Mr. Li was actually just guessing. After practicing medicine for so many years, he was still very confident in his guess. He said: "I suspect it's a contagious cold."

Yang Haiyan still doesn’t understand what contagious cold means: “You mean, this is contagious?”

Li Fu said: "Yes, every spring, the rainfall is very heavy, so contagious colds will occur, but it is certain. But once it occurs, it will be very contagious. It's terrible. And the recovery process is very long, which takes about a month. This kind of contagious cold usually affects children and the elderly. If you get treatment and take medicine on time, it will usually be fatal. But once it is treated, in serious cases, it will be fatal. "It's just that no one likes this contagious disease.

Yang Haiyan ignored what Mr. Li said. A cold is a cold, and a common cold is contagious. In addition, people's physical constitution is generally very weak. However, it is true that colds are contagious, and if they occur, it will basically be influenza every spring.

Yang Haiyan listened to Mr. Li's explanation that this contagious cold was the same as influenza. She was also sick, including influenza. She felt dizzy, coughed, and had runny nose. Even after taking medicine, she could not see the symptoms. It took half a month to recover. He gradually recovered.

Nowadays, it takes half a month for advanced medical treatment, but in ancient times, it took a month to fully understand it. In this month, due to the decline of ancient medicine and the lack of medicinal materials, this is a fatal disease.

So Mr. Li said that if you take medicine every day, it will usually be fatal. But once the medicine is taken, it will be fatal. However, if you take medicine for a month continuously, most people can't afford it. Even if they can afford it, they are not willing to take it. Some old people feel that it is just a matter of time. After the first day, they are tired. I stayed up for the next day, and when I finished the next day, I felt that I had already stayed up for two days, and it would be okay to stay up for another day. And so... life passed by.

If this is really influenza, it may be a really difficult experience for everyone.

Yang Haiyan thought about it for a while, and finally asked husband Li: "Then what should we do according to husband Li's opinion? There are so many people here. If everyone takes medicine every day, they must first ensure that Enough medicinal materials. "Buying medicinal materials costs money, but they don't have that much money." Therefore, unless those people are allowed to post on their own first. But even if it's a reverse offer, if some people don't have a lot of money, they won't be paid off at all.

Mr. Li said: "The conservative approach to this disease is to isolate healthy people from sick people. Sick people need to take medicine, and healthy people also need to take precautions."

After Yang Haiyan heard this, she immediately adopted isolation. This was undoubtedly the safest way. Qin Fang ‌‌, Yang Haiyan came to Kunshi: "Go and make arrangements. The camps of healthy people and sick people need to be rearranged."

Kunshi: "Yes."

However, a quarter of an hour later, Kunshi came back, his expression was too troubling: "Madam, things are not that simple."

Yang Haiyan asked: "What's wrong?"

Kunshi said: "We are afraid of isolation, and we are worried that God will take our lives."

Yang Haiyan frowned and thought for a while: "Aunt Lian, hold an umbrella, I will go and tell them in person." For me, she is afraid of living with the patient, because she She can take the medicine secretly.

Aunt Lian was startled: "Madam, what are you..."

Yang Haiyan said: "Don't be afraid, we need to stabilize people now. If everyone is infected, people will be saved from trouble. And Mr. Li also said that this disease will take a long time." If you are going to die, the key is to go slow and hold an umbrella.”

Aunt Lian couldn't help it. My wife had already said so. What could she say?

Yang Haiyan walked out of the camp holding an umbrella, followed by Kunshi and other private guards wearing raincoats.

The team members all opened the tent door and looked outside. Kunshi had just gone to isolate them, so now, they all looked at Yang Haiyan nervously.

Yang Haiyan stood in the rain and said in a loud voice to the team members: "Everyone, you already know about the isolation, right? Stay home, this isolation is to kill you, and it is to ensure your safety. Your health. This is also smallpox and plague. This is a contagious cold that can be cured. It just needs to be treated slowly and for a long time, and it will be fatal.

If ‌ is isolated and healthy people ‌ are infected, and ‌ families catch a cold and get this ‌ disease, then our medicines are ‌ enough. If the medicines ‌ are not enough, ‌ families can only wait. dead. According to the current situation, the fewer people who are infected, the more medicine we can have left, and the faster the sick people can be cured.

I know that ‌households ‌‌, ‌households ‌, in order to prove that this infectious disease is harmless, ‌‌‌ meals, I ‌ personally delivered to the isolation camp. Think about it, if this thing is fatal, I would risk my own life, right?

