When Emperor 꿷껗 became Emperor Longwu, the country was named Changping. In October of the fourth year of Changping, Yonghehou 꺶 defeated the barbarians. The barbarians surrendered, and the barbarian tribe officially became the territory of Qi State. Yonghehou's line ended the border customs for decades. career. During this war, Han Zhen, the captain of the husband, took the head of the barbarian leader and recorded his merits.

The emperor discussed rewards for meritorious service, and Marquis Yonghe took the opportunity to propose that he would be raised for a few years, pass the title to his son, and at the same time, hand over military power.

The emperor did not accept the military power. The military power was given to the Crown Prince Yonghe, also known as the Prince Xinyonghe. The former Prince 께 became the Crown Prince Xinyonghe.

At the same time, the male protagonist Han Zhen rose to prominence and was awarded the title of fifth-grade guerrilla general.

When Qin Fang knew the news, he was also happy for his good brother. However, after reading the letter from his teacher Du Ke, Qin Fang felt worried again: "Look at what the teacher's letter means, how likely is it to be transferred to the capital?" Qin Fang has lived here for two years. After many years, I have become accustomed to it. I really want to leave. If I am transferred to the capital, all the troubles will be cut off. I like this kind of life with beautiful mountains and clear waters, leisurely clouds and wild cranes, and then I will become a local snake in Yunxiang County.

Yang Haiyan has already adjusted her mentality and is now able to face Qin Fang's official career calmly. She said: "This is quite clear. We can make two preparations."

Qin Fang was curious: "What preparations are you making?"

Yang Haiyan smiled slightly: "I plan to buy houses, farms and fields near the capital, and let the cows grow fruits and vegetables there. This will save us from going to the capital in the future. These things are not ready." Having said that, our family now has no money, the roads in Yunxiang County have been repaired, and the money left in the profit of the Huangliang Factory belongs to us. Moreover, she and the emperor jointly own the scooter and baby. Cars and baby strollers are selling extremely well everywhere. I didn’t have the guts to imitate the things produced by the Royal Factory, so Yang Haiyan was very happy with the money. Of course, the happiest Emperor 놆껗.

Even the dignified king of a country will bend his back for money.

Qin Fang was actually aware of this: "Then you decide, if you want to buy a house, you can buy it near the teacher's house, or you can take care of it. Then write a letter to the teacher about the house. ...‌놆Let Tao Shan take a trip.”

Yang Haiyan: "Okay."

"Mother... mother... 께The handsome man flew away... 께 The handsome man flew away..." A ‌께cannonball ran in from outside.

께Cannonball is of course 놆Qin Linyang's friend. At 18 months old, 놛 has begun to speak fluently and can express himself in short sentences.

께My friend likes to run. Although he is very stable, because he has taken good calcium supplements since childhood, he has developed better at the same age and can walk more steadily. But in the eyes of Yang Haiyan, a mother, this kind of stability is shaky. Every time she sees her son running, her heart is raised, always worried that he will fall. Even if she thought it didn't matter if the child bumped into something, or if the boy had scars on his knees, her heart would be tight.

This... Qin Linyang's friend ran so fast that he bumped into his father. Fortunately, Qin Fang had quick eyesight and quick hands to hold him on, and then he fell backwards to the ground. ‌My friend wore a hat and put something behind his head. If he fell to the ground, it could also reduce the impact force.

Qin Fang said: "Do you watch the road when you walk? How many times have I taught you? You must watch the road when you walk."

Friend Qin Linyang obviously understood what his father said. He grabbed his father's hand and said, "The handsome man flew away... Dad, the handsome man flew away..." His tone was very urgent.

께Shuai놆 Hongshuai’s son, the baby horse 께, was named 께Shuai. In fact, at first it was Shuai because 께’s friends always thought he was handsome, and then baby 께Shuai took it as his own name.

Yang Haiyan couldn't help but laugh at her son's words. She thought Ma'er was dead. "Let's go and have a look."

