The Contract of the Sekirei

Parrot Goddess Contract Chapter 863

"Really, where is it, why didn't I see it?"

"Uh... just now... I clearly heard..."

The two students came from not far away and looked around where the three of them were before, but found nothing. One of them had to leave in embarrassment under the ridicule of his partner...

"Hey, are classmates Leigang and Zetian no longer? The recent students are really getting worse and worse!"

When class was in the afternoon, the teacher looked at the four empty seats below, frowning and frowning in displeasure.

The two unlearned classmates Kongyue and Lala are enough in the class. I didn't expect that even the others would dare to skip class openly!The teacher felt angrily in his heart that he had to react to the principal and teacher Gu Chuan, and they would definitely not let these students degenerate.

"Lisha, Wei Young..."

Xilian Temple Haruna also looked at the seats of her two friends, but her expression was filled with endless worry.

Haruna at Xilian Temple did not tell everyone that she was attacked by monsters, because the smart girl of ice and snow knew that it had no effect other than causing panic and disbelief ridicule, and the girl also deliberately wanted to keep these experiences alive. As a secret that only oneself and Kongyue know.

I have been attacked by monsters, will Risha and Weiyang also be in danger?Xilian Temple Haruna couldn't help but feel extremely worried. At this time, she thought of Kongyue for the first time, and secretly decided to wait a while if Lisha and Weiyang did not return, she must go to Kongyue Sangcai. Row.

Xilian Temple Haruna herself hadn't noticed. In the past, she had the shadows of Kongyue and Yuki Lidou in her heart, but I don't know when it started, Yuki Lidou's figure has faded in her heart. But Kongyue’s is getting stronger...

I won’t mention these for the time being, but what the girl might never think of is that the two friends she is worried about are being harassed and trained in the dark by the Kong Yuesang whom she trusts!

In a certain room of the grass pheasant's house, the girls' uniforms and dresses had become pieces and scattered everywhere, and the three bodies were entangled like crazy on the chuang.

At first, I can struggle and resist a little bit, but how the two delicate little lambs are the opponents of the evil devil, don’t have to look fascinated for a long time, from the body to the soul, step by step, sinking, and falling...

37 Drag Bracelet

"Kongyue, I'm back!"

After eating and drinking for a while at Mimon Ryoko, Lala flew back alone before school.

Pei Kai's cross dress dissipated Xiao Hei Wing, La La opened the door and jumped into the room, but she was slightly shocked when she saw the scene inside:

"Li Sha, Wei Young!"

I don't know why Li Sha and Wei Young are here, La La has a little surprise and surprise.

Sora Tsuki sat on the sofa with his eyes closed, while Yan Gang Risa and Sawada Weiyang were dressed in white and lovely maid costumes.Sawada Weiyang stood behind the sofa and cleverly squeezed Sora's shoulders, while Laigang Risa was kneeling in front of Sora's body, not knowing what she was doing.

"LaLa, you are back."

"La, Lala sauce..."

Opening his eyes, Sora Moon opened his mouth with a smile on his face, while Sawada Weiyang blushed, obviously a little nervous like a guilty conscience.

After hearing Lala's voice, Lin Gang Risa, who was busy, instinctively prepared to raise her head, but was immediately pressed down by the overbearing Kongyue, and suddenly made a whining sound.

"Lai, Kongyue, Lisha, Weiyang, what are you doing?"

Looking curious and interested, Lala ran over and sat on the sofa and hugged one of Sora's arm, but at this time Lala finally saw what Risa was doing.

It turns out that Risa and the others are playing games with Kongyue. She herself plays games with Kongyue every night and morning!

"LaLa, why did you come back so early?"

Without answering Lala's embarrassing question, Kongyue motioned to the two women to continue, then knocked Lala's head and asked.

"Kongyue is not there, and school is not fun anymore, so I am back."

Lala replied honestly while rubbing the little zuiba on Kongyue's body.

"Well... come back when you come back."

With a muffled snort, he touched the girl's forehead and Kuangyue gently soothed.

Although this girl often creates confusion and troubles, she has always been more indulgent towards Lala Kongyue. Who calls his Lala so cute?

"Lord, master..."

Helping Kongyue cleaned up and stood up, Xiangang Risa shouted blushingly.

Although she had always been a girl with an outspoken personality and a little bit awkward in school, but now she was suddenly tamed by Kongyue to become his private maid or something, the girl was still a little uncomfortable for a while.

"The first time I can do this, my performance is pretty good. But next time I want to get praise from the owner, I have to work hard."

Pulling the girl into her arms, Kongyue said evilly.

"Yes, master..."

Incomparably obedient and obedient, the soul that has concluded the contract is planted with the will of absolute loyalty and admiration to Kongyue. Risa and Miyo Sawada have been surrendered physically and mentally, and they have long been unable to rise in front of Kongyue. Thoughts of resistance.

Caressing the girl’s face, Kongyue nodded in satisfaction. Originally, he hadn’t planned to take action on Risa and Miyo Sawada, but if they let them discover his little secret and send it to the door by themselves, then he had no choice but to do it. Accepted unceremoniously.

"La La, from now on, Li Sha and Wei Young will be my maid and your good sisters. You should get along well with them."

"But this matter cannot be known to other people yet, so don't tell others."

She doesn't have much confidence in Lala's little Zui Ba Kongyue, who is not strict at all. If she doesn't tell her, she will probably go to school tomorrow and she will leak out immediately.

Although it’s okay to be known as the little maids by myself, Risa and Sawada, but it’s better not to let others know before you attack the girls in Xilian Temple.

Moreover, Kongyue is also preparing to insert the two women as her little spies. If she reveals her identity now, she will have a lot less fun later!

"Okay, okay, I see."

Constantly nodding his head and replied, it felt okay for Kongyue to collect Risa and Weiyang as the little maid Lala. As a princess, she saw a lot of things like this.

What's more, her Kongyue is so powerful and outstanding, let alone a maid, it's normal to have a good wife in the future.

Lala's performance is also very satisfied with Sora, who deserves to be his Lala, she is really cute and caring, and she has to be rewarded and rewarded later.

"Li Sha and Wei Young are just ordinary people. Since they are now my little maids, I should give them a small gift as the master."

"La La, come and help, I have to do something."


Although the two women were just ordinary girls before, since they are now their own little maids, Kongyue will naturally not let them go ordinary anymore. She stood up and took Lala into her laboratory, preparing to give them her own hands. Women make something.

Yinggang Risa and Sawada Weiyang also slowly adapted to their new identities. They had completely fallen and they did not have any thoughts of running away. They followed Kongyue and Lala into the laboratory and looked at it. Things that only appear in science fiction movies, the two women could not help but be excited and surprised.

I have been informed of the identity of the alien princess Lala, and I also know that there are many alien civilizations in this world besides the earth, thinking that what I will see in the future will be a broader and more exciting world, the two women even both I couldn’t help feeling that I was grateful that I was harmed by Kongyuesang, the current villain owner...

Asking Lala to lay hands on herself, Kongyue also got busy, and the whole laboratory suddenly jingled non-stop.

Lala is a cosmic genius inventor. The things she prepares to make can actually be easily handled by her, but this girl is too nervous to invent things that will always have more dangerous functions and cause confusion, so empty Yue still feels more reliable to do it herself.

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