The pool manager washed the watermelon and cut it into pieces. Uncle Hong's choice of these watermelons was already good, but with the addition of watermelons, even if they were a little uncooked, they were already cooked. Moreover, Mr. Chi is very lucky, everything is red. When he cuts the knife, he only hears a crisp sound, and then smells the fragrance of watermelon.

Manager Chi watched the red juice flow out of it and licked his dry lips. Then, he cut it piece by piece. Manager Chi followed the emperor and saw many good things. This was the first time he saw this kind of fruit. This red is just beautiful.

When something is given to the emperor, it is natural that someone has to try it. If he is able, he will ask others to try it. Today, Mr. Chi cut it himself, so of course he tasted it himself. It's not that he is not afraid of death, but how can the things sent by General Qin be poisonous? If it was really poisonous, wouldn't General Qin not want his head? So Manager Chi dared to try it himself.

The sweet taste is so wonderful when you take one bite.

Manager Chi resisted the urge to take a second bite and said to the little eunuch: "I'll freeze the remaining half of this." It hasn't been frozen, because the weather is hot, so the fruit is a little warm after being exposed to the sun. If it is frozen, , the taste is even worse.

Manager Chi thinks Qin Fang is really amazing. He can discover anything, even this kind of fruit. No wonder the emperor said that Qin Fang was lucky. Thinking of this, Manager Chi had an idea in his mind. Qin Fang's transfer back to the capital is probably not far away. If there is a lucky person, the emperor will definitely bring him to the capital. Therefore, when Qin Fang comes, he will make friends with him.

However, the imperial concubine has been asking him about some things recently, but he has always tried to pass them off. He is not a fool. The emperor is in the prime of his life. With his status, there is no need to mix things that should not be mixed. He is older than the Emperor, and perhaps when he is gone, the Emperor will be secure on the throne. Therefore, he can just be his general manager. He already had the Conglong Gong, so why would he support another prince to ascend to the throne?

Manager Chi carried a plate into the royal study: "The Emperor's watermelon is here."

The emperor put down his pen and saw the red fruit on the plate: "This watermelon is green on the outside, but red on the inside."

Mr. Chi said: "Isn't this a fulfillment of a saying? It's called red flowers with green leaves."

The emperor couldn't help but smile after hearing this: "You are quite talented. How does this watermelon taste?"

Mr. Chi said: "I can't hide it from the emperor. I greedily tasted a piece. It tastes really good. It's much more delicious than the apples and pears I've eaten before."

The emperor listened and gave him a piece: "Eat it, your saliva will flow out."

Manager Chi smiled, took the watermelon, and took a bite. The emperor moved his nose, picked up a piece and ate it. After one bite, he opened his eyes wide and said, "It's delicious."

Manager Chi took the opportunity to say: "I have seen this watermelon and there are several ways to eat it. Half of it is iced. On a hot day, it tastes better if it is iced."

The emperor nodded and said nothing, because his mouth was full of food. After eating two pieces in one go, his mouth was not full, but his stomach was a little full. He said: "This watermelon is very filling." However, the emperor is not a greedy person.

Mr. Chi said: "No. However, it is recorded in the book sent by General Qin that this watermelon can only be eaten on the same day, and it will go bad if left overnight. If it is not cut, it can be kept for several days, which is not bad. Durable.”

The emperor thought for a moment: "I'll give some to the princes, princesses and ladies in the harem. Two watermelons will be given to each palace."

Manager Chi asked: "What if it is sent to 눃놅?"

The emperor was puzzled: "Does this melon have a 눃놅?"

Mr. Chi said: "There is a reminder in the book to prevent the melon from getting spoiled on the road, so when I pick it, it is not fully ripe. Moreover, the melon has skin on the outside, so you can't see that it is ripe inside. So it is also ripe. It’s 눃놅. However, whether it’s 눃놅‌ or cooked 놅, it’s all 녦. The difference is that 눃놅 is not very sweet inside.”

The emperor smiled and said: "Then it depends on their luck. Believe it or not, I just gave it to them, and they will understand the different meanings."

When Manager Chi heard this, he thought it was true. This 눃놅melon... isn't it just 눃? "Your Majesty is wise."

The emperor laughed: "When you go to send me something, be strict with your words. Just pretend you don't know anything about Qin Fang."

Manager Chi: "Yes."

Outside the palace gate, Lieutenant Du was waiting. Finally, when Tao Shan came out, he waved: "Tao Shan... Tao Shan..."

Tao Shan did not expect that the dignified Second Young Master Du would be waiting for him. He hurried up and said, "Second Young Master, I have kept you waiting for a long time."

Captain Du said nonchalantly: "It's okay, let's go, follow me back home. By the way, are you okay in there?"

Tao Shan said: "It's okay. I met the emperor. The emperor is really a good person."

Captain Du smiled and said nothing. Regarding the Emperor's affairs, we cannot talk about it outside.

