According to their speed, they should have been able to see the Li Huai Clan fighting against each other, but even now, they had not seen them. Ma Ran suddenly suppressed the unease in his heart, and he decided to keep watching forward.

However, just at this moment, a troop of soldiers and horses appeared in front of them. There were about a dozen people, and all of them seemed to be dispirited as they were covered in fresh blood.

"General Ma Ran, not good! Quickly retreat! Quickly retreat!" Three hundred thousand troops have arrived! "

Yeruyan, three hundred thousand! He suddenly understood. This was clearly a trap, yet he was using the Mountain Destroyer Battalion as a bait. What a great scheme! However, although Ma Ran was shocked in his heart, he knew that he couldn't panic at the moment. Thus, he commanded the Flying Feather army to retreat. He himself went up to Li Huai and hurriedly asked him about the details.

"General Li Huai, what happened? Why is there no news at all about the 300,000 strong army? Could it be that they appeared out of thin air? Also, where are your subordinates and the Braveheart Battalion? Could it be …"

In truth, when he asked the question, Ma Ran already had an answer. They had definitely come into direct contact with Yelou's army, but the problem was, that was three hundred thousand, not thirty thousand, how could they appear in front of their soldiers so silently. Even a fool would have to retreat if they saw that three-hundred thousand strong army arrive, why would they come into direct contact with them?

Li Huai sighed, and his eyes even flashed with tears.

The mistake was to be lured to a valley by the enemy troops. In the end, the enemies had already ambushed Yeruyan's army on both sides, so it was obvious that they wanted to kill us all, then seal off the news and kill the reinforcements that you sent while General Ma was unaware of the situation.

When he heard this, Ma Ran's first reaction was that it was impossible! Maybe Yeruyan really had plans to lure the enemies, but that was the Mountain Destroyer Battalion, how could they be willing to use them as bait!

"General Li Huai, how much did those cavalrymen that fought you for the first time suffer?"

The eight thousand people killed the twenty thousand soldiers under my command, especially in the end, when the old man led the way. The thirty thousand people I brought along, after the battle, only had about four thousand people left, but they had all annihilated the old man. That old man was also killed with the help of my soldiers, and then he was ambushed and ambushed while chasing after those handicapped veterans. However … There's something fishy about it. "

That's right, I don't want to hold it in anymore. Even in the beginning of the battle, I found that my thirty thousand officers were not able to beat the eight thousand soldiers in front of us, although this is very embarrassing, but the truth is like this, at the beginning, I thought that you had made other arrangements to delay the enemy's troops because you were the general. It was because of their retreat that we were able to kill quite a number of their men, otherwise, we really might not be able to defeat them in the end.

After listening quietly, he finally understood. It was true that the internal strife of the enemy and the plan to lure them in was also true. However, the original plan was definitely not to destroy the mountain base, but rather to be used by others.

"General Ma, I've let you down. If it wasn't for the eight hundred fearsome soldiers of the Braveheart Battalion risoning a path of blood for me, I, Li Huai, would have definitely died on the spot. Then eight hundred brothers …" "Li Huai was too careless, General Ma …"

"Alright, let's not talk about it anymore. Go back to Yanmen Pass. As long as Yanmen Pass is still there and General Li Huai had thirty thousand warriors, once this matter is reported to Prince Huai, they would be able to persevere until the arrival of the reinforcements."

Ma Ran waved his hand as he didn't want to hear about the situation in the "Braveheart" camp. He was afraid that he wouldn't be able to take it anymore. Old Wood, Sixth Brother … "Ma Ran's eyes gradually became moist.

Behind them, Jericho stood on the battlefield after the massacre, quietly staring at the last soldier standing there. It was this guy who brought 800 soldiers, yet they forcefully tore a hole from the outside and even moved to cover the retreating general. Jericho was very angry, but he had to admit, he was also very impressed, so he gave this soldier some time to steady himself.

Old Mu held onto his saber and used all his strength to stabilize his body. He really wanted to open his eyes, but for some reason, he couldn't. A knife wound streaked across his eyes. He was blind.

But this did not stop him from knowing which direction was his enemy. He "looked" in the direction of Yale, he did not know how many people were left in the "Brave" battalion, he did not know if Li Huai had broken out of the siege, he only knew that there was an imposing aura in this direction, it was his enemy's, that was enough, he knew that he was the enemy, that was enough.

