The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1009: Metropolis: Male God Shura Field (38)

And just after this mastermind was launched, Gu Zheng realized that this turned out to be a cutting-edge technology that copied personal physical fitness into the game.

Well, this technology is very useful. Once you can take a look at it, can you make a copy and save it for other purposes.

However, Gu Zheng's distraction was only a momentary effort. In the next second, his consciousness, together with his newly created character, the ferocious swordsman, was not plunged into the dark vortex.

After he walked out of this simulated passage, Gu Zheng was surrounded by a pair of ink and wash...Looking at the distant mountains and the water, watching the smoke-cooking shepherd boy.

Such a scene is very shocking for an ordinary person who has never been in contact with ancient rivers and lakes.

But for a Gu Zheng who has gone through everything, all that is left is composure.

Therefore, Gu Zheng, who has not been dizzy by the surrounding beauty, has integrated into the rivers and lakes in an extremely calm state. On the first day of the game, in the novice village, it was quite comfortable.

First of all, all online players who have played this kind of role-playing know it.

There must be a lot of basic tasks in a novice village.

And these tasks are basically overlapped.

When everyone has received the same task, there is bound to be a phenomenon of robbing blame in a small task area.

However, in the game "Sleepwalking Jianghu", the level of competition for this phenomenon is a bit more intense.

Why is this?

Because of the monsters in this holographic game, it is also constructed according to real animal templates.

Take the first step of the old village chief’s "stepping out of the rivers and lakes road" as an example. It is necessary to provide chicken to the cooks in the small restaurants in the village to earn the travel expenses of the village.

And these chickens came from pheasants in the small woods not far from the village.

Then the problem is coming.

Of those children who grew up in the city since childhood, how many of them can catch pheasants with bare hands or with that stick?

And after they successfully caught a chicken, who can escape smoothly under the gaze of a group of staring strangers?

Patting your chest to ensure that you can complete the task smoothly? How many can there be?


But would Gu Zheng choose this way ordinary people play games?

Of course not.

Now he, holding the local tyrant version of the whiteboard sword, ran to the other side of the inaccessible grove, rubbing the cane, cutting the branches, and manually making hunting tools.

Gu Zheng can be regarded as present, in this world, there is no difference from him going to the New World Wilderness to survive.

Really cheating old man!

But when Gu Zheng was holding the freshly baked slingshot, carrying the fat rabbit prey that fell into the trap in his hand, under the gaze of the envy and hatred eyes of all the comrades, he walked to the small restaurant in the small village. At that time, the kind of clanging satisfaction that Chef Sun gave him a copper plate... no matter how it was concealed.

As a result, Gu Zheng went crazy.

With extremely neat hunting techniques, he walked ahead of all new players in the same period.

Even if Gu Zheng was two weeks behind the game player who first entered the game.

Even with his starting hand, there are not many advantages.

But Gu Zheng's level still jumped up like a rocket.

Even if he didn't fight for monsters in the vast crowd, but was just brushing the daily life of the grandfather and aunt in the village, his experience value did not seem to be taken less.

He always uses the least **** way to accomplish tasks that seem to be very difficult for ordinary players one after another.

For example, he was clearly a swordsman who used a heavy knife, but he shot down the bald eagle on the cliff beside the village, pulled off the three gray feathers from the ugly bird, and sent it to the only blacksmith in the village. The hands of the blacksmith Zhang in the shop.

You can exchange from the opponent's hand for one of the most sophisticated weapons in Novice Village.

But for this task, except for players who chose archers and darts at the beginning, they dare to try their best when they are about to leave Novice Village. Other professions simply ignore this extremely targeted task. Lost.

Therefore, when this unsuccessful Gu Zheng finally wandered to the edge of the cliff and shot down the very noisy crow, he realized that he had even touched a previously missed mission.

And when he took the three feathers with the exclusive words (Heroic Swordsman) on the back and handed them to the hand of Zhang Tiesmith, the blacksmith who was standing in his shop waiting for the archer to enter the door... was stunned. Okay. .

He looked at Gu Zheng's very clear professional attire, and then looked at the real mission items in the other's hands, and his whole body trembled.

"Great, I haven't seen such a young man for many years."

The current arena is always pursuing the ultimate martial arts.

The most accurate dart, the fastest sword, the most ruthless knife.

But they have all forgotten that the most brilliant and talented people in this arena are omniscient and omnipotent.

"So boy, are you ready to take the most difficult path to all-round talent?"

Gu Zheng standing in the blacksmith Because this very cold blacksmith Zhang has been talking to him for so long, he has been surrounded by a large number of players who are not too busy to watch the excitement. .

After hearing these words from the mouth of Zhang Tiejiang, these novices collectively uttered a voice of surprise: "Oh!!"

It turns out that this game can still be played like this.

This is too real.

They thought that no matter how realistic the world was, the customization of the final task would definitely follow the procedure.

Whoever thinks, can still have this kind of show operation.

When everyone was enviously staring at the protagonist of this incident, Gu Zheng, waiting for him to answer with lofty ambition: "I'm ready."

The local tyrant swordsman they admired, but did another thing that surprised them.

This whiteboard swordsman, who is only level five, smiled at Tiejiang Zhang's evil charm, and threw out a bragging word: "Heh! In martial arts, I admit that I still have flaws."

"But when it comes to miscellaneous studies, I am not bragging. I am afraid that few people can teach me."

"If my guess is correct, if I respond to you, then you will say that because my level of performance has touched the condition of all-round learning."

"And in your little blacksmith's shop, what you can definitely learn is the primary forging method."

"Am I right or wrong?"

Tiesmith Zhang, who was carrying the hammer on the opposite side, nodded creakingly: "Yes!"

Calmly Gu Zheng sighed as if he knew the answer a long time ago, and continued: "If I say that the forging skills you have mastered are not enough to teach me, do you believe it or not?"

have to?

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