The newly appointed general, Sun Fengzhen, was appointed as the world's Grand Marshal and was conferred the title of the Great General of the Wu Country!

This news spread like wildfire, and what was most surprising was that the voices of those civil officials who opposed the appointment of the Martial Emperor were actually heard by all of them. The old generals who had always spat out their saliva all stood on Sun Fengzhen's side.

Among them, the veteran general Wu Anbang was the most supportive. It was said that the old general had proposed this matter of breaking the record. As a result, others found it hard to believe. They had personally invested all of their efforts into the Yangtze River soldiers, and now they were all willing to hand them over. Was he supposed to stay in the Jinling Imperial City for the rest of the year? What a joke. If one were to say that they didn't open the door during this period of time, it would be impossible for anyone to believe it even if they were beaten to death.

What kind of methods did he have? Of course there was.

At that time, he had already mastered military strategies and had reached the fifth rank at the age of sixteen. Eight years ago, when he was sixteen, he had arrived at the time when Wu Luan came into the world, led five hundred men of his village, and marched straight into the Jin'ling City. Before anyone could react, he had secretly brought out Wu Zhaoyi, who was trapped in Jin'ling.

When he was eighteen years old, Sun Fengzhen had reached the fourth rank, and as soon as he entered the fourth rank, he had already become invincible. However, during this year, the outstanding young heroic young man had silently disappeared from everyone's sight, as if he had never existed and all the news about him had vanished from the face of the earth overnight.

However, only Martial Emperor's trusted aides knew that Sun Fengzhen had secretly taken him away at the age of eighteen. This hidden chess game that had been hidden by Wu Guoxue for six years had been secretly used as an Elite Armament when they were plotting against Saibei, Prairie, and Wu. However, for some reason, they had been exposed by Chu. Now, the Martial Emperor did not want to wait any longer. He had already received news of Chu Yinan's request for a war. If he did not appear now, then when would he be able to mobilize the entire Northwest Army?

"Marshal, His Majesty has urged us once again with the edict. The opposition within the court is immense. If …"

"Yan Fu, how many of us were there last time when the three factions were looking for us?"

The strategist Yan Fu was stunned. Last time?

"En..." "At that time, His Majesty assigned the entire army along the Yangtze River, with the nickname of 'million'. In fact, there are actually more than seven hundred thousand soldiers along the Yangtze River."

"Seven hundred thousand …" "Then, how many troops do we have under our account this time?"

"This... Add in the 100,000 new recruits, there's... "Three hundred thousand."

"Hoho, three hundred thousand. There are only one hundred thousand halberds on the other side of the Yangtze River, but as long as that Qin Liangyu is still there, not to mention three hundred thousand people, not to mention seven hundred thousand warriors, there are still a hundred thousand recruits who have never been to the battlefield. Tell me …" Can we win? "

The world's marshal controlled the world's forces, but in the end, it was just a name used to scare people off. Not to mention Sun Fengzhen being timid, but only those who had faced Qin Liangyu's one hundred thousand garrison troops and had fought against the Northwest Steel Cavalry and known as Big Halberd Warriors knew that three hundred thousand yuan was simply too little.

As he thought of this, Sun Fengzhen's heart was filled with unhappiness. Why was it that the strongest cavalry in the world was over at the Chu Country's side, and the strongest foot soldier in the world was also over at the Chu Country's side? Although the Wu Country used the word 'martial' as its name, but the combat strength of the soldiers and horses was incomparable to that of the Chu Country.

"Then …"

"Don't say anymore, this battle will happen sooner or later. It's just that …" "We can't fight her now. Wait until that person appears and then, we will drive Qin Liangyu away. If Qin Liangyu doesn't leave, we will delay her and make her unable to move at all!"

Sun Fengzhen gripped his sword tightly in his hand. He had long since entered the first level of cultivation, but against Qin Liangyu, he could only maintain his undefeated state, and his subordinates could not defeat Qin Liangyu's halberd warrior in an instant. In this way, if he made a move first, it would be equivalent to being used as a spear.

Since that man couldn't wait any longer, he decided to take the lead. When the battle in the northwest was over, that man's promised assistance would naturally appear. When the battle in the northwest was in chaos, Chu Huainan and that man would be locked in combat, so the Chu Emperor would definitely shift his focus to the northwest. Even if he didn't order Qin Liangyu to return, he would never have thought that he would launch a thunderous attack from behind!

"Report!" Marshal, the scouts have come to report. It's news from the Yangtze River. "

Sun Fengzhen's eyes lit up, "Quickly tell me, what news is this?"

