The concealed love story

Chapter 11:chapter 10

I am now walking on the ground of the campus... There are dormitory in the school I think that is one of the reasons why many students choose this school. Nevertheless, the dormitory is a little bit far from the classrooms. Tch. We will sleep in here for about 2 months so I think I must prepare myself for the new environment. Besides, the school gave us 1 week to know more about their school rules and regulation as well as the buildings of rooms. Llieon and thea are still at sleep I don't wake up them because I know they are still tired on what they did yesterday.

While walking, I can't stop myself feel amaze in the surroundings, it seems it is not school. They design it like a province. The ground is quite good. The trees are perfectly arranged at the edge of the spacious ground. Haiyst.

"What can you feel when you are always alone? Huh?" a monotone voice suddenly asks. I look at him and it is Julius. Why his voice is changing when he is talking to me? He walks until he reaches me. *dug dug*

"It's quite great. Ahm. Julius, are you one of the representatives in our school?" I ask. I am not contented on what I see. I want answer on the specific person.

"In your buddy? Llieon? You are here yesterday, afternoon." I answer confusedly.

"Aw. O-okay." It seems there's something wrong on his action but he can manage to forget it. Eh? *dug dug* there's something wrong on me.


"yeah. You're right I'm one of the representatives. By the way, can I have your favor?" I look at him out of the blue.

"what is it?" he took a deep breath before uttering a words.

"can you call me, leve? When you think I'm serious, call me leve. But when you notice I'm not, call me Julius." I look at him confusedly. Eh?



We are now going back to the room where the school gave to us. I don't know but every time I look at him, theres something wrong at me. the gazes of some students here also giving me chill with this person. Geez. I guess I must need more rest.

While walking we saw a boy chasing another guy. I think they are playing. I moved to give them a space but to my surprise the guy was heading to my direction! I move once again but the guy still don't change his direction. I was about to close my eyes because I know we will bump each other but a hand suddenly pull me. He wrap me with his arm and his shoulder becomes the shield. He look at me. we are close. Literally. The environment become slow motion, I don't know but I can feel the butterflies on my stomach. No one of us still move. I cant stop looking at him. He is still wearing his pleasant face. *dug dug* I can feel his heart-beat. *dug dug* No! I think its not him. Its mine. *dug dug* but why? *dug dug* this is wrong!

I push him after realizing one thing, but it don't broke the arms that is wrapping me right now. I push him once again but still, it doesn't change. Gosh!

"what is the meaning of this?" a deep voice suddenly shout. Uh-oh. My body got froze after hearing that voice. I cannot move my head, my whole body rather. I can now feel the deep beat of my heart. Ow no.


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