you are full. .

And if things go on like this, people will starve to death because they don't have enough nutrition and food. At that time, the purpose of the Anle girl has been achieved, and the corpse can be absorbed as nutrition.

Therefore, the creatures of nature are really strange, and there are even monsters that attack the kindness of human nature.

And it is precisely because people will die unknowingly that she has the reputation of an euthanasia girl. For example, if some old people want to go more easily, they will take the initiative to find them. In fact, it is similar to euthanasia in the hospital. almost.

After listening to Kazuma Sato's introduction to the Anle girls, Megumin and the others couldn't help being taken aback. They felt that this kind of monster was really bad fun, and even used the kindness of others as a breakthrough point in their attacks.

Maybe Aqua is the only one who can't bear it here. I think at least I have to go and see it. What if Sato Kazuma is wrong?

And doesn't it mean that Anle girls are not in danger?Then she'll be fine just to take a look at it, right?

After all, she is a goddess and a kind-hearted high priest. It is impossible to do nothing and leave her alone.

(bgbi) With this thought in mind, Aqua finally took the initiative to lean over.

As for the others at the back, they are always ready to rescue her.

. . . . . .

Five minutes passed, ten minutes passed, even an hour passed.

"Hey, don't you really want to save Aqua?"

Yang Lei and the others were already sitting on the ground and resting at this time, only Yunyou was still looking at that side with a worried expression.

It has been more than an hour since Aqua said that she would go over to see the situation of the Anle girl. Seeing that Aqua and the Anle girl were chatting happily, she didn't know what to say. Anyway, she refused. came back.

Yang Lei and the others have called Aqua for a long time, but she has always turned a deaf ear. Maybe she was completely attacked by the Anle girl with various pitiful offensives?

"Speaking of which, she is really easy to be led by the nose."

Sato Kazuma couldn't help but sigh.

"Let's go and have a look."

Feeling that the rest was almost over, everyone stood up again from the ground.

"Hey, Aqua."

Kazuma Sato took the lead and walked at the front, and a group of people soon came to the Anle girl.

"It's time for us to move on."

Sato Kazuma shook Aqua's shoulder and urged.

"Yeah, Aqua, don't forget that we have to rush to the home of the Red Devils."

Darkness followed suit.

By the way, do you think that you are still in a hurry to go to the hometown of the Red Devils?Then why did you take such a leisurely rest for an hour just now?


Aqua bowed her head and refused without thinking: "I'm not leaving, she is so pitiful, I want to stay here with her."

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Kazuma Sato is really anxious. Before, he had always been skeptical about the ability of the Anle girl. He thought that ordinary people would not be so stupid, right?Even if you don't leave for a day or two, can you really stay home forever?

But now, he suddenly felt bad, thinking that Aqua might have been confused, right?

"It's really outrageous."

Yang Lei also spoke, but he would not be so gentle.


The wind went up and down, the Anle girl stared with wide eyes, looked at Yang Lei in disbelief, then looked down, and found that she had been cut in half.


Everyone nearby was taken aback.

"Don't go too far, right?"

Even Kazuma Sato can't bear to be called a ghost and really.

"rest assured."

Yang Lei explained: "Don't forget that this is a plant monster. I just trimmed the leaves for her and didn't cut off the roots. She is fine, at least her life is fine."

"Okay, let's move on."

"Really, another chapter is wasted on such a trivial matter. It will be said to be deliberately in the water. We have to be considerate of the author's difficulties, don't we?"

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