Yang Haiyan took her son to the yard, washed his face and hands first, then coaxed him to bed, and then prepared a stomachic and digestive medicine bought at the trading counter and gave it to him. Down. The child is still young and will swallow the pills, so the shock is better.

After the child drank the potion, Yang Haiyan asked him to lie down and said, "Go to sleep quickly. We can play again when you wake up." She then started rubbing his belly. Really, this child ate too much. Look at his full belly. But this child felt very proud and felt that he was full.

Qin Linyang had nothing to worry about after waiting for his mother, and happily fell asleep next to his mother.

Baili Village

The Qin family built another house, right next to Qin Fang's house. It was built according to the layout of Qin Fang's house. They built two houses, Qin Shouye's and Qin Shou's. I don't care if they live there, but as parents, they have to build their houses.

‌Now, Qin Fang, Qin Mu and the others have already moved in. After that, they were the only ones to live in. Grandpa Qin and Grandma Qin still lived in the old house. They liked living in the old house. Anyway, they were from the same village and could move around at any time.

In this regard, Qin's father and Qin's mother also followed them.

Today, during dinner, Qin's father came to the old house for a visit: "Dad, grandma, second brother..."

"Hey..." Grandma Qin was resting in the house, not yet asleep, when she heard her son's voice and came over.

"Brother ‌..." Second Uncle Qin was also resting. Second Uncle Qin's family is very powerful and he is a rich man. Second Aunt Qin was willing to spend money. Now that her family had money, she also had a spare room, so she bought a wife to do laundry and cooking for their family. This wife, Second Aunt Qin could do anything in her dreams. ‌ sound. However, before she could make a sound, her grandparents came, and Yunxiang County also brought the servants who were waiting for them.

Here, there are more servants than the second bedroom. I think Second Aunt Qin is also jealous. In the past, she would be jealous over trivial things, but now, she is satisfied with this kind of behavior.

Seeing several people coming, Qin's father said: "Ah, there are things from the capital. There are also eggs. Come and get them." You can call the servants to do this kind of thing, but Qin's father Like other people in the countryside, they all like to move around, so I came here by myself.

"It's true, A Fang, what are you going to do with this money?" Grandma Qin walked to the Qin family's new house with Grandpa Qin.

The house that Qin's father and Qin's mother lived in front of was for Qin Shouye. Qin Shouye was studying in the county town. After a while, the servants would pick him up in a carriage, which was quite convenient.

Second Uncle Qin was naturally happy to hear that his son had also brought something, so he followed him over.

There are several wooden boxes placed in the yard of the Qin family. Each wooden box has a seal, which is the seal of the Beijing Post Station. Therefore, the seals of the Post Station look the same, but the seals are the same. The seals in front of me have the seals of the Jingcheng Station on the top and the seals of the Dijing Station on the bottom, which proves that the things were brought from the capital and are still intact.

Moreover, there is a name under the capital seal, which represents the name of the person who is carrying the thing. Among the several wooden boxes, there was one with Qin Shouxin written on it, indicating that it was brought by Niu Dan.

Then, Father Qin and Aunt Qin opened the wooden box.

Qin’s mother: “There is a letter on the wooden box Niudan, please read it quickly.”

At first, several elders of the Qin family knew the words, but when they were in Yunxiang County, Qin's father and mother managed the Huangliang Factory, so they only knew a few words. Back home, the only way to communicate with Qin Fang was through letters, and Qin Shouye was asked to teach me a few words when he was free.

So at the end of the year, although Father Qin still knew how to write, he knew enough characters to read a letter.

Uncle Qin gave the letter to Qin's father: "Brother, please read it for me."

"Hey." Father Qin opened the letter.

Niu Dan's letter was very simple. He just gave these things to his parents and grandparents. As for others, he didn't think about it. Niu Dan is a simple-minded person, a bit simple-minded, and has no fancy. All the property he sent was from the capital, but there was no jewelry or anything like that. The money he paid for the property was all paid by his brother and sister-in-law. Where did he get the money to buy jewelry for his mother?