Old Mu suddenly raised the long blade in his hand, and shouted towards the direction of the enemy.

"Brave Battalion, kill!"

Old Mu rushed over, and one of them lifted that blade that had accompanied him for his entire life and rushed towards Yale.

Yeru Jin did not move, allowing the blade to land on his body. As a first rank Grandmaster, it would be a huge joke if he was injured by the blade of this dying man.

Old Mo could no longer stand after he chopped down with his blade and slumped to the ground, but there were still tears hanging from the corners of his eyes because after he shouted "Kill", he did not hear his brothers' response. The Braveheart Battalion would not cower in battle, and no one's response could only represent that they could no longer respond.

Yershin looked at the dying man beneath his feet, bent down and said to Old Mu, "My name is Yershin, the king of the plains. Remember, you have cut me once, you have cut the king of the plains!"

Old Mu was stunned for a moment before a happy smile appeared on his face. This life was worth it!

"Send the order down, send people to find the corpses of those soldiers. After that, return them to General Murong in the northwest! "Such a soldier cannot die in the wilderness."

Yerugin looked up ahead. It was the gate of Yanmen. Good heavens, Yeriyan. This method is indeed vicious. If you are unable to give me an explanation for General Yuchi's death, you will pay for it with your life! Although he only had two sons, he could not protect them. During this battle, Yeru Yeyan did not send people to support Yuchi Nanshan, and at the critical moment, he had also called for a reward to disrupt Yuchi Nanshan's tribe. It could be said that the destruction of the Yuchi Nanshan Mountain Camp was all caused by Yeru Yen. This had already touched upon his bottom line. As one of the first veterans to follow him, Yuchi Nanshan was much more important than others.

At the moment, Li Zhong did not know what had happened in front of him, but he suddenly realized that the group of policemen he had beaten up earlier had all turned around and fought with him, just like dogs that had lost their homes. They were only able to watch for a little while longer.

"Charge!" Break through their formation, and don't leave a single one alive! "

Li Zhong had the confidence to break through in one go, and then he would hang and kill them all. Hahaha, all the people in the world are confused by the reputation of the Northwest Army, saying that Mo Bei's scimitar was extremely powerful, completely nonsense, and yet it was still extremely powerful, simply made of tofu.

The rider on the horse had quite the strength, but unfortunately, he didn't have a brain. If he had at least half of Ma Ran's intelligence, he would have been able to tell that something was wrong. Although the Yale tribe had been fleeing in panic, their retreat was orderly. Even though they had been shouting "I can't beat you" and "I have to run for my life", there was no sign of panic.

"Pass down the order, spread out your wings and circle around to the back of this troop. The Central Army will go back and engage in a white blade battle to hold the enemy back! "

Shang Li calmly gave the order and quickly went to command the central army, while the other two generals split up and led the troops from both sides. As for the light cavalry, which left the city, which was clad in white armour, that was most likely the Flying Feather Cavalry that belonged to Murong Qian Xun. As long as he could delay the Flying Feather Army that was coming back with this pawn in front of him, then he would have to wait for the army of Yale to kill their way out. This would be a huge contribution!

Li Zhong finally felt that something was not right. How could this group of soldiers that had just turned around and charged at him suddenly become so fierce?

"General, I can't take it anymore. This group of patrolmen seems to have gone crazy for some reason. The soldiers in front of them can't hold on any longer."

"Don't panic, this must be their final counterattack. As long as our brothers can withstand this wave of attacks, the enemy's fighting spirit will completely disintegrate. We can't retreat now, remember …"

As Li Zhong was speaking, he suddenly saw a group of thousands of soldiers on each flank coming towards him from behind. Li Zhong did not expect that the other side would want him to become a dumpling, as he thought that this army was the last to fight back, how could they still have any plans to surround him.

"Oh no, they want to seize this opportunity to seize the Gate of Yanmen! Fast! Fast! Stop the two troops on the two wings! "

Just like this, a beautiful misunderstanding from Li Zhong disrupted Yelou's plans to circle around and surround him. Seeing this scene, Yelou Yan was very angry.

