Making bedding is simple, just cut and sew. But Yang Haiyan, who graduated from the Department of Fashion, made very beautiful hemming, just like it was done by a sewing machine. She also embroidered small golden flowers on the light blue quilt, which looked very warm.

Yang Dahua couldn't help but praise: "Haiyan, your needlework is really good. No wonder everyone praised you when you first came to the Yang Mansion."

Yang Haiyan: "I will teach you tomorrow afternoon." This hemming is a modern craft, not from this era, but it doesn't matter, it's all needlework anyway.

Yang Dahua: "Okay. By the way, what are you going to send tomorrow?"

Yang Haiyan: "Fried rice."

The next day

The daughter of the owner of the meat stall sent ten kilograms of pig intestines before dawn. Yang Haiyan kept two kilograms and put eight kilograms on the trading platform.

Lunch was pickled vegetables and pig intestines fried rice, with shrimp skin and melon soup. When Yang Dahua came to Yang Haiyan, the unbridled aroma of pig intestines made her ask: "What is this smell? It's so strange, but it tastes good." Pig intestines are well processed, and they taste good to people who like them.

Yang Haiyan: "I made a lot, you can take some to Han Baifu to try, this is made with pig intestines, if he likes it, you can make it next time."

Yang Dahua: "Use pig intestines?" Yang Dahua didn't mean to disdain it at all. She came from a poor family and was a maid, so she cherished food and would not look down on any food. But she didn't expect that Haiyan would eat this.

Yang Haiyan: "Try it first." She served Yang Dahua a small bowl of pig intestine fried rice.

Yang Dahua took a bite of the pig intestine first, and then her eyes lit up: "It's delicious. If you don't know, you might think it's meat."

Yang Haiyan: "Here's another plate. I'll put it in your lunch box and you can take it to Han Baihu."

Yang Dahua: "Okay, okay." She brought fried eggs and fried tofu, which were also meat dishes.

When the two of them were sent to the military camp, Han Zhen and Qin Fang were waiting for them at the door. When they saw them, they both ran over. Unlike Qin Fang, who kept silent, Han Zhen was a gentler person. He asked Yang Dahua curiously: "What did you send yesterday?"

Yang Dahua: "I sent fried eggs and fried tofu yesterday, and Haiyan also gave me a mysterious dish. You will know after you eat it."

When Qin Fang heard this, his eyes shot at Han Zhen like a knife. This guy ate his rations.

Han Zhen pretended not to see it, and when he opened the lunch box, he ate it all in one go. This wolfing down of food was very inconsistent with his handsome image.

However, in the afternoon, Qin Fang used the excuse of fighting to teach Han Zhen a lesson. It was okay to touch him, but it was absolutely not okay to touch the food his wife cooked for him.

The two were equally skilled, but they both lay exhausted.

Han Zhen kicked Qin Fang with his foot, and then laughed again. They came from that small village together, walked through the muddy road together, shed blood together, killed enemies together, became centurions together, and married wives together. Their wives also came from the same place. It felt so good.

Yang Dahua and Yang Haiyan returned to the family room. Yang Dahua continued to ask Yang Haiyan for needlework. She also wanted to embroider some handkerchiefs to subsidize the family, and she also wanted to use the money she earned to buy pig's trotters and pork for her man. Yang Haiyan started to make clothes for Qin Fang. She made underwear, long-sleeved shirts and long pants. After Yang Dahua left, she made underwear for Qin Fang.

After a while, Tang's mother and daughter came.

Yang Dahua knew that there were people who took the job of washing clothes here, but she was reluctant to spend this money. If it was before, she would also think that Yang Haiyan spent too much money, but Yang Haiyan was good at needlework, so her hands were naturally well protected. So it was reasonable to ask someone to wash clothes.

In a blink of an eye, it was September 11 again. Yang Haiyan received another ten kilograms of pig intestines, and kept two kilograms and put eight kilograms on the platform. Then she went out with a hundred bars of soap.


When the shopkeeper saw that there were 100 bars of soap this time, his mouth was crooked with joy: "Why are there 100 bars this time? It would be nice if there were this many every time."

Yang Haiyan: "I hired someone to help me make it, so there are more. And I was in a hurry to use the money, so it took me more time to make it."

The shopkeeper's eyes lit up when he heard it: "Can you guarantee the entire quantity on the first day of every ten days in the future?" As soon as the soap arrived, it sold very well. He also showed it to 덿떚. Speaking of which, 덿떚 kept half of the first batch of 100 bars for himself.

Yang Haiyan: "I dare not hire more people, for fear that the secret recipe will be passed on. If there are two people, I can guarantee 100 bars every ten days, but no more."

The shopkeeper: "Oh, that's great." In this way, some can be shipped to other places in a fixed quantity.

Yang Haiyan: "Shopkeeper, this time the 100 yuan is different from the previous one, so the price is also different, please take a look."

The shopkeeper took a look and said: "Oh, there are words and carvings on this side, it's amazing, it's really amazing, the craftsmanship is good." Then... the price can be sold better. "This word has Fu Lu Shou, happiness, happiness, intelligence, beauty... It's quite interesting. Mrs. Qin, you are really good at doing business."

