The only thing Yang Haiyan could think of was to sell the things in this world on the platform, and then buy silver from the platform. With silver, people in this world would not doubt it.

Among the things between the two worlds, only the price difference of meat could make money, and maybe game, eggs, etc.

After the pork rib porridge was ready, Yang Haiyan ate the pork rib porridge and went to sleep. After waking up, she went out. She went to buy ready-made clothes, cloth, needles and thread, etc. She had no change of clothes. After the original owner and the others were betrothed to the soldiers, they had no private property, even the private houses they had hidden before were not brought. It was rare for the original owner to bring fake medicine.

In addition to cloth, etc., Yang Haiyan bought two eggs back, and the eggs were one penny each. It cost a total of 200 coins that day, and there were only 200 coins left.

Yang Haiyan first made herself small underwear and suspenders with fine cotton cloth. The suspenders were bra-style. Otherwise, without a bra, it would be very uncomfortable to wear the underwear in this world, and the front would shake.

The original owner knew needlework. She graduated from the Fashion Institute, so it only took her an hour to make two small underwear and two bra-style suspenders, and the thread ends and the hems were very perfect. After she was done, she washed them immediately before the sun went down.

However, because of this, she used up half a bucket of water she had carried before.

So next, she carried water four times in succession, and only carried one-third of the wooden barrel, and the whole person could not move.

After dinner, Yang Haiyan boiled hot water to wipe her body, and then dried the small underwear and bra-style suspenders with a towel, and then put them on.

But when she got into bed, she felt that the bed was not clean. This was the bed that the original owner had slept on for two or three days, and the original owner had not taken a bath at that time. But there was no second bed in the room, so she was asked to change.

Yang Haiyan looked at the three-digit platform coins on the platform and endured it. Before going to bed, she put nine eggs on the platform, and each egg on the platform cost one platform coin.

The next morning, Yang Haiyan got up when the sky was slightly bright. She went shopping in the morning and didn't want to be noticed. She rinsed her mouth and washed her face. She looked at the platform and found that the eggs on the platform were sold. Seeing that the platform coin deposits had increased, she could see a little hope.

So, she went out with a small wooden bucket and a basket.

She went to the meat stall first. People in the vegetable market came to set up stalls very early, even though there were many customers at this time.

Yang Haiyan: "Boss, do you have pork intestines?"

The butcher recognized Yang Haiyan, who had bought his pork ribs and pig's trotters yesterday: "Yes, that stuff is cheap, if you buy it, I'll give you four cents per pound." Generally, no one eats it, or only very poor people eat it as meat.

Yang Haiyan: "How many pounds do you have?"

The butcher: "About two pounds, five cents per pound." A pig has about two pounds of pork intestines, and he kills a pig at a time.

Yang Haiyan: "Okay, it's all gone, but I can't carry it. Can you ask someone to deliver it to your home?"

The meat stall owner: "Ask your daughter to deliver it to you. Where do you live?"

Yang Haiyan gave the address: "Okay, thank you for your trouble, boss."

The meat stall owner: "You're welcome. If you like it, I'll keep it for you the day after tomorrow? We kill a pig every two days." But no one bought the pig intestines.

Yang Haiyan calculated that two kilograms of pig intestines a day, how could ordinary people eat it all? "This is too much. You can send me a pound of it on the first day of every ten days, that is, the first day of the month, the first day of the month, and the second day of the month. If you don't open on this day, you can put it on the next day."

The meat stall owner: "Okay."

Next, Yang Haiyan went to buy a basket of eggs, 100 pieces, which cost 100 coins, plus pig intestines, a total of 100 coins. She had 25 coins on her, so she couldn't buy any more. Although she still wanted to buy pig trotters and another stall of pig intestines, people would think it was strange if she bought too many pig intestines.

When she got home, she put eight eggs on the platform, then boiled eggs and cooked white porridge. Breakfast was not ready yet, and the pig intestines were delivered, and they agreed to come next time at Yinshi. Yinshi is between 3 and 5 in the morning.

Yang Haiyan kept two kilograms of two kilograms of pork intestines and put the remaining eight kilograms on the platform.

After she had breakfast, she washed the two kilograms of pork intestines and looked at the platform again. The eggs and pork intestines on the platform had been sold out. The platform transaction was very magical and the transaction was very fast.

Eight eggs and eight kilograms of pork intestines earned 120 platform coins, plus the previous balance, the total amount was almost over a thousand. Yang Haiyan was stunned. Isn't this pork intestine business too good? She can make a fortune by selling pork intestines in the future.

So she spent three platform coins to buy seasoning packets such as star anise, pepper, chili, cinnamon, etc.

Looking at the platform coins, Yang Haiyan felt interested in making money, and at the same time, she had the idea of ​​buying a servant. If it is according to modern ideas, she wants to hire a nanny for herself, or hire a part-time worker who can carry water every day. Buying a servant is not possible. Once she has a servant, her "business" will be difficult to do. A bunch of things in the house are suddenly gone, and the servants will definitely be suspicious. But she can't carry this bucket of water, so hiring an hourly worker is the most appropriate.

