Qin Fang stood up and said: "Everyone bring torches and look around for this light. Because there are many boxes, the powder may be scattered. After finding it, ten people will follow up in a team."

"Yes." Whether it was the Imperial Guards or the soldiers of Yunxiang County, they all consciously and efficiently formed teams to search.

With the help of the powder, they searched along the way. Because walking was slow, they searched for a whole night, and several pairs of people gathered in the same place.

Du Xingran looked around: "We found that the powder was scattered in different places since the incident. We went in several different ways, but we all gathered here in the end. What is here? Cliffs, what are we going to do here in the end?"

This is the place where we finally gathered. There is no road ahead, and there are cliffs. Everyone searched along the powder and finally gathered here. That is to say, after the carriages separated, they finally returned here. So there must be something wrong here, otherwise why are we here?

Qin Fang: "Everyone search separately to see if there are any clues nearby. One person will go to the front to see if there are any signs that the carriages have left."


Soon, a soldier found the traces.

"General Qin, there are some problems with the trees here. There are traces of ropes tied."

"General Qin, there are also traces of ropes tied on the trees here."

"General Qin, there are also traces of ropes tied on the trees here."

"General Qin, there are also traces of ropes tied on the trees here."

"General Qin, there are traces of ropes tied on so many trees. This is obviously unusual, and why are the ropes tied here? This question is very simple. There is a cliff in front. Ordinary people can think of ropes tied here. It may be related to the cliff.

Qin Fang looked at the tree for a while, and then went to the edge of the cliff to watch. Sure enough, there were traces of friction on the edge of the cliff, and there were also grass fluffs of ropes here.

At this time, the ropes are twisted with grass or hemp. If they are rubbed on the edge of the cliff, there will definitely be grass or hemp fluff left.

"General?" Captain Yang also squatted and watched. But he didn't squat too close, in case it fell off, it would not be a joke.

Qin Fang said, "Go prepare the ropes, let's go and take a look."

Captain Yang: "Yes."

Of course, we brought ropes. After all, the ammunition we were carrying was very heavy, so we had a spare in case the ropes tied to the ammunition boxes broke on the way. However, these ropes were obviously not enough, so Captain Yang took people to cut a vine to connect them.

After preparing three ropes, they were fixed on the tree. Then Captain Yang pulled the rope hard, and after confirming that the rope was strong, he said to Qin Fang, "General, it's okay."

Qin Fang nodded, "I'll go and take a look."

Yu said, "I'll go too."

Du Xingran also wanted to go, but he was afraid to go because he was so nervous. Among the rich kids, there are very few who are really good at fighting. They usually practice martial arts for defense and strength.

This cliff is not very high, but it is definitely not low. The rope we prepared is long enough, and it has not reached the bottom of the cliff. However, from the cliff, you can see the traces of heavy objects being lifted in at a glance.

Yu: "It seems that the medicine box was transported from here." So we did not find any traces of the powder leaving.

Qin Fang nodded: "Very capable."

The rope was not long enough, Qin Fang said to another imperial guard who followed him and Yu: "Go up and ask them to prepare a longer rope, and then arrange some more people. General Yu, shall we go and have a look?"

"Yes." The imperial guard climbed up.

Yu said angrily: "No problem. Damn, you robbed me, I don't plan to let it go like this." He looked fierce, and his bandit words were quite scary.

The rope was not long enough, so he had to give up the rope and climb the rock. There was a problem with climbing the rock, that is, you can't hold a torch, otherwise you can't climb the rock with one hand. Fortunately, Qin Fang and Yu Dong were both good climbers, the cliff was not very steep, and they had been climbing for a long time with the rope. After climbing with their hands for about a quarter of an hour, they reached the top.

Once they reached the top, Yu Dong took out the tinder he brought with him and lit the tinder. Once the tinder was lit, the situation inside became clear at a glance. "This... this is probably burned by fire, right?"

The traces of fire at the bottom of the cliff were particularly obvious, with charcoal from wood still there, and traces of grass were also particularly obvious. But the most obvious thing is the clay block next to the fire. This is the fake fire medicine made by Qin Fang. It was transported from Yunxiang County by Yu and his team that day, and now it is here.

Yu picked up the clay block: "Is this the fire medicine given by General Qin?" Yu knew it as soon as he saw the size. After counting the number of fire medicines, he could almost immediately confirm that it was fake fire medicine by looking at the size of this piece.