However, when Second Uncle Qin looked at the letter and his son's things, he was still full of joy in his heart. This was sent from his son from the capital. In fact, even if it was a piece of grass, Second Uncle Qin could feel this. It's fragrant.

Grandpa Qin and Grandma Qin also felt that the cow’s eggs were growing.

Grandpa Qin said: "Afang's wife taught him well. Niu Dan is becoming more and more sensible. Look at this letter, he wrote it himself." Although the handwriting is really ugly.

Second Uncle Qin said: "But these things are still paid by A Fang's wife. This kid, if you don't have money, don't buy these things. How can you get his sister-in-law to pay for it?" Second Uncle Qin is serious. Thinking about it this way, although I am happy that my son has brought something from the capital, I feel that it is also good to spend the money from my nephew, niece and daughter-in-law, so I will bring some money to my son first.

Qin's mother said: "If the children are happy, let them do it. A Fang and his wife also like cow eggs. If I like it, how can I pay for it?"

Grandma Qin said: "But they have a good relationship as brothers."

Second Uncle Qin is honest and honest.

Compared with Niudan, which only has one wooden box, Qin's father has more, with five wooden boxes. After all the wooden boxes were opened, I also read a letter on one of the wooden boxes. Qin's mother became excited when she saw the letter. She shouted to Qin's father: "Read the letter quickly and see what A Fang and his wife wrote."

Qin's father was also happy and anxious in his heart: "Wait, wait, wait..."

Father Qin's letter contained much more information than Niu Dan's. He first wrote about the situation in the capital and told them not to worry. I wrote some more, and when I gave birth, I asked Mother Qin to send some to my maternal family. Finally, I wrote about the fabrics and jewelry that Yanyan gave to her and her grandma. I also wrote clearly which ones were hers and which ones.

Qin's mother was happy when she saw that among these items, there were specially prepared items from her mother's family. Her husband's family is getting better and better, but her mother's family is still the same, so of course she will be worried. But it feels strange to see that my son and daughter-in-law don’t think about their parents’ family, and still remember to buy things for her parents’ family.

And Grandma Qin is also happy. As for the grandchildren and their wives buying things for their in-laws, she will take care of it. This is the money of the grandchildren and their wives. Besides, it is also right for the grandchildren to respect their grandmother. Moreover, look at my grandson’s wife, I even bought her something that people in the capital would wear. Oh, she is an old woman, she is a little embarrassed.

Second Aunt Qin was walking around the village. She was bragging in her favorite place. The Qin family in Baili Village had the best wives, and Second Aunt Qin was the most laid-back. I'm out in the fields, there are servants to do the housework. Is this a leisurely time? My daughter had a kiss with her maternal nephew, and she lived comfortably in her nephew's factory. Her son followed him to the capital, and she was worried about her son. She even wanted to entrust her son's marriage to him.

In the entire Baili Village, there is no one who can enjoy more happiness than Aunt Qin. Although he has the conditions to enjoy happiness, Uncle Qin knows how to enjoy happiness. He still goes to the fields every day. He is a person who feels comfortable just going to the fields. Fortunately, when the fields are busy, they can hire people. The people who were hired were Aunt Qin's family. According to Aunt Qin's opinion, it is better to earn this money for others than for my mother's family.

"General Qin's second aunt... General Qin's second aunt..." A woman passed by and called out when she saw Second Aunt Qin chatting among the women over there.

Second Aunt Qin was bragging, but in fact, the people in the village had heard her words countless times, but to stop being bored in ancient times, even after hearing her words countless times, ‌The family is also willing to listen. Hearing someone call her, Second Aunt Qin asked: "It's Aunt Guihua, what's going on?" Second Aunt Qin likes people to call her General Qin and Second Aunt, and it sounds like a very dignified title, very stylish.