"It's Qin Liangyu …" "Qin Liangyu's men are out of camp."

Opportunity! As expected, Emperor Chu was terrified. He must have sent Qin Liangyu back to the capital and replaced him with someone else to defend the Yangtze River.

Wait! Sun Fengzhen was shocked. Something was wrong... He almost lost his mind from the happiness. He shook his head abruptly. He really wished that Qin Liangyu could leave. It was this eagerness that made him lose his ability to think calmly when he received the news.

Thinking about it, the war in the northwest had yet to begin. No matter how much Emperor Chu cared about the northwest, he wouldn't have chosen to send Qin Liangyu back to the capital so early in the morning.

"Where did they go?"

"This... Subordinate did not dare to get too close, so he was unable to confirm their direction. However, Subordinate saw that a new batch of troops had arrived at the original Yangtze River defense line. As for Qin Liangyu's … Your subordinate was unable to find out. "

So it was like that.

The corner of Sun Fengzhen's mouth curled into a smile. He was almost fooled by Qin Liangyu's invitation. It was likely that Qin Liangyu's halberd warriors had just returned to the camp after taking a detour. They were just acting like they were changing into guards.

"When the sun rises tomorrow, send more scouts to the other side, don't look for Qin Liangyu. You will not be able to find her, bring a few soldiers who have been involved in the war to the other side to see if anyone you have seen these days is in there."

"Yes sir!"

Calming his mind, Sun Fengzhen regained his calm demeanor. What a good Qin Liangyu, she actually wanted to use the rest of her youth to steal his talent. I really don't know if I should call you smart or stupid.

The Yangtze River flowed endlessly, and the two sides confronted each other across the river.

On the north bank of the river, a figure was staring at the motionless tent on the other side. Beside him was a man in simple clothes, looking somewhat frail and frail.

More than a dozen years had passed. Although they couldn't fight side by side, it was still enough.

Behind the imposing figure was a group of tiger and wolf masters. Perhaps many people had heard of their names, and they were called the world's most powerful cavalry, the Dragon and Elephant Cavalry. However, this was not the name they had first heard, but rather the name — Dragon Cavalry!

As for the man this back represented, before he received the title, he had another name that originated in the northwest, Dragon Cavalry General — Chu Zhaobei.

But now, Conquering the North to the South, Huainan to the North.

The next day, the scouts who had spread out the news reported that they had indeed found some old faces in the tents on the other side. Even though they had disguised themselves, the sharp-eyed soldiers still recognized them at a glance.

Sun Fengzhen heaved a long sigh. Indeed, the heavens were not with me.


"Brother Qing, Brother Qing, are we really going to fight?"

Li Tongxuan blinked his eyes as he asked with his two streams of snot swaying in the wind.

Xu Qingzhi lightly wiped away Li Tongxuan's two lines of obstruction and let out a long sigh.

"Yeah, there's going to be a war."

"Then, can big brother Qing take Tongxuan to war with you? Profound Opening can protect Big Brother Qing! "

Li Tongxuan stood up and patted his chest, feeling extremely confident.

Such bold words were actually exchanged for a blow to the head from Xu Qingzhi.

"Idiot, who told you that I'm going to the battlefield too? Sigh, this bunch of old fellows, don't wait for me, just let them mess around. However, if this is the case, my plan will have to change. I might really have to fight a few battles. "

As Xu Qing finished speaking, he was already talking to himself as if he were in a trance.

"Brother Qing, you're not going to the battlefield?"

"That's right, I can't go. That old fellow spent so much effort to come up with such a situation, even going to the extent of putting himself at risk and putting the northwest on the blade. No matter how much I find him, I just don't like him …" This time, we'll have to follow his intentions and take a step forward. "

Li Tongxuan's mood was somewhat downcast. He had originally been begging for no results from his father, but now he realized that Xu Qingzhi was pregnant with the Crown Prince's son. Since the northwest was going to war, Xu Qingzhi had to go to the battlefield. As a result, Li Tongxuan fawned and ran over to Xu Qingzhi's place, hoping that he would be able to bring him along. This way, his own father would definitely agree.

However, he did not expect that his brother Qing did not plan to go to the front line at all …

"Okay, help me call those seventeen seniors over. Today, a guest should arrive."


Li Tongxuan rubbed his head, but he still could not recall who it was that had come to visit recently. Thus, he stopped thinking about it and happily ran over to deliver a letter to call someone.