Qin Fang said: "Indeed. We have burned everything that should be burned in the box, and this clay block cannot be burned, so we can only throw it here. I guess you also found out that this fire medicine is fake when you burned it, so you can throw it away. However, this road is a good choice. If we didn't find it, we would definitely leave with the fire medicine."

Yu 뎃 said: "The plan for 뀘 is very thorough, but now that everything is here, I'm afraid we won't be able to track it. We can only look for clues nearby. I don't know if there is Zhuangzi nearby or if anyone has seen it." ‌We.”


While Qin Fang and Yu were talking, many soldiers from the Yulin Army and Yunxiang County came from above.

Qin Fang said: "Just rest here for one night and ask about the situation during the day tomorrow."


It's late at night, and even if there is a village nearby, it's hard for us to inquire about it. It's not good to scare people. Moreover, it has already been three days, and the barbarian will not be able to stay with us in the same place. ‌So, there is no rush.

the next day

Early in the morning, Yu 뎃 and Qin Fang took people to check. Not to mention, there was really a village nearby.

"Auntie, have any strangers in your village walked toward the back mountain recently?"

"Never seen it."

"Uncle, have any strangers come to your village recently?"

"This eldest sister..."

Qin Fang asked many people, but they all said they had never seen it. In fact, it's normal that they haven't seen it. After all, although the village is nearby, there is still a long way to the cliff of the back mountain. If Manzi wants to avoid the villagers, there are many ways.

Yu said: "General Qin, I'm afraid we won't be able to find anything for a while. We have a mission. We must first go to the Yongzhou military camp to confirm whether the fire medicine has been delivered. After confirming, we will return to the capital to recover. , I’ll leave the matters here to you for the time being.”

Qin Fang said: "Then I won't give it away. Let's have wine together again when we have the opportunity."

Yu 뎃 cupped his hands and said, "General Qin, take care."

Du Xingran: "Brother Qin, take care."

Qin Fang also cupped his hands and said, "You guys should also take care."

Yu 뎃 left with the Royal Forest Army. Without the Royal Forest Army, there were suddenly fewer people at the scene. Although it was difficult to trace the clues, Qin Fang did not give up. There is more than one village nearby, and the fact that the villagers from the nearest village have not been seen does not mean that the villagers from other villages are not seen either, so Qin Fang asked Xiaowei Yang to lead his people to continue searching.


Du Ke received Qin Fang's letter from the Queen of Heaven, because the soldiers carried Qin Fang's letter instead of a memorial, so it would be faster to send the letter to the emperor than to Du Ke. In this way, it would be safer to send a letter to the Emperor than to Du Ke. The matter of the fire medicine was exposed, and Qin Fang thought that there was someone close to the emperor, so Qin Fang still asked the soldiers to send a letter to Du Ke.

It was the third time that Du Ke was called back from the military yamen by his family members. Speaking of it, it seemed like the previous time had happened before.

As soon as Du Ke got home, he met the soldiers and read Qin Fang's letter. When he saw that the fire bomb was intercepted by someone, he stood up suddenly, and when he saw that it was a barbarian who intercepted the fire bomb, Du Ke immediately thought of political issues. Qin Fang had to think a lot before he could think of Yong Dahou and the Second Prince, but Du Ke thought of 깊 directly.

However, when he saw that Qin Fang had other arrangements for the fire medicine, he breathed a sigh of relief. It's good that Qin Fang be cautious, or that Qin Fang was scared before, so he should be careful this time. Otherwise, if the firewood is really intercepted by the barbarians, and it gets into the hands of the barbarians, it will be difficult for the army to fight against Qi Guo.

But the question is, how did Barbarian know about the fire medicine?

There is a traitor in the court.

Du Ke entered the palace immediately after reading the letter.

imperial study room


The emperor was so angry that he threw the teacup on the table. He stared with his eyes wide open and gasped for air, his expression showing visible anger. Duko didn't dare to look up and pretended not to see it. After a while, the emperor slowly calmed down his anger: "Duke, who do you think leaked the news to Barbarian?"

Du Ke said: "I don't know."

The emperor added: "How did Marquis Yongyu manage Yongzhou Yongjun? More than a hundred barbarians sneaked into the territory of Qiguo without knowing it. Then if the barbarians entered the palace to assassinate me, wouldn't they also know? ?”

