Yang Haiyan smiled: "Don't be nervous, take it. Also, my pastry shop is still short of someone. Are you willing to work there? The monthly rate is not high, just one month's salary. And then there will be a monthly subsidy of 괗굛꿭 Grain, 괗굛꿭vegetables, two 꿭vegetables, and 굛egg. "About one 땡wen, which is half of a private guard. But when the harvest is done in the field, the money will be saved.

Ms. Kunzhang felt that she couldn't react at all today. It was a pity that she couldn't go to the county town to do business. As a result, she was stunned by the reward of two silver coins, and then her wife gave her a job.

When Mrs. Kun and Zhang walked out of the main courtyard, she was still a little dazed.

Aunt Lian said: "Captain Kun's wife seems to be an honest person."

Yang Haiyan smiled: "Mom, everyone is honest."

Aunt Lian also smiled, she did not guess what the wife was thinking. The feeling given to her by my wife is not that of a girl of several years old.

Yang Haiyan thought, the dim sum shop had taken over the Kun Zhang family, and Aunt Fan ran away. In the past, she got up early every morning, went to the dim sum shop to make dim sum, and then took Aunt Yu to buy groceries, and then went to Qian Fu There are snack shops running on both sides of the house, which is really busy. ‌But from now on, she won’t be like this anymore and will just take care of the kitchen.

‌놋With the business of shopkeeper Ping, there are more snacks from 괗굛꿭 every day. Aunt Hong is obviously too busy to handle it alone. ‌To add ‌Kun Zhang's, it's just right.

Of course, only Aunt Fan and Aunt Hong know how to make dim sum. Kunzhang only makes basic ones, such as noodles, which she is good at, and leaves them to Aunt Hong to mix with goat milk and butter. Made in the house, there is a front process and a back process.

In this way, 뀘떚 will not leak.

When Mrs. Kunzhang returned to the lower house, she was already awake. She could not hide the joy in her body or the curved corners of her mouth. But at this moment, everyone else in the courtyard was having lunch at home, and no one noticed her.

Kunshi놌Kun Daying, who just came back from private school, has already brought out all the food. Yesterday's old hen was stewed in soup at noon. The soup is fragrant and makes everyone who smells it greedy. In fact, for Kunshi, meat is no longer so attractive. After all, he has lived here for a month and can eat meat every day.

Kunshi looked at Kunzhang's happy face and asked curiously: "Why are you so happy? Is the dim sum sold very well today?"

Kunzhang said mysteriously: "My wife rewarded me with two silver coins today, and also asked me to work in her pastry shop. I will be given two coins a month and a food subsidy."

Kunshi was stunned: "Why did my wife give you a reward of two silver coins?" To be honest, it was not a surprise, but a shock. "Although two cents a month is not as much as selling snacks in the county town, it does save you the trouble of running both ways, which is good. However, why don't you go to the county town to sell snacks? My wife doesn't approve of the snacks. Gave it to you?”

Mrs. Kun and Zhang explained what happened to Shopkeeper Ping: "This is a reward from my wife."

Only then did Kunshi understand: "My wife has always been a big boss. As long as I am loyal to you, you must be loyal to my wife."

Kun Zhang said: "I know."

In a blink of an eye, it was the day of the three-day test.

Qin Siya was very nervous today. She had breakfast early in the morning and stood up in the study. She usually studies in the east wing, an unused room, which has been converted into a study room for her daily reading. It is also Qin Shou's study room.

Hearing the sound at the study door, she looked towards her and saw that not only her sister-in-law was coming, but also her eldest brother. Her heart beat faster and faster, and she was nervous.

Qin Siya said with a bit of embarrassment: "Why is eldest brother here?"

Qin Fang glanced at her: "I'm here to test you."

Qin Siya wanted to cry. Even though it was just a Chinese calligraphy test, and her eldest brother and sister-in-law were taking a test, they only had three characters, but when she saw her eldest brother, her mind went blank. She looked at Qin Fang and asked cautiously: "Can I take the exam instead of my sister-in-law?"

Qin Fang said: "No. Life is so eventful. It's not about how you want to choose or how you can choose. You have to learn to face it."

Yang Haiyan comforted her: "Don't be nervous Si Ya, show me the real story and let your elder brother see it. Don't worry, my elder sister-in-law is watching from the side."

Qin Siya clenched her fists: "Yeah."

Qin Fang and Yang Haiyan sat down, and Qin Fang opened the book on the table. This was "Family Surnames" by Qin Siya. Because it had just been bought a few days ago, the book was brand new. Qin Fang didn't hesitate and asked first, "Has Aunt Lian taught you your own name?"

Qin Siya nodded: "Taught me."

Qin Fang spread out the paper and gave her a pen: "Can you write your own name?"

Aunt Lian, Yang Haiyan, taught Qin Siya how to read. Naturally, she not only needed to know the words, but also wanted her to be able to write. Qin Siya took over the pen and wrote the word Qin Siya in a crooked way on the paper. Although the words were crawling like earthworms, Qin Fang didn't care. In 놛's opinion, it is already a good gain that my sister can recognize and write. As for whether the handwriting is good or not, you can take your time.

Qin Fang praised it with two words: "Not bad."

