The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 116: Court of Conquests

It was a gruesome and glorious sight, the crusaders utterly destroyed one by one, blood splattered all over by the madly giggling MeMe's who were running around throwing intestines and body parts around like they were playing a game of bloody hot potato. There were even some Parc swore were having a delectable meal somewhere in this mess.

"So, what exactly just happened?" Parc asked the man, keeping his eyes locked to the MeMe's and their gory escapades.

"Looks like someone in the Faith hub tried to get their preaching out here. Tip, if you run into any faithers be careful, they're not particularly strong themselves but the older ones will have large groups of idiots with them. Make for good targets if you want to go about breaking some holy ladies or men. Oftentimes virgins, so that's a plus as well."

"Right, and is it always this bloody?"

"Yeup. Don't think there's ever been a raid where someone didn't get at least one limb ripped off by the crazy bitches." As if hearing his words one of the MeMe's who was enjoying herself, stuffing her mug with someones kidney, lifted up from the corpse and spun her head around to him, casting him a displeased frown. Which he met with a middle finger.

"I thought you said not to piss them off?"

"I did, but there's very specific things you can do that'll piss them off. All of which don't involve them, themselves, unless you try to kill one, then you can bid your sould ta'ta." David lowered his hand back down just as the MeMe turned to glance her neon pink eye to Parc where her frown morphed from a frown into a manic, ear to ear smile with rabid giggling escaping her as she forced herself to her feet.

Hips swaying over exaggeratedly and breast swaying side to side alongside the dangling accessory hanging from her crotch. Which, were she noth lathered in blood would have been an alluring sight.

"Should I be worried?" Parc whispered to David.

"Yeah, don't move. I've heard their sight is based on movement." David whispered back.

"Oh fuck you."

"No thanks, I don't swing that way," the old man snorted and stepped away from Parc and a decent bit away from Parc while the MeMe grew closer and closer until she was just a short foot away from Parc, bringing along with her the stench of freshly spilt blood.

"Ehee~" she giggled looking Parc up and down with one of her thin hands coming to press against his chest, flowing around his body as she circled around him, continuously giggling until she stopped before him once again. Both her hands rose up, clamping onto Parc's cheeks and rose to her tippy toes, dragging down Parc's head so she could latch her lips onto his. Forcefully prying his lips open and pushing her bloodstained tongue into his mouth.

'What the actual fuck,' Parc commented in silence. Feeling a small bit of disgust at the bloody taste being forced down his throat.

The MeMe soon parted from him, backing away with soft giggling coming from her and returned to her meal of human flesh. Leaving Parc wiping down his face with his sleeve.

"Looks like they like you, lucky you," David re-approached him once the MeMe was gone and said.

"I'm not sure that's a good thing," Parc said wiping down his tongue trying to get rid of that horrible metallic taste.

"Trust me, it's a very good thing. They don't like a lot of people. Those that do tend to be special in some way or another. As a bonus, they're less likely to murder you if you piss them off. About a eight in ten chance they still will, but hey, that's more of a chance than I would get."

A beeping noise rose from David's wrist causing him to lift his right hand up and pull his sleeve up to cheek on his watch. Pressing a few buttons to turn the annoying sound off. "Well, looks like my time here's up. Kid, small tip from me to you, head to the courthouse first and get your next world and terrarium set up and roll for a challenge or two then head on over to the general store and get some basic info on the world and anything you might need to set yourself up in there." David turned to leave but paused, "be seeing ya kid. This old bastard's finally on retirement." Without letting Parc say goodbye, David walked past the gore filled square and climbed up the steps to the portal hub where his form shimmered and poofed out of existence. Where he went to, Parc wasn't sure.

"I did have more questions, but okay," he sighed, looking around the square bathed in red light and blood, he saw the regal courthouse with brilliant white stone pillars, or, ex-white stone pillars considering they were still very red. People of all shapes and sizes making their ways in and out of it. "Guess that's my first stop then," he mumbled and made his way towards it.

Up-close the building was large, possibly five or six stories high, not that he could tell considering the dome like roof lacked any windows. Not wasting any time, Parc stepped forth towards the large double doors and entered into the building, but not before he felt his body seem to squeeze through a wall of invisible water that cleaned his body and clothes of the blood that MeMe had left on him.