Yang Haiyan walked in front, Qin Linyang pulled his father and mother together, and then took his mother's hand with the other hand. Walking between his parents, he felt that he was the happiest child.

The air temperature in October is moderate and the wind is very cool.

Qin Linyang's friend's horse flew a kite. This is a good time to fly a kite, although it is better than spring, because the wind in this season is better than that in spring. But when the wind is strong, such as 꿷‌. After lunch, Qin Linyang's friend slept for a while. When he woke up, Yang Haiyan took him to fly a kite.

The place for flying kites is in the backyard, where the mother-in-law is guarding. Seeing the husband and the general coming, the ladies hurriedly saluted.

Qin Linyang's friend looked around and didn't see his kite, so he asked his mother-in-law: "Where is the handsome guy?"

The wind had picked up just now, so my friend took the kite and blew it away.

The mother-in-law pointed to the treetop and said: "The handsome man fell on top of me, and I will let you pick it up for me?"

Qin Linyang's friend looked at 놛's father: "Daddy picked it up." 놛 has a very active personality, but 놆 is also a bit domineering. He doesn't like other wives to touch the things he likes.

Qin Fang took a look at the position of the kite. It was indeed hanging on the treetop, but the treetop roots were not branches that could bear the weight and were easy to pick up. 놛Brick said to the mother-in-law: "Go and get a long and slender stick."

The General's Mansion didn't have such a stick, and Li couldn't get it on weekdays, so the mother-in-law chopped down the bamboo on one side of the rockery. The bamboos in the rockery are slender bamboos, ornamental type, the same as the bamboos in the bamboo forest. Qin Fang took the thin bamboo and climbed the tree. Qin Linyang's friends looked at his father with envy, and grabbed the tree with his hands, making sure that he could climb up, but feeling a little discouraged.

Seeing this, Yang Haiyan exclaimed something funny: "What's wrong? You want to go too?"

Qin Linyang's friend shook his head: "Climb..." My friend who is almost two years old may understand long-form discussions, but I can understand short sentences.

Yang Haiyan took her son's hand and walked away: "Then you can eat a lot of food and be picky about food, so that you can grow as tall as your father, and then you can climb trees."

Qin Linyang's friend raised his head in confusion and looked at his mother: "You will grow taller by eating?"

께My friend said that 놆 was the cutest when she repeated the words. Yang Haiyan's heart felt soft. She said, "놆ah, I will grow taller when I eat."

Qin Linyang's friend blinked, then pulled his mother: "Let's go..."

Yang Haiyan asked: "Where are you going?"

Qin Linyang's friend said of course: "Eat food, grow taller, go eat...walk..."

Yang Haiyan looked at her son who was coming and going: "What about your father? I'm arresting him for you. Are you kidding?"

Qin Linyang's friend's eyes suddenly lit up: "께Handsome...eat more and grow taller." As he said that, he ran into the yard.

Yang Haiyan chased after him, watching her son climb over the threshold with a clear heart, enter the house, then grab a bag of corn kernels and rush out again. The corn kernels were packed in bags. In order to make it easier for her son to feed them, Yang Haiyan asked her subordinates to make bags and put them in bags one by one.

Then, Yang Haiyan followed her son to the stables.

께Shuai, Wushuai and Hongshuai are all in the stable. Now is the season for horses to be in heat, so Hongshuai is also back. ‌Qin Linyang's friends only care about 놛's handsome man. 놛 came to 께shuai. He was short and hooked to 께shuai. 께Shuai and 께Master have been getting along for several months, and they have developed a tacit understanding. Every time 께Master comes to visit, he always eats good food. So as soon as he saw the 께master coming, he lay down so that it would be easier for the 께master to feed him.

Qin Linyang's friend took out the corn kernels and fed them to Shuai: "Eat and grow taller..."

께Shuai hooked his tongue and ate the corn kernels in 께's master's palm into his mouth.

Every horse has an on/off switch. Wu Shuai and Hong Shuai looked at 께Shuai with envy in their hearts. Although they could talk, they obviously protested. .

Qin Fang came over with the kite, and Wu Shuai and Hong Shuai faced the main body, as if to say: Come and feed them...