"Damn it, why do they not care about the dead and wounded in the central army but instead go and block the people on the flank? Impossible! There was not a single hint of news about Royal Father's army arriving. How could he have possibly thought of this? "

Whatever, it was already like this. If he could not break through and reach the back of Li Zhong's army, he would be the one to be besieged when the Flying Feather army returned.

"Don't bother about the roundabout way of attacking anymore, pass down the order, accept the challenge!" Fight! Everyone is participating in this formation, and will directly engage in a white blade battle with this troop of soldiers and horses! "

The troops from both sides would no longer deploy their troops in a formation. At this moment, a chaotic battle unfolded. Because of this, Li Zhong finally realized the terror of Mo Bei's scimitar. Seeing his subordinates fall one by one in this chaotic battle, he was afraid.

"I've been tricked, bad!" This group of people were simply inhuman. They were wild beasts! They were wild beasts! "Retreat, retreat!"

Li Zhong quickly commanded his men to retreat, but they were all defeated this time, only around 10,000 out of 30,000 were left. They were defeated, utterly defeated! Seeing the fleeing Li Zhongyu, Yale gritted his teeth in hatred. If it weren't for the news from his underlings that a white armored cavalryman was dashing towards them from behind, he would have beaten them up and vented out his previous grievances.

Shang Li, come back! "Don't chase after me anymore. Prepare to greet your old friend."

He still had close to twenty thousand men, and as long as he could destroy this Flying Feather army, according to his knowledge, the original garrison in Yanmen Pass would only have three thousand cavalry soldiers with blades in their hands. As for those cowards that had been transferred over, he did not care about them at all, since even ten thousand soldiers could not compare to a thousand men in the fourth battalion!

"General Ma, something's wrong. A large scale battle just occurred here."

Li Huai looked at the battlefield where Li Zhong and Yale had just battled, and subconsciously frowned. Ma Ran stopped his horse and looked around. Yuchi Nanshan's Mountain Destroyer Battalion, Li Huai's camp, his Flying Feather Army … Wait, the twenty thousand man army!

Ma Ran suddenly opened his eyes wide. It must have been the twenty thousand people that lured Li Zhong out of the city to fight. In that case, Yanmen Pass … Not good!

"Quick, return!"

With a pinch of the horse's belly, the possibility that the pass had been taken over occupied his mind, causing him to be unable to keep his composure any longer. He ignored the corpses on the ground and moved a little.


Suddenly, an earth-shattering sound of battle came from the front as smoke and dust billowed towards them. Ma Ran looked at the ten thousand man army formation and didn't expect that he would be tricked by them in the end. He wanted to know who was commanding this battle.

In this moment of taunting the enemy, Yale naturally didn't let him down.

"Haha, I've long heard that General Ma Ran is a Successor Disciple of the General Murong. Not only is his martial arts superb, he is also a wise general. Unfortunately, I, Yelou Yan, have gained an advantage from General Ma Ran's lack of military strength." When he spoke, he smiled in a very amiable manner.

So it was the Great Young Master of the prairie, Yeruyan. So that was the case. This guy was really insidious! I used my sword to get rid of my rival's confidant, and then I used Yuchi Nanshan, the great fish, to lure me, and then I used the army of Yeruzin to rush to the gallows and kill the rest of my men. One had to say, this method of borrowing strength to fight was one that was well understood by all.

"Don't be complacent, you guys want to stop our Flying Feather army? Stop dreaming!" "Listen up, the entire army is on the move!"

He did not know how many people were left in Li Zhong's tribe, but seeing that Yen Lu Yan was not at Yanmen Pass, he knew that Li Zhong's remaining forces would make it so that he would not dare to attack the city, and at that time, with the help of three thousand cavalry, Yanmen Pass could still be guarded!

Unfortunately, looking at the charging Ma Ran, Yeyan shook his head and shot a look at Shang Li. Shang Li immediately shouted, "Attack!"

Just as the furious roar faded away, many soldiers in the front row of the Flying Feather army that had just launched their charge suddenly fell to the ground. Their snow-white warhorses had all lost their front hooves!

Ma Ran furiously stared at the "corpses" that had just stood up. He had been too careless. Ma Ran felt incomparably ashamed. He had let down the trust that General Murong had placed in him.

Far off in the distance, Yale watched this scene quietly. Those who were disguised as corpses were not ordinary people, but famous masters from the north of the country. This time, Yale had brought twelve swordsmen and twenty experts from the Dao family.

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