Aunt Guihua said: "You have several boxes in your room. They were brought from the capital. Everyone in your old house, including the man in charge of your family, has gone to the room."

Second Aunt Qin heard that she was bragging about everything, and immediately ran towards the first room. Although the second room now was lacking everything, even eating meat next door, she still couldn't afford it. Stop these things, they belong to the capital. Even this kind of meat has the flavor of meat in the capital.

Aunt Qin has gained weight and grown in size these past few years, but her running speed is slower. Before they could reach the door of the room, Second Aunt Qin called out: "Brother, sister-in-law, what are you bringing from the capital?"

Second Uncle Qin saw her coming, pointed to the wooden box on the ground and said, "This is what Niu Dan brought to us, along with the letter. But these things were paid by A Fang's wife."

Second Aunt Qin heard this and immediately said: "Niudan is really sensible, how can I spend the money of A Fang and his wife?" Regardless of whether this is true or not, but she has plenty of money, Second Aunt Qin is indeed ‌ Just like before, I stared at the petty profit in front of me.

Second Uncle Qin said: "But, when we go to carry things tomorrow, we will bring some money to Niudan. The children will also spend money outside."

Second Aunt Qin said cheerfully: "Hey, it's up to you." She was in charge of their family's money. It seems that Second Uncle Qin's housekeeper is indeed like Second Aunt Qin. Second Uncle Qin is a good old man. After the Qin family became prosperous and the condition of the second house improved, people started to borrow money from him one after another. He has money on hand, and he does know how to borrow it. I borrowed it from others several times and didn't return it for a long time. Second Aunt Qin found out about it and came to ask for it. Second Aunt Qin was very shameless. But it would be difficult for someone else to borrow money from Aunt Qin.

Therefore, Second Uncle Qin is a housekeeper like Second Aunt Qin, and Second Aunt Qin is selfish, but she is a moving devil and will move her own things to her parents' house. However, I knew that Uncle Qin would lend him money. Even if it was his pocket money, Aunt Qin would keep the pocket money. In other words, Uncle Qin is now a man without pocket money, so he has to ask Aunt Qin for money to buy things.

Second Aunt Qin saw that everything her son brought was food, and she felt greedy. When she was greedy, she ate it directly. What she brought was dried meat, which was made from dried meat. It's fragrant, chewy and very delicious. Second Aunt Qin was also stingy and divided the money between Grandpa Qin, Grandma Qin, Father Qin and Mother Qin. She is stupid. There are more wooden boxes in the house than them, and there must be more things inside. "Brother and sister-in-law, what did you bring?" He said and walked over to take a look.

Qin's mother did not hide anything. With their family status, do they still need to be secretive in Baili Village? Qin's mother said: "In addition to these items, there are also cloth and jewelry."

Second Aunt Qin's eyes lit up when she heard the jewelry: "Sister-in-law, please take a look at it quickly. What kind of jewelry is it?" She then touched the silver bracelet on her hand, "Ah yo , I have never seen any jewelry from Beijing.”

Mother Qin brought the jewelry box from the box. We were all her own people here, so she brought it into the room. She followed what was written in the letter and brought Grandma Qin's jewelry.

Yang Haiyan bought a gold bracelet and a dark red hairpin for Grandma Qin. In fact, Grandma Qin had a gold bracelet. When she was in Yunxiang County, Yang Haiyan also bought it for her. However, that bracelet was smaller and had no pattern. There is no way, Grandma Qin is willing to give up a thick gold bracelet, and Yunxiang County is remote and barren, and there is nothing good. Therefore, the workmanship of gold bracelets is also exquisite.

But this gold bracelet is different. It is wide and the pattern on it is very rich. It is something that old ladies in the capital would wear. In addition, the dark red hairpin is made of jade, and this color is suitable for Grandma Qin's age.

When Grandma Qin saw the thing, she closed her mouth in joy, but she was still quite distressed: "This girl, you are just wasting your money."

