The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 198: Sparks will Fly and Plans will be made

"It does open up, you do know that right?" Parc grumbled as Esdeath stepped like a tigress staring down frail deer into his classroom. The many eyes of the students all looking at her with confusion and even Glynda had risen from her now plusher seat—her having brought some form of pillow for the chair Parc kindly gave her whenever his turn at lessons came around.

"Too much effort."

"Esdeath, you press a button. And it opens. Freezing it and then shattering it uses up so much more energy than just pressing a button."

"Hmm. Do I look like I care?" she stepped across the hall, descending the steps with a slight backwards arch to act as a counter wait to her belly. All the while scanning each and every person in the room, lingering the longest on Kurome who was just waking from her slumber.

Kurome herself rose up and was soon besides Parc, clearly awaiting Esdeath with narrowed eyes.

"No. You never do. But now I have to fix the door to my supposed-to-be-secret tunnel."

"I am plenty sure you have other escape routes darling."

"Darling?" echoed various voices, primarily those of Weiss, Blake, and even Ruby, though she was more confused why this woman was calling her definitely-not-dad, dad, darling. That was her moms job.

Soon arriving on the arena floor, Esdeath glanced between the two teams of SPHR and JNPR. Her brows shifted and lids lowered to half moons at the lazing SPHR and the grumbling orange haired girl annoyed about their loss. The same girl soon grew dazed as her mind wandered off and in the whispers of the wind a 'pancakes…' could be heard.

They were all quite pathetic, though that one girl, the red haired gladiatorial courtesan actually piqued her interest.

Pyrrha gulped, her stare heavy as she reached for her weapons and her shield. The feeling this blue haired woman gave her was similar to that of Professor Evans but much, much more dangerous. Where the professor was like a beast in the shadows seeking out any weakness before lunging, she was like a dragon staring down amusedly at her feeble body, mocking, waiting for her to make some amusing yet feeble attempt to resist destruction.


Pyrrha shivered and gulped, every hair on her body on end as she watched the woman's lips curl back into what could only be the expression she may have misconstrued as a grimms grin were it not on the face of a human woman.

"Excuse me, who exactly are you?"

Pushing up her glasses Glynda stepped passed both Parc and Kurome to arrive before Esdeath. A bit of caution to her step as she wanted to not appear as intimidating to a woman of her… body.

"I can answer that for you-"

"I can answer for myself darling."

"Knowing you you're more likely to throw up halfway through your sentence than anything."

"Yes, and you are to blame for that and this parasitic beast inside of me." She patted her belly to accentuate the latter portion of her words. Adding with that a slight hissing undertone.

"No. You are. You're the one who thought getting pregnant was the smart choice to get my loyalty."

"Yes. Well, I can see the flaw in my thought process now. Honestly, I should have just scalped you, perhaps cut off your limbs in place of having this, inside of me. At least I should have collared you like you did your bitch." She glared Kurome's way, her tone clearly that of derision and spite yet Kurome took it with an upturned head and puffed out chest. Clearly unfazed by the cruel and icy words.


"Second hand cock sock."

Esdeath's cheek trembled, lip curling back at one end and a vein rose on her forehead.


"Only for master."

"Drug addicted wench."

"Master already cured me and only if master wishes."

"Weak insufralite."

"I will never dare to be stronger than master. Yet I will always be masters favourite."

Kurome nuzzled into Parc's arm.

Parc though turned his eyes skywards and went blank. There was little he could do when these two were on a warpath with each other.

"Are you attempting to rile me up? Because I will tell you now, Bitch. That I will not hesitate to remove your head from your shoulders."

"Master will stop you. Because I am master's favourite."

"Doubtful. You are a toy to be fucked."

"By master."

Esdeath went silent, her mouth hanging just a millimetre as the veins across her neck and forehead only grew thicker. A slow, yet loud breath escaped her as she tried to calm herself from any sudden and mortal movements that would forever remove the 'irritance' from existence.

Because she doubted, she could hold her breakfast if she did.

Though that would be an acceptable loss to finally be rid of the bitch.

"Ahem. I do believe I asked you a question."

Glynda looked down at Esdeath with fire narrowed in her eyes. The sight strange considering Glynda was much taller than Esdeath leading her to have to tilt her head up, yet there was no feeling that either was on higher ground. No, it was as if they were staring each other with heads straight attempting to figure out the other.

"You are?" Esdeath huffed.

"Professor Glynda Goodwitch. Currently, you are standing within academy property-"

"That I built." Parc added.

Ignoring him, Glynda continued speaking, "so I advise you to provide proper identification before I have you removed from the premises. Something I would like to avoid considering your current… state."

Esdeath didn't respond, she didn't even move, it was like she was a ice sculpture just glaring at Glynda to tell her to shut up. Glynda didn't even flinch, not even a bit. Which, considering who Esdeath was, was quite an achievement.

"You are a teacher?" Esdeath scanned Glynda then huffed when she found nothing impressive. Though found a bit of irritance at her wide hips and full bosom. She knew hers were also full… of milk. It was still frustrating to have to empty them every other hours. It felt like they were beginning to sag. How sickening.

