The Contract of the Sekirei

Parrot Goddess Contract Chapter 359

The ground trembled and the air was surging, and as the dust dissipated, the figure of a black-haired man with black eyes appeared.


The iron eagle, which had been hovering in the air, was the first to discover this delicious "food". The eyes of the pair of sharp eagles flashed brilliantly, without any hesitation, flapping a pair of huge gray wings and swooping down with incomparable swiftness.

A pair of black claws that were sharp like steel swords kept opening and closing, and even the surrounding air was torn into riots.There is no doubt that if the claw is on the human body, it will definitely be torn to pieces in an instant!

"Is this the place where Chitong-chan and the others live? It really is a good place!"

Although he had noticed that the iron eagle in the air was attacking him, the man, Kongyue, did not show the slightest concern on his face, but looked at the surrounding environment interestingly.

Not to mention, Kongyue still missed a bit, when he first came to this world, he was also fighting those dangerous species in such a wild jungle.

However, time does not allow him to recollect the feeling of the year, because the huge and fierce iron eagle is already in front of him!

"Get down."

Two words were faintly spit out in the mouth, and at the same time a shocking breath was released on his body.


She was about to prey on delicious food, but the next moment, Tie Ying's body suddenly fell to the ground like a kite that dropped.

When the dust cleared, I saw that the iron eagle, who had been so fierce and enraged, was lying on the ground and shivering, looking at the eyes of this obviously weak human man with endless fear.

Not only that, even the other dangerous species nearby are the same. In front of the shocking aura, the only thing they can do is to obey orders and lie on the ground, not dare to resist the slightest.

"Hey, it looks delicious."

Seeing the huge iron eagle lying in front of him, Kongyue added his lips.This thing is a good thing, it's more exciting than the usual chicken, duck, fish and so on.

The dangerous species, especially the powerful dangerous species like the Iron Eagle, have already possessed not-weak wisdom, and they suddenly panic and fear endlessly when they hear the voice of Kongyue.Although Kongyue had already recovered the breath from her body, Tie Ying still did not dare to stand up or run away, and could only use her huge eagle head to constantly rub the man's legs, his eyes full of begging.

"Hahaha, am I kidding you! Big Iron Bird, take me to find Chitongjiang and the others, and let you go when I'm done!"

With a loud laugh, Kongyue jumped onto Tieying's back.

If he could, he really wanted to taste game or something, but now there was no girl around him, which made Kongyue a little bit difficult.

Like Miss Mayin, this guy is also a lazy master. He is used to being served by girls. Now he wants to do it himself, he doesn't want it!

I thought in my heart that I would soon include the Chi Tong sauce and the others, so that there would be other girls around me that I could use.He only needs someone to be delicious and lazy when he’s okay, and he’s fine to train those cute girls. As for those who serve people, it’s better to let them do it...

"Well, why aren't you leaving?"

Kongyue, who was still thinking about it, found that Iron Eagle hadn't moved, and he frowned. He thought that when these guys became spineless, did they?

Seeing Tie Ying's innocent and panicking eyes, it seemed that he finally thought of something, Kongyue patted his forehead lightly:

"Ahem...Big iron, you just need to take me to a place with people in the nearby village."

It was a little embarrassing, but Kongyue's shoes are a good comrade who can correct his mistakes, so he quickly corrected.

Big iron???Although Iron Eagle does not have any artistic cells, it is obviously not very cold about the name of this dregs, but in front of this terrifying man, it dare not show any dissatisfaction, with a loud groan, spread out its huge gray wings, and scream. He lifted Kongyue into the sky...

………Please flowers!Ask for votes!Seeking collection!………

Eight years ago, under the orders of the ministers, a forbidden plan was opened in the corrupt empire.

Hundreds of children were bought from all over the country, and they were thrown into the jungle of dangerous species, torn, fight, and escape. Only those who reached the end were eligible to survive.

Among them, the seven young girls who had the best aptitude and reached the end were taken away by the strongest assassin of the empire and cultivated as the dark tools of the empire.

They are called "Elite Sevens"!

Location, Longxi Village.

In a small wooden house, Xiongxiong's charcoal fire was burning at this time. The house was very quiet, except for the crackling sound of the wood burning from time to time.

With long hair and lean hair, a pair of vicissitudes but sharp eyes like eagles, sitting next to the charcoal fire, this is a man in his forties.

There is no dull feeling of ordinary people. On the contrary, this man releases a sharp sword-like aura all over his body, which makes people never question his strength at first glance.

The man is the strongest assassin in the empire, Gozzi who was once one of the four ghosts of Raksha!

The young girls were sent by him to complete new tasks before they came back. Gozzi sat on the wooden chair, pressing his left hand on the long knife slung around his waist-Teigu would kill [Cun Yu]. The right hand was flipping through a letter from the minister of the imperial capital not long ago.

The brows were frowned, and the violent aura on his body was telling, Gozzi's mood was very upset at this time!

Anyone who encounters such a thing will be very upset, the cute and obedient tools that he has worked so hard to train and tune will be taken away by others or something!

Although the other party's purpose was only four girls, Cornelia, Bonnie, Tsukushi and Akitou, this was enough to make Goz drop blood.Training, brainwashing, and the hard work that I have spent on them over the years are enough to give this empire's strongest assassin the impulse to chop off the minister!

If it was just the other three girls, it would be better, as long as he took some time to find other substitutes, but if even the red pupil had to be taken away, Gozzi would definitely not want to.

You know, even he is the first time I have seen a girl with such an outstanding talent!

Throwing the letter into the charcoal fire, watching it gradually turn to ashes in the flames, Gozzi knocked on the corner of the table while thinking, according to the time calculation, the person should be coming soon, do you want to Do something...

"Yeah, yeah, is the empire the strongest? This time I really have a headache!"

Hearing the sound of the young girls coming back from outside the house, and withdrawing his thoughts, Gozzi stood up.His right hand stroked the long hair that was blocking his eyes, and the eyes flashed sharply like eagles.

Obviously, in just a moment, Gozqi had already made a certain decision in his heart...


92 Elite Seven!

"Very well, you have completed your quotas, and the profitable social internship will be passed."

Looking at the seven teenage girls standing below him, Gozzi smiled and admired like a loving father while holding the bag full of gold coins in his hands.

"Hehehe, everyone in the village is very friendly!"

With a pure and sunny smile, sitting on a chair and kicking her little feet, this is the vitality girl Bonnie sauce with a long ponytail.

"Hmm! Everyone gave us a lot of gifts!"

With short brown hair, brown eyes, brown and white one-piece dresses, and a round face of innocent family, compared with the vigorous Bonnie sauce, this girl seems to be much more ladylike.

Tong Yan's big breasts, the girl is exactly what assassinated No.6 Chikushi sauce.

Next to Chikushi-chan, sat Nahasiu, a cool boy dressed in military uniforms and formal uniforms, who was silent and speechless. Unlike the vigorous Boni and the cute Chikushi, he is the NO of the seven in terms of strength and talent. .1 he seems to have a lack of interest in everything.

Behind Nahaxiu stood Cornelia, the slender and full-haired eldest sister, and on the right was his arms in front of Xiong. The legendary lecherous big man would go to the village to find a woman's cover whenever he had money. According to children's shoes.

According to the gossip, this Guy’s shoes still coveted the beautiful and gentle long-haired elder sister Cornelia, just because the eldest sister’s super invincible fist has never succeeded.However, it seems that Guy's unusual obsession with children's shoes has never given up!

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