The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1015: Metropolis: Male God Shura Field (44)

The original intention of playing holographic games is to experience a different kind of life.

What's the point if you continue to follow the good routine of the quilt step by step.

And the rise of the hideous swordsman pointed out a different path for them, and let them know that the game can still be played like this.

It also made them understand that it turned out that this river and lake can also play so freely.

Therefore, when this well-documented and well-written post was discovered by everyone, it was immediately placed at the top of the top elite post by the back-end management.

As more and more people participated in the discussion about this post, everyone suddenly realized.

If the "Smile Naihe" they worshipped before was compared with this "streak swordsman", I'm afraid it would be too far behind.

Because through their continuous analysis and sorting out various clues, it can be seen that the process of recovering the Five Immortal Sects by the ‘Scary Swordsman’ must be quite difficult.

If you add a definition to this difficulty, it's probably a perverted difficulty level.

And the personal charm and martial arts talent of this ‘savage swordsman’... also must be otherworldly.

Because in the martial arts routine, people will be recognized as an apprentice only after they are seen that the bones are strange, and the body must have an extremely strong domineering spirit... before they can be followed by the younger brothers crying and shouting. .

Therefore, this ‘savage swordman’ must be a very extraordinary character in reality.

Well, yes, that's right!

Everyone's enthusiasm for discussion directly twisted the original intention of this post to the horizon.

As for Gu Zheng, who was sitting in front of the computer, when he saw the conclusion that "Smile Naihe" was not as good as "Scary Swordsman", his progress bar successfully advanced by a full ten percent.

Only ten percent is left.

But Gu Zheng, knows that the last ten percent is the most difficult ten percent.

Because of the dangers in it, if you are not careful, you will lose your bones.

But at this time, he stood up from the computer desk, slowly walked to the balcony with beautiful scenery, leaned down, looked at the traffic under the tall buildings, and watched the people coming and going on the street.

Gu Zheng laughed suddenly.

This world is alive and running in its own way, and this world cannot be ignored by him just because he is just a passer-by.

Even if he discovers these improprieties, after proactive exposure, it will bring great hidden dangers to his own safety.

However, what if you can help these people without endangering your own safety?

Then he Gu Zheng can still do it.

Thinking of this Gu Zheng, he took a deep breath and issued an order to Xiaowangshu to stop hiding the traces he left in the game.

After logging in to the server again, I was standing on the edge of the newly built Miasma Forest of the Five Immortals, like a stone looking for a wife, punctually...looking towards the only way to enter the forest.

And Gu Zheng's judgment did not make a mistake.

He just watched the people behind him who were busy with what the sect had seen for the first few days, and a group of outsiders who were embarrassed and had signs of poisoning to varying degrees... he found Gu Zheng's head. superior.

There was no need for Gu Zheng to ask that team of people. The smell of the empire could be smelled three miles away.

After Gu Zheng relieved them of their poisoned state very kindly and introduced them into the Chamber of the Five Immortals Sect, as for the captain of which team? But with a bit of embarrassment, he talked to Gu Zheng privately: "Can't we just talk to the two groups of people in private?"

"What do you mean by pulling out all the people taught by Wuxianer right away?"

"They can't hear our private chat. Does it make any sense for you to do this!"

But sitting across from this group of people, Gu Zheng, among the young and strong congregation, calmly lifted up in front of him... The Five Immortal Sects will only be brought out when they are serving guests. The scarce amount of Wuxian tea did not rush to reply, but took a sip in public with a little comfort.

Then, Gu Zheng seemed to have drunk some of the world’s rare brews, smashed his mouth with an extremely exaggerated voice, and held the tea bowl toward the other side. On the contrary, he really regarded himself as a master. .

"It's rare that rare customers come to visit, come here, don't tell me, let's taste this Five Immortal Sect's Five Immortal Tea first."

"This is the only one, and there is no other good thing with a semicolon."

And when the captain on the opposite side raised the teacup dubiously, he looked at the side of the teammate who was thoughtful, but he pressed his arm down with extremely small movements.

And when the teammate who stopped him lifted the lid of the tea bowl like this, the face of the captain sitting opposite Gu Zheng immediately changed a color.

I saw this bowl of tea cup that was half the size of an adult man's palm, and in the yellow tea soup, there were five tiny insects who knew nothing about life or death.

Looking at its worm shape, it doesn't look like something that can be imported.

After seeing this kind of tea soup, the captain who was still smiling originally opened his eyes and asked: "What do you mean?"

Poisoned us in the game, thinking that this matter is all over?

In reality, you still can't escape!

But after Gu Zheng heard these words, he laughed.

He also didn't bother to use private chat, but just so frankly and frankly confessed the efficacy of this cup of tea to the visiting guests.

"This Wuxianer tea, how can it be called Wuxianer without these five cute little ones?"

"You know, the main effects of this tea are all based on the effects of these five bugs."

"Drinking our Five Immortal Sect's Five Immortal Tea, I dare not say that it is extraordinary poison, but the general poison in this river and lake, I am afraid that the effect of this cup of tea is not worth it."

"You said, I use this tea to treat guests, do you drink it or not?"

After saying this, Gu Zheng looked at the group of people on the opposite side with extremely clear eyes.

And the captain, who was still uncertain at first, laughed loudly at this moment. He raised his head and drank the bowl of catechu cleanly. In order to show his magnanimity, he finished drinking the bowl. After the tea, he even showed this smooth tea bowl in the direction where Gu Zheng and the five immortals were.

"Awesome! Awesome!" Gu Zheng and the cultists who saw this... slapped their hands together.

Although he has already stated the efficacy of this tea, there are not many people who can just pour this bowl of catechu into their mouths without changing their faces.

Therefore, after everyone's slaps were slapped, Gu Zheng also knew how courageous the people who were sent to contact him this time.

If this is the case, let's just leave it open.

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