Qin's mother arrived: "My child is filial to you. Just keep it. Yes, it's time for us to enjoy happiness."

Mother Qin also got two pieces of jewelry, and the bracelet was the same as Grandma Qin's. This grade. But the hairpin is the same. Her hairpin is a dark green jade hairpin with a magnolia flower engraved on the head. It looks younger than Grandma Qin's.

Second Aunt Qin looked at their jewelry with envy. She thought to herself, when Niu Dan gets married, she will ask her wife to buy these jewelry for herself. Her idea was very simple. If Niu Dan got married, she would definitely stay in the capital. So her daughter-in-law would have to buy this for her in the capital?

The jewelry Yang Haiyan bought did not belong to Second Aunt Qin, but the fabric she bought did contain pieces of Aunt Qin's.

When Second Aunt Qin got the fabric, her eyes were filled with joy as she wiped away her sour feelings.

Qin's mother continued: "I'm happy today. Let's all have dinner here. The second brother and the second younger brother and sister will also get up."

Second Aunt Qin immediately agreed: "Hey, I'm being polite then."

Grandpa Qin and Grandma Qin naturally had no objections. Although the family members were married, they were still very harmonious. This kind of family was very good.


Yang Haiyan is also very tired today. It is really the people who deal with the people in the Chengenhou Mansion. No matter the attitude and tone of her words, the way she walks or sits, she deliberately maintains these etiquette at all times, so she resists coming to the capital. 늀For example, now ‌, ‌‌ be careful, Xiangyu County Lord 늀녦 could scold her.

However, she can resist these for herself and interrupt Qin Fang's "career".

After rubbing her son's belly for a while, Yang Haiyan saw that he was sleeping soundly. Yang Haiyan went to get acquainted with him and fell asleep. While sleeping, she held her son in her arms. The warm and chubby little boy... It’s actually so huggable.

As time went by, her son was over two years old, and she and Qin Fang had little sex. The main reason was that Qin Fang had a good physique and was more diligent about this kind of thing. But so far, she has not done anything about it. It was really a surprise that I wasn't pregnant with my second child. Yang Haiyan really wants to have another baby. It doesn't matter if she has a son or a daughter. She will feel lonely even if she has two babies.

Thinking about the mess, Yang Haiyan gradually fell asleep.

When Yang Haiyan woke up again, she was the only one on the bed, and her son was already in bed. The two-year-old child was already able to climb into bed neatly. When Qin Linyang woke up, he obediently did not wake up his mother. He got into bed by himself, took his shoes to the old woman at the door to put them on for him, and then went to play. .

"Where is Linyang?" Yang Haiyan asked the woman at the door.

The mother-in-law said: "The young master went to his yard to stay with Qin Yi and Qin Ao."

Yang Haiyan nodded and went to visit her son's yard.

Before entering the yard, Yang Haiyan heard her son calling: "Why are the vegetables still cooked? Add more heat, add more heat..."

Yang Haiyan was very curious. She heard that her son's voice came from the yard, not from the kitchen. So what does cooking and adding fire mean? Walking into the yard, I saw my son squatting on the ground, and Qin Yi and Qin Ao were cooking stew together. As for fire or something, I didn't see it. Yang Haiyan walked a few steps closer and heard her son shout again: "Lion head, lion head... The lion head is ready, I like to eat it the most."

Yang Haiyan couldn't help but think that her son liked to eat meat.

When Qin Yi and Qin Ao saw Madam coming, they quickly stood up and saluted: "I've met Madam."

Qin Linyang knew that Madam 늀 was her mother. He had two names: Qin Linyang and Xiaobaozi. His father had two names: Qin Fang and General Qin. His mother also had two names: Yang Haiyan and Madam. Everyone in their family actually had them. Two names. When he heard his mother coming, he turned around: "Mom..."