Hearing her brother's praise, Qin Siya relaxed a little. Next, Qin Fang began to test the characters of "Family Surname". Qin Siya did not remember every word of the three characters he learned in the first three days. , ‌It was for today’s exam, she had been reviewing, and she forgot, so she asked Qin Shou. The first time she took the test, she was so stressed that she didn't dare to relax for a moment. Because of this kind of pressure, the results of today's exam were quite good. Although I didn’t remember the three characters 놋, I did remember the three characters 괗굛. Qin Siya herself was a little dissatisfied. Why could she only remember the three words 괗굛?

Yang Haiyan took out two pennies and said, "Si Ya, this is your reward. Although you haven't memorized the three characters 놋, you have just learned to read. It's already good if you can remember the three characters 괗굛. Try to take the exam next time. time, remember more than this time.”

Qin Siya took the two coins and said, "Thank you, sister-in-law." She touched the money happily. This was the first time she touched copper coins, and she was reluctant to hide them.

Yang Haiyan looked at her and shook her head with a smile: "I'll give you a day off today. You won't study or become popular. If you recognize the three characters 괗굛, you can reward 굛 with a snack. Ask Aunt Fan to give it to you later. Send it.”

Qin Siya hurriedly asked: "Are they the small cakes and biscuits we had before?" Aunt Fan gave them to us on the first day we came here, but later they were gone, so it was Small cakes, small biscuits, Qin Siya misses them very much. But she was good and wouldn't mention it to Yang Haiyan.

Yang Haiyan: "That's right. My sister-in-law promised you that every time you know two words, I will reward you with a piece of cake." After that, I didn't give it to the two children because I wanted to use it as a reward and give it to the children every day. Now, it is no longer a rare thing. Only when you can’t eat it will you cherish it.

Yang Haiyan doesn't like these small pastries and biscuits, so she doesn't have them at home. If she wants to give them to Qin Siya, she has to go to the shop to get them. Thinking of this, Yang Haiyan said to Qin Fang: "Ms. sir, today the town is still gathering, let's go for a walk?"

Qin Fang said: "Okay." He was going to the military camp in two days, and he would have less time to spend with her, so he might as well take the opportunity to go shopping with her.

So, the couple went out without taking anyone with them. But before going out, Yang Haiyan went back to the house and took the pearls she bought before.

Because of the market and the large number of traveling merchants, there were twice as many people as usual in the town. However, many people just looked at it and joined in the fun.

Qin Fang said: "In previous years, during gatherings, our military camp would come to join in the fun if we were not on duty."

Yang Haiyan was curious: "Have you been here? Did you buy anything?"

Qin Fang shook his head: "I didn't have the money to buy it a few years ago, but after I got my monthly pregnancy test, I was reluctant to buy it." Speaking of this, he thought of one thing, he hadn't given her anything as a gift yet. So, she looked around at the stalls in the market to see if there was anything she could afford or that would suit her.

Qin Fang calculated the money in his hand. After becoming a captain, his monthly pocket money increased from one penny to one tael of silver. Now he has saved more than five taels. What can he buy for his wife? Bracelet? Hand jewelry? Hairpin? clothing? Think about it from beginning to end, and then look at the stalls everywhere. When I saw one of the stalls, I suddenly had an idea.

With the idea in his mind, Qin Fang stopped looking at these things.

Shopping doesn’t necessarily mean shopping. The two of them went shopping to Yongji.

When the shopkeeper saw it was Qin Fang and his wife, he came to greet them enthusiastically: "Master Qin, Mrs. Qin, what kind of wind has brought you here today."

The items I buy at Yongji are all women's products, such as soaps, rouge, gouache, and jewelry. Because it's in a town, the prices are relatively moderate. Occasionally, there are a few expensive items, so it's considered a town store. A treasure. No matter how expensive it is, people in the town can't afford it, and even if they can afford it, they won't be willing to buy it.

Yang Haiyan smiled and said: "The shopkeeper is very polite. I came here today to ask the shopkeeper whether the jewelry in your shop is sold as high-quality goods. I wonder if the jewelry is processed?"

The shopkeeper said: "It depends on what kind of jewelry it is."

Yang Haiyan took out the pearls: "When I bought these pearls, there were no holes. Can you drill holes?"

The shopkeeper took a look and said: "Sorry, Mrs. Qin, we can't do this. This has to be taken to the county for processing."

When Yang Haiyan heard this, she didn't have much hope. It looked like she would have to buy a hole puncher from the platform and punch the hole herself. Although it is not easy to drill holes, you have to buy the thread for stringing pearls here. The thread on the platform is different from the thread in ancient times.

After buying the thread, the couple left.

After leaving Yongji, Qin Fang said: "Going to the county seat?"

Yang Haiyan shook her head: "There's no rush. There will be a gathering in the county town at the beginning of the month. It will be urgent to go there then."

The two of them walked around and returned to the family room. There were several women behind them, but they were not following them. They just happened to be behind them. Seeing them in front of them, the woman murmured: "Master Qin is so kind. He even comes to the market with his wife."

"No, by the way, Mr. Qin has been married for more than half a year, and Mrs. Qin hasn't shown her pregnancy yet...will she lay eggs?"

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