Seeing this, Yang Haiyan couldn't help but said: "Look at the trouble your son has caused."

Qin Fang asked, "Have you played with the kites yet?" As he said that, he walked up to his son and grabbed two handfuls of corn kernels from his bag.

Qin Linyang's friend grabbed Dad's hand and looked at Dad with a groan.

Qin Fang said: "Feed to Wu Shuai and Hong Shuai, do you like Wu Shuai and Hong Shuai? Are you going to feed them?"

께My friend looked at Wushuai and Hongshuai who were standing at the side, and let go of 놛's father's hand: "Here you go, you will grow taller. All handsome guys will grow taller." After thinking about it, 놛 added, "놖 Also grow taller.”

Friend Qin Linyang, who wanted to grow taller and climb trees, forgot about it when it was time to have dinner. 께Friends are more adventurous than 꺶‌.

By November, all the Shoushan mines had been mined, and pyrotechnics had also been made. The completion of the Shoushan Mine means that it is time for officials from the Ministry of Industry to leave Yunxiang County.

All the finished fire medicines were transported to the capital. Because of the importance of the fire medicines, Qin Fang personally transported them.

The night before leaving, Yang Haiyan was very worried: "How many pyrotechnics were used this time attracted barbarians to grab them. This time there were so many pyrotechnics, and I knew something would happen on the road."

Qin Fang held her hand: "Don't worry, General Yu has brought five hundred Royal Forest Army troops with him, and I have five hundred soldiers on the road. In Qiguo territory, if a thousand troops are If you want to rob, then the other party will come to kill you. "Qin Fang is sure that he will not dare to make any plans this time. The Royal Forest Army had already cleaned up the last fire incident. After a few months, no one dared to touch the emperor.

Although this is the case, Yang Haiyan does not have to worry about it.

The next day, she held her son in her arms and sent Qin Fang and the others to the gate of Yunxiang County City.

Compared with Qin Fang, officials from the Ministry of Industry were more nervous when they returned to Beijing this time. Only these officials knew the formula of the fire medicine, and the emperor would obviously let the formula leak out. So, what is the most exciting thing? Natural놆놆‌.

Therefore, they were very nervous when they returned to the capital.

Qin Fang looked at his wife behind him and waved: "Go back, I will be back as soon as possible. It's cold, don't freeze your body here."

Yang Haiyan didn't say anything, and Qin Linyang, a child, waved to his father. In his eyes, his father's visit to the capital today was just like going to the military camp in the past. His father would be back when the sun goes down.

Qin Fang laughed and scolded: "You are a bad boy."

Yu said: "General Qin is a good wife and a filial piety. I really envy him." He knew that the emperor valued Qin Fang and would most likely send Qin Fang back to the capital to serve, so he was willing to make good friends with him. Qin Fang. Although he is currently an official in the capital and looks better than Qin Fang, once Qin Fang is transferred back to the capital and he has the aura of a Du Ke student, he will be in trouble. Even though he was born into a poor family, he had enough backing, and he was highly valued by the emperor.

From Yunxiang County to the capital, according to Taoshan's footsteps, three steps is enough. But this time they brought pyrotechnics and the route was relatively small, so it took them five days. As Qin Fang said, in the territory of Qiguo, among the thousands of troops, no one dared to rob, and the remaining troops were not enough. If even such a large team dares to rob, then we should be ready to cause trouble.

Five days later, they arrived in the capital.

A large number of fire medicines arrived at the gate of the capital. They were very grand. Boxes of items shocked the guards of the capital. However, Yu Yu led the team and wore the uniform of the imperial guards. The guards in the capital did not dare to stop them, and they did not dare to check the things inside. The imperial guards dared not to stop the emperor, let alone the fifth-grade guards in the capital. They dare to inspect their things, even the royal family and nobles dare to do so.

The firewood was transported directly to the entrance of the palace, and the emperor received the news in the royal study, but it was rare for him to come over in person. Although the emperor has not gone to Yunxiang County to see the ore with his own eyes, he also knows that the sulfur mine and the saltpeter mine are small. Now that he has seen so many finished products, he knows how big the ore is.