The milky sound made Yang Haiyan's heart itch. However, when she saw the scene, she kindly asked: "What are you doing?" Stone, there is a bowl on the stone, and a bamboo board is placed in the bowl. Who didn’t play Jiajiajiu when they were young? When Yang Haiyan was a child, she often played with her classmates. They not only cooked and drank at home, but also packed clothes and treated her like a daughter. Seeing this, she knew that her son was drinking at home.

The child Qin Linyang pointed to the bamboo board in the bowl: "Cooking, lion head. Mom, why didn't you change into a lion head?" Although the child has no memory, he can still remember things that happened a few days ago. He remembers the money restaurant. When the time comes, choose a piece of bamboo board and cook it into a dish. So, he also wanted to cook today, and he also found a bamboo board, but he didn't cook the lion's head.

Yang Haiyan was really crying: "You have to eat the lion's head like the cook, Aunt Kun in the kitchen. But, if you eat the lion's head in the middle, you can eat it at night."

Qin Linyang said: "Eat, give it to your mother." This means that his original meal was cooked for his mother.

Yang Haiyan was really not moved at all. Who would eat a lion's head cooked on bamboo boards? Then, she touched her son's head: "Thank you Linyang, Linyang is such a good baby."

The child Qin Linyang was very proud of being praised.

Yang Haiyan took him and said, "Let's go and see your father."

"I'm going to see daddy." He held his mother's hand and jumped up and down.

Qin Fang is also busy with his son's small park. He has been working on this small park for half a month and is almost finished. ‌In fact, the small park also has a lot of entertainment, including swings, a small basketball court, a seesaw, a skateboard, and a bumper car park. It was renovated from a yard. It is small in appearance and is really suitable for children to play. Enough.

Looking at the almost completed small park, Yang Haiyan was quite satisfied: "When it is ready, you can go inside. Do you like it?"

"I like it." Qin Linyang said crisply.

Qin Fang washed his hands and came back. There was a little dust and sweat on his body. The air was getting hot. He was busy and tired, but he couldn't get over it. ‌Sweat less, but seeing my wife and son makes me feel happy again. "Why are you here? It's dirty."

Yang Haiyan said: "Come and take a look, by the way, why do you let Linyang eat so much? Children's stomachs are very fragile and they can eat so much. I give him a ration every day. Yes, it can exceed this amount."

Qin Fang said: "He secretly ate it behind my back."

Although Qin Linyang is young, he also knows that secretly eating is a good adjective for me, so he said in a loud voice: "Nonsense, I didn't secretly eat, you bad guy."

Qin Fang said: "Did you drink a bowl of soup early before eating? I went to wash the hands, and in the blink of an eye you finished the bowl of soup."

Qin Linyang blinked: "No."

Qin Fang said coldly: "Children can lie. If you lie, your nose will become crooked."

Qin Linyang immediately changed his mind: "I forgot."

Qin Fanghehe. ‌Look at it, you know, this is an excuse.

Yang Haiyan watched her son quarreling, and she felt that if her son became more mature, the quarrel would probably get worse. "Okay, how old are you and are you still arguing with him?"

Qin Fang: "..." This is really different treatment. Can a young man defend himself?

Yang Haiyan said to her son again: "Your father is an elder. When talking to elders, you can quarrel and be polite. Be a polite child, you know?"

Qin Linyang pouted: "I know."

Qin Fang took care of his son: "I received a post today. Guess who sent it?"

Yang Haiyan was stunned: "I went to the birthday party of the old lady of Chengenhou Mansion. Most of the people I can see met me in person and sent me a message? Is it because I'm looking for you?"

Qin Fang said: "Yes, yes, it's the young owner of the Money Restaurant, named Shi Jie."

"Is it him? ‌For the wine?" ‌When they arrived at Qianqian Restaurant, Yang Haiyan thought of County Master Xiangyu. She knew the plot, and naturally knew that the Qianqian Restaurant was run by the Qianhou family. This was the main plot in the plot, so she also mentioned it in writing, and she knew a lot more about it. 녦This young master Mo is the husband of Xiangyu County Lord?

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