Of course, if you insist on isolating yourself, then as long as those healthy people are willing to live with you, I have no problem with it. "

However, which healthy person is willing to live with a sick person?

"‌We must live with them and drive them out."

"That is, what if we get sick? Who will bear the medical expenses?"

"You just care about yourselves and your family. Do you want to make all the children sick?"

"The general's wife has said that this disease can kill people, are you worried about it?"

"Kick them out..."

Then the healthy people banded together and drove the sick people out. The sick people were already in good health and full of energy, so they were naturally their opponents. In addition, the number of people was not as large as theirs, so they were quickly kicked out.

Yang Haiyan did not stop these things. She just ordered Kunshi to sort out the tent.

So, Kunshi took people and immediately isolated the family. During this, they didn't waste any time at all. No matter they were healthy people or sick people, they were all very cooperative. .

Because Meng Qiu has not yet recovered, he is also on the quarantine list. For influenza, the longer you recover, the more dangerous it becomes. Because the longer you recover, the more likely you are to infect others.

Mrs. Mengqiu gave up her daughter, so she moved into an isolation tent. Even if she was infected, she had to live with her daughter. This is probably maternal love.

The isolation work was carried out very quickly. After all, for now, there are still more healthy people. Because influenza requires a large batch of medicinal materials, Kunshi took people to other counties to purchase them. He brought only two taels of military pay and two thousand taels of silver that Yang Haiyan gave privately.


It was getting dark, and Qin Fang secretly sneaked into the bandit's den with his men. Because of the rain, the bandit's defense was strict. Of course, an important reason why the bandits are so strict in their defense is that they are accustomed to calling the shots here, and the county magistrate is one of their people. Do they still defend?

This has also created the current attitude, where I feel that in this world, they are the emperor.

Qin Fang and his men easily sneaked into the bandits' den, and then secretly solved several bandits, changed their clothes, and carried out the first step of the plan, adding Mongolian sweat medicine to the bandits' food and water sources. .

The source of water is naturally the well, and the food is naturally the kitchen. Mr. Li has already said the location of the well and the kitchen, so Qin Fang and others understand it very well.

After taking the medicine, Qin Fang and others hid. The reason why he didn't take the drug first at night is because some people are sensitive to the smell of the drug and can tell after just a little bit. And once there is movement, it will not be that simple to catch the robber without hurting innocent people.

Therefore, it is best to take sweat medicine first.

Qin Fang and others were hiding and waiting for the next day.

the next day

Waves of fragrance spread into the noses of Qin Fang and others.

Soldier: "Damn, they eat really well." Early in the morning, the smell of steamed buns and meat cakes made those who were hiding so greedy that they were watering.

Qin Fang thought for a moment and said, "When we capture them, you will be allowed to have a meal here."

The soldier's eyes lit up: "Thank you, General." When the food in the kitchen was put with sweat medicine, he saw it contained rice and meat. The soldier licked his lips, thinking that he could have a meal, which made him happy.

The bandits in the bandit's den eat together. There is just such a kitchen. Things are cooked, brought to the hall, and then collected one by one.

The bandits received the porridge and steamed buns and sat aside to eat. They ate voraciously, they had always eaten this way, they were all used to it.

When Qin Fang saw this, he couldn't help frowning and said to the soldiers: "You guys stay here, wait until the medicine takes effect and the person hasn't fallen down, then throw away the lit medicine." In the hall, the door is now closed. I'll go check on the person who didn't come. "The so-called person who didn't come is naturally the head of the bandits' den. Those little Luoluo came as soon as it was time to eat, because the cook specially prepared food for them. If they came, they would definitely have nothing to eat, so for Grab some food and come in as soon as it's time to eat. But the bandit leader is different. They eat whenever and wherever they get up.

Qin Fang did not see the bandit leader in the hall. Mr. Li described the bandit leader's appearance and figure. In addition to ‌껣, he observed the bandits eating in the hall. None of them behaved like that of a bandit leader. The behavior of Xiao Luoluo and the bandit leader was more or less regular.

According to Mr. Li, there are two bandit leaders here, namely the leader and the second leader. ‌Kungfu ‌, 땤The second master is a military advisor, ‌‌Kungfu, Qin Fang is naturally looking for the ‌master.

Following the location mentioned by Mr. Li, Qin Fang quickly found the house of the head of the house. Just then, he heard a woman's voice coming from inside, and there was a man's lustful growl in the voice. .

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