Duko didn't dare to answer this.

The emperor narrowed his eyes: "Qin Fang, on the other hand, was frightened by what happened last time he came to Wang County, so he became cautious this time. However, I am also brave. I asked the Royal Forest Army to deliver fire medicine, but he actually bullied me. Keep it secret, hide it from me, hide it from the Yulin Army, and let people from Yongzhou Military Camp deliver the fire medicine."

Du Ke said directly: "That kid deceived his superiors and deceived his subordinates. He deserves to be punished."

"Oh?" The emperor raised his eyebrows, "Then what should you do if you deceive the superiors and deceive the subordinates? Disobeying the order is a crime of beheading."

Du Ke said: "It's a pity to behead. Why don't you let me come and show the emperor the city gate?"

The emperor smiled coldly: "Don't think that I don't understand what you are thinking."

Du Ke: "I don't dare."

The Emperor: "Okay, although it is a serious crime to deceive superiors and hide from inferiors, there is nothing wrong with being cautious. This time, thanks to 깊‌'s caution. However, ‌ actually trusts Marquis Yong놌."

Du Ke: "The one I believe is Han Zhen. Han Zhen and Qin Fang came from the same village, grew up together, and then joined the army together."

After hearing this, the suspicion in the emperor's heart was dispelled. He didn't like military commanders to be too friendly with each other. Even though they are all people whom ‌ trusts, ‌ doesn’t like ‌ being too friendly with them.

The emperor said: "Do you have any doubts about the leak of the medicine line?"

Du Ke said: "It's hard to doubt. When the emperor arranged this matter, there were only a few people in the royal study. Speaking of which, the ministers were also among the suspects."

The emperor didn't speak. Du Ke was right. On that day, I proposed that Yongzhou Military Camp use pyrotechnics because I wanted to truly experience the power of pyrotechnics. ‌The people in the Imperial Study Room at that time were all ‌'s confidants. Although ‌ knew that their confidants had their own thoughts, they never thought that ‌ would have such ‌ confidants. They are allowed to fight among themselves, but they are not allowed to leak the firewood matter to the barbarians. This is treason. Internal strife and treason are no big deal.

The emperor narrowed his eyes: "Qin Fangxin said that it was Barbarian who intercepted the explosives. Barbarian put on Barbarian's clothes to intercept the explosives. What is his intention? Not to hide it?"

Du Ke thought: "Probably he wants to frame Yong Dahou."

"Oh? Tell me carefully."

Du Ke analyzed: "If we wear other clothes, even if we Qi people look a little different, we may not be able to doubt that the barbarians are here for a while. But whether it is a real barbarian or a fake barbarian, wearing a barbarian At least the first thing I can think of is the crime of dereliction of duty on the part of Marquis Yong. He allowed more than a hundred barbarians to enter the country. This crime of dereliction of duty cannot be escaped. Therefore, the barbarians do not need to hide their identities. , just to frame Yong Dahou."

The Emperor: "Then according to what you said, Marquis Yong Da is definitely not suspicious."

Du Ke shook his head: "Not necessarily, maybe the thief Yong Dahou shouted to catch the thief."

"Hahaha..." The emperor was laughed at by Du Ke, "The Marquis Yong's lineage has been guarding Yongzhou for dozens of 뎃깊, so naturally they won't do this." The emperor still has this trust.

Du Ke added: "Yong Dahou will not do this, but the second prince's lineage may do this."

"What do you mean?" The emperor's voice suddenly dropped.

Du Ke, however, was not afraid of death and said: "The young master of Yongdahou Mansion is the companion of the second prince. If something happens to Yongdahou, human eyes will be able to eradicate the second prince's influence." ‌Some people may suspect that the eldest prince may be behind this incident.”

In fact, the emperor thought so just now.

Du Ke continued: "But, it is also possible that the person behind the second prince is a thief and framed the first prince?"

The emperor was silent. The eldest prince has the Ren family behind him. The emperor knows that he has not named the daughter of the Ren family as queen, and the Ren family is very dissatisfied. Now that the second prince has been found, and the Shen family is standing behind the second prince, it is possible that the Ren family may be anxious and deal with the person behind the second prince. However, there is a possibility that the people behind the second prince may frame the eldest prince.

For a moment, the emperor fell into deep thought. "We can only continue with the clues over there."

Duco should be. I took a bite of everything and ignored this matter. But who leaked the news?

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