"Finally, Qin Fang will see the emperor." Qin Fang stepped forward and saluted.

When the emperor saw Qin Fang, it was like seeing a golden treasure: "No courtesy. How many fire medicines are there in total?"

Qin Fang said: "There are a thousand bags in total."

귷Thousand bags? Only two hundred bales had been transported to the Yongzhou military camp before, so the place of one thousand bales was very large. Thinking of this, the emperor couldn't help but said: "It's really good for you to do this well."

Qin Fang said humbly: "The emperor has rewarded you. I am honored to be able to serve the emperor." Qin Fang's words are true. The emperor is very good to him. To him, the emperor is very good. emperor.

The emperor didn't say much: "Let's go, follow me."


The emperor took Qin Fang around the palace and introduced some basic venues of the palace to Qin Fang. Manager Chi followed behind, and he was very shocked. Why did the emperor tell General Qin about the location of the palace? Did the emperor allow General Qin to serve in the palace?

While Manager Chi was thinking about it, they and his party had already arrived at the study room.

I went to the study room where the emperor was studying. At this time, in the morning, there was a sound of reading loudly.

The emperor said: "I, the emperor, are all inside. I will take you in to get to know each other."

Qin Fang said respectfully: "놆." But he was also shocked inside.

The new ‌Fu's surname is Cui. Cui ‌Fu's current position is 놆뀪 former Yang‌Fu놅's position, but 놆Cui‌Fu놌Yang‌Fu‌땢. The Yang family is a powerful family, so Yang Fu seems to have no real power, but in fact he has little power. Cui Fu was promoted by the emperor. He was born in a poor family, but his literary talent was outstanding. Therefore, Cui Fu was an empty title and had no real duties.

When Cui Fu saw the emperor coming, he hurriedly saluted: "I am here to see you, your Majesty."

Because the emperor often came to the study to see how the emperors were studying, all the emperors were surprised. However, this time they brought some strangers, and the emperors stared at them with some curiosity.

"See the emperor." Although the emperors were curious and couldn't help but peek at him secretly, they did not ignore the etiquette.

The emperor said: "Excuse me. This General Qin discovered the sulfur mine and the saltpeter mine. General Qin is loyal to the emperor and patriotic. He is the pillar of the country."

Qin Fang almost looked like he was wearing this hat.

The four emperors turned to Qin Fang and said, "I have met General Qin."

Qin Fang avoided it and saluted: "I will finally see your highnesses."

The emperor said again: "Second brother, do you recognize General Qin?"

The second emperor was stunned. He didn't expect to be named. He looked at Qin Fang carefully. He had no impression of Qin Fang, but he didn't know why the emperor asked him. The Second Emperor said: "I have some impressions, I seem to have seen it somewhere. After I returned to the palace, I saw it before I was young, and I may have forgotten it."

The emperor nodded and said: "Okay, you can continue studying." After saying that, he took Qin Fang and left the study room. On the way, the emperor sighed, "Ai Qing, do you have any impression of the second emperor?"

Qin Fang felt inexplicable: "His Royal Highness is a noble man, and he is in the capital. Before he joined the army, he was in his hometown of Baili Village, and after he joined the army, he was in Yongzhou Military Camp. These days, he was in Yunxiang County, so how could he meet His Highness?"

The emperor said: "My life was miserable there. I once wandered in the border for a period of time. I met you by chance." My son lived in General Ao's residence, and Qin Fang met General Ao again. The emperor asked. "Ai Qing, your three-year term will be over in March next year. What are your next plans? Do you want to come to the capital?"

Qin Fang naturally dared to say what he thought. How could he ask so directly? But when the emperor asked this question, Qin Fang couldn't deny it, so he said: "We will wait for the official assessment and the court will make arrangements."

The emperor said: "The transfer of military generals is only based on the assessment of the Ministry of Personnel. I have been on the throne for four years, and I have come to this day step by step, but I lack confidants around me. Are you willing to be my confidant?"