"I am."

"I see." Esdeath nodded, lifted a hand up and plucked from atop her head the army hat she was rarely without and crossed it over her left breast before giving a light nodded bow.

"General Esdeath. No, I do suppose I have lost my title now that the Empire has fallen." She returned her cap to her head and fixed her hair with a small toss. No small amount of blame being thrown Parc's way as she grumbled about her lost honour.

"General? You're a soldier of Atlas?" to the side, Weiss perked up and quickly inspected the woman with more detail.

'She does look like a soldier… though also a prostitute with how uncaring she is to her skirt length and openness of her blouse. Couldn't be Atlas.' Quickly surmising, Weiss listened in on the conversation alongside all the other students.

JNPR and SPHR still on the arena floor confused to whether they were to go back to their seats or wait till the professor spoke to them about the fight.

"Atlas, I have heard little about that… kingdom? No. I was once the named strongest general in the Empire. Not of some pathetic landmass."

"Rude…" Weiss muttered. She was tempted to correct this Esdeath, Atlas was far from pathetic, especially considering it had the strongest military across all of Remnant.

"And your relationship with Professor Evans? I believe I heard you call him, darling?"

Shaking her head, an ominous chuckle escaped Esdeath and she turned to Parc.

"To think, a member of Night Raid would become a teacher to the next generation. Indeed, 'professor' Evans is my husband."

"No, he's not."

Just as the surprise jolted through the room, Kurome uttered and silenced them, they gazes all diverting to her.

"I am."

Eyes widened.

"You're just a secondary concubine that Masters tending to while he awaits his first child."

Esdeath, she was on the verge of bubbling over the edge and going on a rampage. If that happened, Parc was unsure of the damage he could properly mitigate during their all-out war against one another. He needed to stop this, now.

"Okay, I think that's enough you two. We're in the middle of a lesson, so please, for the love of everything that is holy, please be quite."

Sparks flew between the two for a moment then both skirted their heads to the side, hmphing all the way.

Turning to Glynda he could see the suspicious glare she was giving him and lightly shivered.

'Women are difficult…'


"Oh my god. Its an older, pregnant Weiss who accepted reality." Yang exclaimed feeling a slight itching pain in he side as her diaphragm threatened to rupture from the laughter she was holding back.

"No she's not, she looks nothing like me and what does that mean!? I am perfectly accepting of reality."

"No you're not."

"I am."

"So you accept you're an ice queen?"

"I am not an Ice queen!"

"Yes you are."

"No. I am not."

"You can keep saying you're not. But we all know you are. You should just accept that reality, isn't that right partner?"

Blake jolted, turned her head and forced her red cheeks to subside now that her intent staring at their professor had been broken.


"See! Even Blake know's you're an ice queen."

"I am not an Ice queen and she is to busy going into heat for our teacher!"

"Like you are?"

"I am not!" Her red cheeks belying her words.

"Sure you aren't. Must be jealous. The older crazy you's already got break baking in her oven. My oh my, I can just see it now. Weiss Schnee, reveals pregnancy with her teachers child, on the headlines."

Yang's lips torturously curled into a cruel mocking smile as her hand waved before her.

"Would you stop that! That is disgusting!"

"Weissy, you're getting redder and redder by the second. Don't lie. You want it too."

Pausing, Weiss locked onto one certain point, "too?"

Immediately Yang shut up, turned away, and avoided eye contact.


Narrowed eyed, Weiss hummed, her own cruel smirk rising.

"You like him don't you?"

"Bullshit. He's a murderer. No way. Plus. Mom's already dating him… wait, now that I think about it, what's she doing about her?"

"No, no, no. Don't you divert. That was too clear to be a mistake. You want to sleep with him."

"No I don't. You can't prove anything." Yang crossed her arms and huffed, doing her best to show that she meant it.

"I don't need to. Yang. It's just. Now I know. And I advise you to stop tormenting me with your insufferable commentary before I do something… nefarious."

"Like what."

Yang snorted and threw her head back. Not believing an ounce of Weiss' threats.

"I… do not know. But I will figure something out. Though, thinking about it, considering how shameless you are finding anything to embarrass you with will be a struggle. Perhaps I could… no… my image would be ruined if that were to be discovered. What about—no, would also ruin my image. Father would be enraged as well. Hmm… perhaps I could employ someone to do it for me… Nora maybe? I do know of some professional bakers, they could likely make her some world class pancakes in return for her services. Could work. What about Ruby… also could work. I'm sure I could find some rare parts and blueprints in return for her betrayal and silence. Though, Ruby's lips are easily opened just as easily as they are shut. Blake? No. No. Just. No."

A cold perspiration rose on Yang's back, it soaked through her top and jacket and left her gulping nervously as she listened to Weiss' various idea's of people she could employ. Just how far was she willing to go to stop her talking?

'Maybe… I should really shut up.'

Pondering the thought for a moment then two, Yang chuckled.

'Nah. That'd be boring.'

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