"Are you that sure?"

It was unknown when the crown prince, who had changed his name to Lin Xuan, had entered the small courtyard. Her long sleeves were tied up, making her look like an elegant young master.

Xu Qingzhi stared blankly at Chu Yu's unfathomable appearance. Then, he punched out!

"Pretend!" What are you pretending for! What kind of otherworldly expert are you pretending to be? "

"Aiyaya, stop hitting me …" Don't hit... If you have something to say, then say it, what is it … Wuu wuu, I don't want face anymore! "

Xu Qinzhi paused, staring fixedly at the Chu Yu that he had pressed down and rubbed against the ground.

Face? Yes, you are the Crown Prince? Isn't it so … "S-d!

The last few words Xu Qing said were intentionally dragged out for a very long time. Chu Yin pitifully glanced at Xu Qing Zhi. These days, Xu Qing Zhi had already revealed Chu Qing's identity, but … The unexpected Xu Qingzhi liked to bully Chu Yin even more.

"En..." "It's better not to lose face …"

Normally speaking, if Xu Qing intentionally dragged out the last few words of his sentence to an exceptionally long extent, it would mean that Xu Qing was about to go berserk, and if he went berserk … Recently, Xu Qinzhi seemed to have especially enjoyed using his fists. Chu Yin had a deep understanding of this.

"Right, what were you trying to say just now?"

In the past few days, Xu Qingzhi, Chu Yin, and Wei Youdao had understood each other very well. They were well aware of each other's appearances in private and would naturally not expose them in front of outsiders, but if they were to be seen in private by the other party, they would have the appearance of a crafty crown prince, the appearance of a well-mannered crown prince, and the appearance of a heartless, obedient child … Needless to say, it must be torture.

"Oh …" Um, I want to say, for that Master who should be harvested, do you have that much confidence in repelling him? I mean, I heard that the red robed man is extremely powerful, that ordinary grandmasters are no match for him? "

"Repel him? Why did he repel them? As long as she comes, I'll let that precious disciple of hers leave. As for her … Just give me a lifetime here in Longxi! "

Xu Qing's eyes shone with a fierce light, causing him to shudder in fear.

"I... F * ck! "You!"

Chu Ying proudly clapped his hands. Just now, he had used a heavy hand on Xu Qingzhi's head, shaking him until his own fingers began to ache.

"What are you pretending to be so enigmatic for!"


"Isn't it because they rely on the formation of seventeen people of the Wu Clan to perfectly restrain the Da Hong Pao? Look at how you're talking, it's as if you have some amazing technique. It's so scary."


At this moment, Xu Qing really wanted to kill someone.

However, this was indeed the case. When he found out that the seventeen people were the seniors of the Wu Clan, he asked about the Wu Clan's formation technique.

The Wu Clan was famous for its formations. However, what they specialized in were not Seven Ultimate Sword Formation, Killing Array and other killing formations, but formations like the one that trapped Wang Jing, such as the Ten Thousand Buddha Formation. They might not have much killing power, but they were strong enough to trap people who were much stronger than themselves to death in the formations.

The Wu Clan had acknowledged him as number two, and no one dared to admit him as number one. In the Wu family, there were two famous formations. One of them was that the formation was no longer visible to the human world and was said to have broken the inheritance — the Spirit Guiding Formation. The effect of the formation was lost a hundred years ago. It was said that the last clan head of the Wu Clan who knew of this formation had converted to a buddhist sect. From then on, even though the Spirit Realm formation was ranked first in the Wu Clan Hall, no one was able to use it.

As for the second formation, it was the Wu Clan's most prized formation — the Immortal Trapping Rope.

Regardless of whether the power of this formation was great or not, as long as there was a famous tool passed down from generation to generation from the Wu Clan, the Immortal Trapping Rope, it could be used.

Xu Qingzhi asked a clan elder among the seventeen people, and the answer he received was …

"It's comparable to the Ten Thousand Blessings Array that trapped Wang Jing back then."

All of a sudden, Xu Qinghui was overjoyed. It didn't matter if it was to avenge the dead Cui Wei or to solve a hidden problem. But it had to be said that if Saibei lost this red robed man, his battle prowess would at least be twenty percent weaker.

However, this formation had a limit. It needed to be set up three days in advance, and after the third day, regardless of whether the formation was set up or not, it would awaken automatically. The effect of the formation would last for one day. If the red robed guest did not come that day, or rather, he came too early, it would all be empty talk.

It just so happened that today was the day of the line-up …

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