Yang Haiyan: "Don't praise me, I don't have the courage to do business, I am just a small family, making a little money to live, doing business is troublesome, people like me who have no backing can't do business."

Shopkeeper: "Mrs. Qin, you are really insightful."

Yang Haiyan: "Then what do you think of the price?"

Shopkeeper: "I'll give you two cents for each new one, what do you think?"

Yang Haiyan: "Three cents for each one."

Shopkeeper: "Okay, three cents is just three cents." If you add three cents to Yang Haiyan, they will use the 눕 to sell the 녦 and not only add three cents.

After Yang Haiyan collected the money, she and Qin Fang had more than sixty-two possessions. She put a total of six taels of silver in the drawer of the wardrobe, locked it, and put the rest in her purse.

Yang Haiyan's trading platform also has more than one platform currency. She used it to buy a small solar portable outdoor generator. This kind of generator has been used by her before, and it is very convenient. It uses solar panels to absorb electricity, then stores the electricity in the generator box, and then connects it with a power strip before it can be used.

Yang Haiyan bought another wall-breaking machine, which can be used for soy milk, rice milk, and fruit juice. After buying it, the generator had 10% remaining power for trial use. Yang Haiyan washed the soybeans and squeezed the soy milk directly. Yang Haiyan's eyes turned red when she smelled the fragrance of soy milk.

Of course, if you don't need it, you can put it away on the platform and sell it as if it were for sale. If the price is set higher, no one will buy it. This is a platform vulnerability, it can be used as storage.

There was a lot of fried soy milk, so Yang Haiyan simply bought another thermos kettle, and poured the soy milk into it to heat it up, so that she could give it to Qin Fang later when he was delivering rice. Of course, the soy milk could only be kept for three or four hours, otherwise it would Go bad.

However, having a hot water bottle makes it easier to wash your face the next day. So, she bought another one. Now the balance on the platform is unbearable to look at.

Looking at the balance on the platform, Yang Haiyan couldn't help but buy a dehydrator. A washing machine is not convenient to buy because it is inconvenient to change the water, but dehydrators are always available so that the sheets and quilt covers can dry faster. In fact, when women have money, they want to spend it.

With soy milk in hand, Yang Haiyan made steamed buns filled with leeks and eggs for lunch. After she was done, she ate by herself. After a while, Yang Dahua came.

During this time, Yang Dahua studied female beauty here at Yang Haiyan every day. Although it can't be said that it was very good, Yang Dahua worked hard, so the harvest was pretty good. Her handkerchief and purse have been sold before. However, those shops had specialized embroiderers who embroidered handkerchiefs and purses. Those were better than Yang Dahua's, so they didn't accept hers, so Yang Dahua went to set up a stall by herself. Today was her first day setting up a stall.

Yang Dahua: "Haiyan, are you okay?"

Yang Haiyan: "Okay." She walked out the door with the basket in hand, "Sister Dahua, how's the business going in 꿷天?"

Speaking of business, Yang Dahua said happily: "On the first day of the day, there are already people coming. I sell to those farm girls."

Yang Haiyan: "Happy opening, congratulations to Sister Dahua."

Yang Dahua: "No, take your time. Anyway, I don't have anything to do at home, so it would be nice to make some extra money to support my family. When I learn well, I can use it to work in the shop."

Qin Fang and Han Zhen were both waiting for their daughters-in-law. After this period of time, they both envied the men in the army camp. Who was so lucky as them? Their daughters-in-law came to deliver meals every day, except on rainy days. More than ten days ago, those people laughed at Qin Fang's loud voice, but now they feel so envious of Qin Fang.

I originally thought that Qin Fang was unlucky for marrying a troublesome wife, but it turned out not to be the case. She was a woman who would buy meat for men. Moreover, according to the soldiers at the back door, Qin Fang ate meat every now and then, and the aroma penetrated their noses, making them greedy.

At the beginning, there were only people from Qin Fang's family, but now Han Zhen's family came, so the fragrance of that piece became even stronger.

Qin Fang took the tea bucket. He was originally a silent person, but after the two of them had been together for more than ten days, he could talk a lot: "What did Tian Tian do?"

Yang Haiyan: "I made steamed buns and soy milk on the first day." Because she was afraid that the soy milk would get cold, she bought an insulated tea bucket, which is actually a round wooden bucket, but the lid is very tight, and the effect is the same. Modern thermos cups and thermos boxes cannot be compared, but in ancient times, this was used to keep warm, and it was still effective.

Qin Fang: "Soy milk? Is it ground with soybeans?"

Yang Haiyan: "Well, grind the beans into a paste, and then filter it. You can drink it and see. I added a little sugar to make it sweet."

Qin Fang brought the contents of the thermal tea bucket, a large bowl of soy milk, as white as tofu curd, three buns and three steamed buns. He took a sip of soy milk first. The sweet taste could sweeten his heart. Moreover, this soy milk has no beany smell at all.

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