The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 112: The General Part 1

Straining his wrists against his bindings, Parc glanced up to see them tied firmly in a Palomer knot. Tight enough that he could feel it digging into his wrists. Turning back to Najenda who still sat straddle atop him, he grinned, "If you wanted to be on top, you could have just asked."

Earning him a slight frown from the white-haired tomboy. "Parc," she said, "I'm a general, I'm always on top whether you like it or not."

"Really? By that same reasoning Esdeath would also be ridding me like a bull every night. And I can tell you right now, that's not how it goes," he chuckled not noticing the slight twitch to Najenda's cheek, right below her working lilac eye.

"I'll say this right now and never again, don't talk about your other 'girls' when we're alone." She huffed and fiddled with the buttons of his shirt until it was opened fully letting her get an eye full of his lightly muscled body and his numerous small and large scars.

Parc's eyes sparkled for a second, his grin only getting larger, "why not? Does it make you jealous? Who'd have thought, the hunk of the rebellion, jealous that her hubby has oth-"

"You finish that sentence and I find a very nice, very long, and very thick stick just for you." One way to make Parc shut his lips was discovered that evening, fear of him being given the same treatment as Esdeath. Which, as one may predict was not something Parc ever wished to experience, no matter how hypocritical that may make him.

Seeing him silenced, Najenda puffed her chest out a superior smirk on her face, "good," a smirk that soon turned uncertain as she properly began to take in the feeling pressing into her bottom of Parc's erection. She may have prepared ropes and restraints, didn't mean her mind was as ready as she needed it to be for this.

Gulping lightly, Najenda reached her fleshy hand behind her, pressing the tips of her finger onto his tented pants, feeling the hardened member and its thickness thinly veiled by the fabric. Of all the things she could find herself intimidated by; it was a penis. Not a sword, not a teigu, not even Esdeath and her psychopathy, but a penis.

Casting her eyes down, she watched as Parc continued to cockily grin at her with an expression that just screamed 'well, I'm waiting.' And 'aww, the general is scared, how cute.' If there was one thing she refused to ever be called, it was hunk, closely followed by cute and cowardly.

A tick mark rose to her forehead and she quickly clambered off Parc, drawing a quizzical look from him that shifted to understanding as he watched her turn towards him and lean over the bed and undo his pants, freeing his member to stand at attention under her gaze. Najenda pausing as she caught the full sight of it but shook herself free from her daze.

"Parc, you have been a thorn in my side for a while now, you know that right?" she questioned staring him directly in the eyes, coming to turn around and seat herself on the bed right beside his legs.

"I'm pretty sure I'm a thorn in many peoples sides,' he retorted with a wink.

"First, you're a complete unknown, you come out of nowhere with strange abilities. You tamed someone no thought tameable. You reunited two sisters who quite frankly I was expecting to kill each other on sight. You somehow find a teigu in the middle of a river, of all places. And now your playing kingpin to the end of an empire, thoroughly wrenching away hundreds upon hundreds of days of work in less than a year. Not to mention being the direct cause behind one of my soldiers going on a sexual frenzy with me being one of the victims nonetheless."

Najenda's mechanical fingers walked across his legs up to his hips, "then you go around implanting yourself both physically and mentally into most of my girls turning them into these 'concubines' of yours like its an everyday occurrence." Her expression morphed to an annoyed squint, "you've even gone so far as to push whatever it is attracting the girls onto me." Her fingers moved from walking to flying towards his member, wrapping their metallic coldness around the shaft quickly bringing Parc to gritting his teeth at the squeezing tension and sheer chilliness of her unfeeling limb.

"And that really annoys." Her rip tightened, but didn't come loose as she stroked up, "you grope my ass," she stroked down, pulling along with it foreskin, unsheathing his swollen glans and drawing her vision to its bright red end, "you ogle my body each and every day."

"What can I say, I love your body," he flinched as Najenda clamped down around the base.

"I'm not done. Silence yourself while your general is speaking." How could he refuse when the quite literally the most important appendage of his body was held in a just as literal vice. "You have implanted me with these perverse desires I haven't felt in a very, very long time, Parc," she continued her stroking of his penis, though unfeeling, she could still see a slight glaze of precum running free. "Do you know how many times I have masturbated before your arrival? None, not a single time before. At least, not since I became a general. But since your appearance? More times than I'm comfortable with. Every other day whenever you'd ogle me or grope me of your own my body will go haywire like I had just gone in heat." Her voice fell to grumbles, "and I'd end up colouring my bed a shade darker the entire night."

Certainly explained the days she looked particularly tired in the last two weeks.

By now Parc was actively reigning himself in from climaxing from Najenda's merciless pumping's she was doing alongside her speech like it was just a natural endeavour for her to be doing as a multitask.

"And now, ohhh," she hissed locking a predatory eye onto him, the determination of a general bubbling to the surface, "four days of pent up hormones and stress in preparation for tomorrow. Four days where every time you passed me by I'd get a slap on the ass or one of those god forsaken kisses you love so much has left this general, very, very, frustrated."

Parc was certainly not expecting her to be so open, especially when he'd seen her squirming on her bed like an infatuated schoolgirl not long ago with the help of his third eye. Something in her eyes, the way they glittered with this predatory instinct of a tiger stalking its prey through the underbrush left Parc gulping in a nervous mixture of fear and anticipation.

"Tonight, Parc," with a somewhat sadistic lick of her lips, Najenda pumping grew faster, quickly bringing Parc to the edge, "I'm going to sate my frustration for as long, and as much as I want." In that second Parc shivered as a thick stream of white spunk shot from his penis, Najenda's hand still pumping like a piston forcing more and more to splatter of her arm, one bit even coming to stain a line across her face, dribbling over her eye.

When his hips fell, so too did her grasp on his penis, the stench of his musk filling her nostrils as her hand rose to her face, clearing away the sticky fluids from her sight while her tongue snaked out, collecting a tongue full of the thick semen around her lips and brought it into her mouth, feeling it stick to her palate with just how thick it was.

It was in that moment that Parc saw her hungering expression, one more intimidating than Leone ever could give out when she was in heat, one that informed him that the coming night would be an ordeal most strenuous.



Fuck me it's tiring writing this.

Writing been going slow. Family crap is going on. Comments are demotivating... yay...

Also to the guy who commented that whole 'he should just r.a.p.e every girl because he has mind control' are you sick in the head or something? While I won't lie and say I haven't thought of making scenes like that but I do actually like connecting characters in some way and not just forcing it, ignoring Kurome of course, (if I ever get to the point of getting to the world the more noncon scenes will popup in). Since when have I shown Parc as being an Evil bastard like that?

Changing schedule again, I'll be getting the ******* chapters up to around 10/15 and then every time I finish a chapter I'll release a new public one. I'm not rushing myself with this anymore, this was never meant to be a priority as I want to work on my actual, meant to be published stories. I'll start this schedule once the last of AKG has been released.


I'm wanting to rename this story, throw me some ideas.

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