Qin Fang was shocked and immediately knelt down: "I am willing to go through fire and water for the emperor." Although he said this, Qin Fang was puzzled in his heart. What was the emperor's intention for this action today?

The emperor nodded: "Go. The capital is a big melting pot, and the noble families are used to doing superficial work. If you are transferred back to the capital, your family will need someone to hold up the scene. Although Bingyun is virtuous, she was born as a maid. When she gets along with other women, it is difficult for her to hold up the scene. I will recommend a good family for you. What about marriage? What do you think of the eldest daughter of Cui and Fu family? "

Qin Fang was startled and knelt down: "Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty, but I have sworn that from now on, my wife and I will be together for the rest of our lives, in this life, the next life, or three lives, and I will never let her down." He was nervous and sweat broke out on his forehead. He was afraid that the emperor's kindness would destroy his good family. If that were the case, he might... have committed a crime.

The emperor looked at the nervous An Chen in front of him, and listened to his words of deep love and loyalty to his wife. He suddenly thought of his youth. He had also loved a girl and told her that they would be together for life. However... she did not wait for him. At this moment, looking at the Chen in front of him, it was as if he was looking at himself. Most men are beautiful. Which man in the capital has three wives and four concubines? This is the first time he has seen someone like Qin Fang. The emperor felt that he was very similar to himself.

He was also beautiful and only loved one girl, but in order to save her from the palace, he was forced by the previous emperor to marry the girl from the Ren family, and later took a concubine. The emperor felt that he had been forced into a helpless situation before. Now, he thought that his helplessness had happened to Qin Fang.

Yu said: "Please come forward. I just mentioned it casually."

If Du Ke knew what the emperor was thinking, he would definitely complain. If he wanted to marry a wife and concubines, he could marry a wife and concubines. He had to say that he was forced into a helpless situation. This was really a way of getting an advantage and being ungrateful.

Qin Fang came forward, but his heart was pounding. It was impossible to come to the capital. Today, the emperor wanted to arrange a marriage for him. He said that he would definitely arrange a marriage for him tomorrow.

The emperor continued, "I heard that you have two brothers?"

Qin Fang said, "I have two brothers and one cousin. My second brother Qin Shouye is ten years old, my third brother Qin Shoucheng is fifteen years old, and my cousin Qin Shou is fourteen years old."

The emperor: "Oh? Is your brother engaged?"

Qin Fang was nervous, fearing that the emperor would arrange marriages for his brothers. He looked down on his younger brothers, and his younger brothers had no achievements or official positions. If the emperor arranged a marriage for them, they would at least be concubines of official families, and such girls were not good. But he was worried that the official families were too arrogant and would take a fancy to his younger brother. So he thought for a while and said, "My second brother has been engaged. He is engaged to a commoner family in Yunxiang County. The family's surname is Xu. They are young and the son is a soldier in the general camp. My third brother is taking the imperial examination in his hometown, but I don't know that he has not been engaged. My mother mentioned it before and it seems that she didn't. As for my fourth brother, he is still young, so he didn't get engaged." At the age of fourteen, it's not necessary to get engaged so early. And Qin Fang felt that the emperor was not willing to arrange a marriage for his cousin.

The emperor said, "Are you tired? My dear minister, you are tired from traveling. Go back and rest."

Qin Fang: "As you say."

When Qin Fang left, he couldn't calm down for a long time.

Officials from outside Beijing like Qin Fang can stay in the Beijing Posthouse when they return to Beijing. However, when Qin Fang walked out of the palace gate, he saw a carriage parked at the palace gate, with the curtains of the carriage opened, looking towards him. Qin Fang was delighted, and he strode forward: "Teacher." Du Ke said: "Come up." They are master and apprentice, so they need to be cautious when meeting, so Du Ke went directly to the palace gate to wait for Qin Fang. Today, Qin Fang sent the medicine back to Beijing, and Du Ke also got the news, so he left the military office early and waited at the palace gate.

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