Just like Huihui's reason, Yang Lei felt that if he was stupid enough to suppress his own power to experience some kind of bullshit stimulation, excitement or passion, then he should not work so hard to cultivate such a powerful strength. not good?

Of course, compared to Huihui, Yang Lei still has a lot of common sense. . . .

0777 Revisiting Huihui's Home

After seeing the performance and strength of the Crimson Demons, Yang Lei and the others said goodbye to the Crimson Clan's Patriarch and Youyou.

After all, they are Huihui's partners, especially Yang Lei is Huihui's fiancé (don't forget Yang Lei has already given a betrothal gift), of course they have to visit Huihui's house.

And because the hometown of the Red Devils is a small village, although there are various tourist attractions of unknown significance, there are basically no tourists or the like, as a result, there are no hotels in the village, and they have to stay at Huihui's house.

"I am back."

It was still in the corner of the village, and it was still outside the shabby-looking little house. Megumin opened the door on her own and shouted inside.

If you haven't forgotten, that's right, this is the Megumi family.

"Say it."

Yang Lei stood at the door and was not in a hurry to enter, because the small room was too small and the entrance was very narrow, so only one person could enter at a time.

Standing at the door, Yang Lei asked Huihui with a bewildered face: "Huihui, I only handed over [-] million Eris when I gave a betrothal gift to my father-in-law and mother-in-law, not to mention that you sent back and forth to your mother's house. The money that came back."

"But why is your home still so dilapidated and sour?"

Don't say that Yang Lei is puzzled, in fact, as an author, I am also very puzzled.

Uncle Piao Saburo, and Sister Weiwei, don't you use that huge sum of money suddenly to make magic props, right?

To be honest, the two of you really don't have that kind of talent. No one would buy them except to trick Wiz.


Megumin sighed helplessly. As a daughter, she naturally knew the character of her parents.

To be honest, Piao Saburo has cheated Wiz more than once, but why can't their family get rich?And they don't even have any savings. The two daughters who stayed at home are really miserable.

It's not because Pyo Saburo will put the hard-earned money back into a new unsellable invention in the blink of an eye.

Speaking of which, Gyozaburō and Wiz are really alike in some respects.

Yang Lei said in his heart that he was afraid of being chased by his mother-in-law, otherwise he really wanted to introduce Piao Saburo to Wiz.

After all, you've been persecuting people for so long, so you should come to your door to thank you, right?

And then give a little compensation or something like that.

Then again, the relationship between Yang Lei and Huihui is no longer a secret, it's not the relationship between the two, but the relationship between the two of them even become unmarried couples, otherwise Darkness wouldn't be so desperate.

Listening to Yang Lei's ridicule at this time, except Darkness was a little uncomfortable when he heard the dowry, the others didn't express much.

"Don't worry~~."

Turning his head, Yang Lei seemed to see through Darkness's unease, leaned over and whispered in her ear, "I'll go to your house to propose marriage when I go back and find a time."

Yang Lei doesn't care about the so-called identity issues, nor the so-called three wives and four concubines.

After all, if you really want to compare your identities, there is really no one in this world worthy of him.

To be honest, it is hard to find someone in the world who can match Yang Lei.

So he is not afraid of any challenge.

As for Darkness's words, although she is still very uneasy, and she is not optimistic about the future of herself and Yang Lei, she doesn't want to think about it now, and she believes in Yang Lei very much, so she just nodded and said nothing.

. . . . . .

"It's my sister and brother-in-law who are back."

Accompanied by a cheer full of surprises, the cute little angel Xiaomi greeted him from the back room.

In addition to being greedy and controlling with his sister, this little guy is really too polite. Even in front of the most important food, he will think about asking others if they eat it. Such a sensible child has long since put Yang Lei and the others. All captured.

How should I put it, this child is really like the angel of Yang Lei's team, or even the little angel of the entire Axel Town.

This is not an exaggeration at all. During the time when Xiaomi went to live in Axel Town, both the adventurers and the business owners gave her a lot of things for free, among which the food was the most, and they were very kind to her. is love.

"My little angel."

Megumin also learned from Yang Lei and Kazuma Sato's name Xiaomi, and hugged her cute sister whom she hadn't seen for a long time, and directly abandoned the Dounosuke in her arms.

Or it could be said that he was escaped by Tsunosuke.

I don't know what's going on, maybe Xiaomi is the nemesis of Dounosuke by nature, and Dounosuke is always afraid of her.

The main reason is that even if Xiaomi has food in hand and is full, his eyes will light up when he sees Dounosuke, and he looks like he wants to taste the taste of Dounosuke.

Not to mention Maunosuke, sometimes even Sato Kazuma will be startled.

After all, Kazuma Sato himself admitted that he is a cute cat, and he has always been fond of Beansuke.

As a result, Xiaomi actually wanted to eat Beansuke, so cruel, forbearance and cruelty. . .

It can only be said that Xiaomi will definitely be a big man in the future.

After all, we have already mentioned the identity of Dounosuke several times, and how could she be simple in the future if she can restrain a generation of evil gods to death.

Because of Xiaomi's relationship, everyone's resentment towards the patriarch finally calmed down a little.

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