As soon as Tao Shan arrived at the Du Mansion, he was invited by the housekeeper to Mrs. Du's courtyard. This was the first time for Tao Shan to meet the mistress of the Du Mansion. He was received by the housekeeper in front of him.

When Tao Shan entered, Mrs. Du was eating watermelon.

The housekeeper said: "Madam, Tao Shan is here."

Tao Shan just raised his head slightly to avoid recognizing the wrong person, and then saluted Mrs. Du: "Tao Shan has met Mrs. Du."

Generally speaking, when you encounter important occasions, you will address a woman with a royal title. For example, if Du Ke is a genuine person, then Mrs. Du will be a lady. 녦 means 놇 in one's own house. When the servants call the master, or when guests call the mistress, they all use the term "wife".

Mrs. Du is about the same age as Qin's mother, but she looks much younger than Qin's mother. She is a clan wife, so naturally she is not comparable to a country woman like Mother Qin.

Mrs. Du said: "Not too polite, Tao Shan, right? Let's take a seat."

Tao Shan hurriedly said: "No, no, as long as the villain is standing." If it were in the past, he would definitely be nervous, but he had just met the emperor, and now he would not be nervous when meeting anyone, because seeing the emperor give birth The influence of 눃놅 has not faded.

Mrs. Du smiled and said: "Sit down, I have something to ask you."

Tao Shan bent down and said, "That villain is so respectful that it is better to obey my orders."

Mrs. Du heard that his conversation was good and he was much more knowledgeable than other people in the household. She nodded and said, "Tao Shan, when you left Yunxiang County, did Mr. Du still live in the General's Mansion?" Because she had received a letter from Du Ke, she knew that Du Ke lived in the General's Mansion in Yunxiang County.

Tao Shan said: "When the villain left the General's Mansion, Lord Du came to the General's Mansion."

Mrs. Du: "So Mr. Du is in good health? Has he been sick during this time? Mr. Du, you are very strict with your words. If you are sick, don't tell me. He won't tell the people around him. Don’t tell me, I know he doesn’t want me to worry. I’m just worried when he goes out. Tao Shan, don’t hide it from me.”

Tao Shan's heart tightened, why did he feel that Mrs. Du was threatening him, but he said truthfully: "Your Excellency is in good health. On the day he arrived in Yunxiang County, the township gentleman asked the doctor from the mansion to look at him. Little man Your Excellency had never been sick before leaving."

Mrs. Du observed that Tao Shan's appearance did not look like he was lying. She was very satisfied: "The Lord of the Township in your mouth is my righteous daughter Yanyan, right? I received a letter from your Excellency recently, saying that during this period of time at the General's Mansion, Thanks to Yanyan and his wife for taking care of him."

Tao Shan didn't know how to answer, so he thought for a moment and said: "Master Du is an elder, and he is the general's teacher. The township monarch and the general should take care of him. But Master Du is very busy. He goes to visit the people with the general every day. He is the one who ...Investigating public opinion. By the way, Mr. Shen is the same person."

Mrs. Du nodded: "So that's it. It's his idea to visit the people every day in this hot weather."

Tao Shan said: "The people like Mr. Du very much."

Mrs. Du was stunned for a moment, then became interested: "His face is so calm every day. Do any people like him?" Even the children at home were afraid when they saw him.

This... Tao Shan smiled embarrassedly, but he just wanted to clarify for Lord Du: "Master Du is very good to the people, very kind, and the people like him very much. Moreover, when he listens to the people nagging, he is very happy. Be patient, the people will welcome him to come again next time.”

Pfft... Mrs. Du couldn't help laughing, but yes, that was really the old man's style.

Tao Shan didn't know what he said to make Mrs. Du laugh, and he was a little embarrassed.

Mrs. Du said: "By the way, Tao Shan, you brought these vegetables, melons and fruits. They are really good. These are things I have never seen in the capital, and your countryman is very attentive." I prepared a notebook and recorded these things to cook and eat, especially this watermelon, it’s so delicious.”

Tao Shan: "Master Du likes to eat watermelon. When the watermelon matures, Master Du can eat half of it every day."

Mrs. Du snorted: "He is really lucky. We will probably be gone in a few days." She wanted to take some of these delicious watermelons to her parents' house, so when she thought that the old man could eat them every day, she also Really envious.

Tao Shan said: "You won't be able to eat it for long, because the fruit period of watermelon is only more than a month, and the next time you eat it will be next year. If you like it, I will bring it to you next year at this time."

Mrs. Du said: "The fruiting period is only more than a month? That's really short. Then I'll wait for you to send it again next year. If you don't give it to me then, I will look for you."

Tao Shan held his face and was too embarrassed to speak.

Mrs. Du stopped teasing him: "You go down and have a rest. Rest for a few days before going back. I have something I want you to take back to your country."

Tao Shan: "Yes."

Taoshan stayed at Du's house for two days. Two days later, he went back with several boxes full of things. This thing is not only given to me by Mrs. Du, but also given by Mrs. Du's family, and also by the emperor. So when I come, I have a big box and a small box, and when I go, I have a big bag and a small bag.

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