After having this idea, Yang Haiyan happily went to find Mrs. Lu: "Mrs. Lu, are you okay?"

Sister Lu is free at the moment. The kids at home are in private school, so they are free, right? She was just about to come and see Yang Haiyan, when she saw Yang Haiyan coming over: "Hey." That day, Yang Haiyan was wearing a light blue dress, which she had just bought yesterday. Her hair was tied up, and because of her bangs, she looked a bit quiet and virtuous. She had no accessories, but she looked very beautiful and moving. The material of the clothes was very ordinary, a little better than that of farmers and a little behind that of officials and their families, which was very consistent with their status as centurion wives.

Sister Lu thought to herself that good-looking people look good in anything.

Yang Haiyan: "Sister-in-law, is there a laundry service here that specializes in laundry and quilt washing?"

Sister-in-law Lu: "Yes, yes, yes, I'll take you there. It's next to our family compound. It's a family in town. It's very local. Several generations of the family have been here. It's very reassuring. Many family members will go to them to wash the clothes. The laundry is very clean."

Yang Haiyan: "Do I have to take it to their place? Can you come to your door?"

Sister-in-law Lu: "You can come to your door. Some families want people to come to their door to wash." If you take it to someone else's house to wash, you're afraid that your clothes will be mixed with other people's clothes. Many families are worried that this will be unclean, so they often have people come to their door.

From the military camp family compound to the laundry service, according to modern time, it's only a few minutes away, which is indeed very close. There is only one family here that specializes in laundry work. The one that Mrs. Lu brought was the one she had washed clothes for before.

That family was quite lively. The women in the family were hanging clothes to dry. There were several baskets next to them. The baskets were full of unwashed clothes. There was a sign on the baskets, one basket for each family, to distinguish them clean and tidy.

Seeing Mrs. Lu coming, the middle-aged woman greeted her warmly: "Mrs. Lu is here." The woman had a good memory and remembered all the customers she had business dealings with.

Mrs. Lu: "This is the wife of Centurion Qin."

Middle-aged woman: "Hello, Mrs. Qin."

Yang Haiyan: "Hello, Auntie, I have some sheets and quilt covers that I want to wash, but I want you to come to my house to wash them. Is that okay?"

Middle-aged woman: "No problem, no problem, but if you come to my house, it will cost one penny more than usual."

Yang Haiyan: "That's no problem. Here's how it is. You come to my house once every five days to wash the sheets and quilt covers for me. You come to my house every other day and help me carry two buckets of water. Do you want to take the business of carrying water?"

It was the first time that the middle-aged woman heard someone carrying water, but of course she would not refuse: "Clothes, sheets and quilt covers, please come to my house. It is charged by kilogram, one penny per kilogram. If you fetch water, it is once every other day, five times a month. The original door-to-door fee is one penny, but because you fetch water, the door-to-door fee is not charged. You are charged one penny a month for fetching water, and one penny per kilogram for washing clothes. Do you think it is okay? "

Yang Haiyan: "No problem, then when will you come to your door?"

Middle-aged woman: "Wei Shi 4 o'clock (2 pm) to come to your door, do you think it is okay?"

Yang Haiyan: "No problem."

Leaving here, Yang Haiyan put down her worries. Now that a piece of bed sheet and quilt cover has been washed, the water fetching problem has been solved, and she feels relieved.

However, Mrs. Lu saw that Qin Fang's family is a person who knows how to spend money. After all, it was a family visit, and it was to accompany the young lady, so it was understandable that they had less money.

When she got home, Yang Haiyan started cooking. After all, she had to walk for an hour to see Qin Fang at the military camp at noon, so she had to eat early.

It was the first time she went there that day, so Yang Haiyan certainly wanted to make a good meal for Qin Fang and let him see her inner beauty. So she stewed pig's trotter soup, fried pig's intestines, and fried cabbage, and the staple food was steamed buns. Each dish was very large. She sent food to Qin Fang, not only considering Qin Fang, but also considering Qin Fang's brothers. Qin Fang had a stain because of the original owner's "newly married poisoning" incident. Although she was not the original owner, she had the obligation to clarify it, and for now, she had to get along well with Qin Fang every day for a while.

After dinner, Yang Haiyan went to call Lu Sao. Yang Haiyan went to deliver food to Qin Fang. Lu Sao thought about her husband's stay in the military camp, so she naturally made something delicious to deliver. Their husbands had the same boss, so they were both on night shift this month.

Half an hour later, Lu Sao and Yang Haiyan arrived at the military camp.

There were soldiers standing guard at the gate of the military camp, and women were not allowed to enter. However, the military camp has two entrances, and the front entrance represents the image of the military camp. Not to mention that women can't even get close to it. So when family members look for someone, they all go to the back door. When people in the military camp go to purchase or when soldiers go back to their family quarters, they all go through the back door.

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