The inside of the building was just as bustling outside, just… less? It felt strange to him, he could see hundreds of people yet the building felt inexplicably empty, like those people weren't there, but were there. Though unlike outside, the interior wasn't dyed with red light, instead holding a more normal shading with numerous stalls set up along the wall where people were lining up to speak with what he was guessing were the workers.

"I guess I'll get in line?" It shouldn't have been a question but still it came out like that.

Twenty minutes of boredom later Parc was at the front of the line with a five people behind him. Standing opposite him behind a counter and glassy partition was an ample chested woman dressed in a plain white off the shoulder tunic that hung to the point where it was a miracle her breasts weren't falling out. Her skin a clean, pale and around her neck was a red bow. Giving a bit of accentuation to hergolden eyes and backbun styled blonde hair. A soft, sisterly smile to her face.

"Welcome to the Court of Conquests, how may I help you?" she asked perking up when Parc stepped forth.

"Uh, yes, hello, first time here. I was told I could get my next world set up and set up something called a terrarium?"

"Oh yes!" she bounced and so did her friends. Her eyes sparkling a little as she dropped down and pulled out a large ledger from beneath the counter, dropping it down onto her side of the counter. Pulling the thing open, "can I get your name and hub type?"

"Parc Evans, Pleasure." He repeated, noticing how her hand that was trailing across the page faultered for a moment before continuing.

"Let's see, let's see, Parc Evans, ah, here you are. Just completed a world called Akame ga Kill and collected, thir… thirteen women… you've certainly been busy."

"I guess-"

"Alright!" She slammed the book shut and pressed a button on her counter causing a large rectangular screen to drop down from the ceiling behind her which was rapidly swapping between words, letters and numbers. "And, your next world will be…" she paused looking up to the screen, head rolling as she waited for the words to halt on, "RWBY! Congratulations." She turned back to Parc prying out a metal tab from beneath her counter in the shape of a ornate rose design alongside another tab in the shape of a leaf. "Is there anything else I can help you with?"

Parc was left mouth open, clearly seeing how this woman wanted him gone, "I'm sorry, but did I do something to offend you?"

The woman froze, "excuse me?" a surprised look came to her.

"Did I do something to get on your bad graces? I don't remember ever meeting you before so I'm not sure if I did anything to offend you." Of course there was also the fact he had just arrived in the hub but he wasn't going to bring that up.

The woman shrunk a bit in on herself, and let out a soft tired sigh, "no, its nothing like that. It's just, you pleasure seekers are always trying to get in my pants. It's annoying. Sorry if I was taking that out on you, I wasn't meaning to."

"It's alright, I'm not going to hold it to you. I know how annoying people can be." He chuckled.

"Let me introduce myself," she laid a hand over her heart and nodded her head, "I am Luna. It is a pleasure to meet you Parc, and once again I am sorry about my actions."

"As I said, don't be. But if you're really intent on being sorry…" he trailed his words off, bringing a twitch to Luna's cheek as everything she thought about him suddenly began to crumble, "you can explain what these are to me." And just like that the crumbled pieces returned to place.

"Oh! Right, yes. This token here," she tapped next to the metal rose one, "take this to the general store and they'll show you some of your new worlds objects you can buy. And this one," she moved to the green leaf one, "this will get you the deed to your terrarium and get you the basic equipment to start setting things up there. Also at the general store."

Parc nodded along turning the leaf in his hand, "and whats a terrarium?"

"That would be a world offered to all Conquestors with little civilazation and large amounts of open space for you to build up your own personalized homespace where you, your followers and others may live."

"Oh, I was hoping for something like this," relief ran over Parc, calming the bit of worry he'd had for where the girls would be going and if they'd be stuck for all eternity as stones in some interdimensional storage. "I won't bug you much more but I heard there was also something called challenges I could set up for my next world. I'd like to do that if at all possible."

"Yes you can. How many challenges would you like, with your current initiate status you can have at most two at any given time."

"One for now. I'd like to see what they're like before I start getting over excited."

"Alright," Luna hummed and pressed another button on her side of the counter causing yet another screen to drop from the ceiling, filled with the same mess of words, letters and numbers running through it. "Let's see, your challenge will be…"



Decided to not keep you waiting for weeks at a time with how slow I'm writing chapters. So for now I'll be doing like 1 chap a week or every few days until I get Pateron filled up.

Also, update on RL me. I'll be moving house from the on the 15th so most likely I'll be taking a real break around then.


There's a bunch more worlds on the Poll, so go check those out and add more to your votes if you want.

Possible Worlds

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