The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1032: What is the result! !

Although there are some gaps in gender, the meaning he probably wants to express is not wrong.

Gu Zhenghe should belong to the world of ice and snow, where he is like the most dexterous snow leopard living in the snow-capped mountains, like a fish in water.

Those icefields, which are regarded by ordinary people as scourges, are now under Gu Zheng's skis, but they seem to lift heavy weights as if walking on the ground.

This is his idol, the most powerful warrior who has lost himself in the snow, and the opponent will have nothing to do with him.

And just when Mulanzi was so thoughtful and left coveting saliva, the leader who was still a certain distance beside him interrupted his narcissism.

Yes, return to reality, let's do business.

After receiving the instructions, Mulanzi was very diligent and drove the snowmobile over to the team leader, and dutifully asked the other party for instructions.

And the already excited red-faced team leader pointed in the direction Gu Zheng was heading, and shouted loudly: "Keep up, and time the clock at the same time!!"

"Look at how much time he spent after skating this half of the schedule!"

"If you can, if you can..."

The following words, after the cross-country skiing leader and his assistant looked at each other, he said nothing, but with inexplicable confidence, he fell silent.

If the grades are good enough, they need to find a brokerage company related to Gu Zheng to discuss the follow-up question of the freelance secondment.

Thinking of the team leader and his assistant here, there was a fiery heart. They stepped on the snowmobile under their feet so fast, but after a while, they caught up with Gu Zheng, who was slid down alone in the woods on the hillside. , Fell far behind him, and did not step forward so as not to disturb.

The weather on the snow field is still so smooth, but the team leaders who follow Gu Zheng's figure feel that. Today's wind is a bit surprising. Maybe not because of the wind, but because they followed the elves in the snow.

Gu Zheng's speed is very fast. Even if he doesn't hold the timer every minute, these staff members who are used to watching their athletes train can see at a glance the speed of Gu Zheng's sliding.

It's not a bit faster than us lads from the three provinces of the East.

And when Gu Zheng's speed began to slow down slowly, and the finish line that symbolized the end of the taxi was in front of him, the leader sitting on the snow struggling to pat the back of the helper beside him: "Quick, keep up!"

"Don't let people stop you halfway!"

In this training ground, who can stop someone who bullies you?

Of course, it is the leader of the two popular freestyle skiing and ski jumping teams that have achieved results!

At the beginning, the team leader of these two projects rejected Gu Zheng's reception work because he was too busy to lead the team and had no time to entertain irrelevant people.

Now if they discovered the skiing talent of this magical man?

Their thick skins, like the shells of Himalayan icebergs, will definitely make them completely forget the decisions they have made, and participate in Gu Zheng's fight for the right to participate in the competition very shamelessly.

After all, in some small single items, they still have some missing items. When they are in a disadvantageous state against European and American players, they may use the auspicious soldiers to compete for the brand.

The worry of the cross-country skiing leader really came true when they reached the finish line.

Because just when the team leader was smiling and handing his hand in the direction of Gu Zheng, who had not yet breathed and breathed, he ran into the other two pairs of undesirable faces on the way with his palms. Hands.


The leader of freestyle skiing and ski jumping is here!

The two big idlers who have already confirmed their entourage must definitely take advantage of the time period when the team members are training and responding to this ski resort.

And these two cunning people must have been secretly observing in the dark when Gu Zheng started to slide.

As for why these two people can rush to here with his back and forth?

The leader of the backcountry skiing subconsciously looked at the snow, rain, wind and frost on the two men, as well as the two crystal clear noses hanging on their lips, and he understood everything.

These two were chasing down, they both chased all the way from the longer but relatively stable outer track.

Haha, sample, it won't kill you guys, now you know it's amazing.

And this dissatisfied cross-country skiing leader took advantage of the fact that the two were so cold that they were both uncomfortable. They squeezed the two groups of people behind him one by one, and said in sincerity what he asked for. Came out.

"Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng, I don’t need to introduce myself anymore. We have already met the two of us this Let me just say that. The track you just slid on is just right. It is a 15-kilometer full track for men’s classical cross-country skiing."

"Do you know how much your taxi time is spent?"

"How much?" Gu Zheng was also very interested in the track time when he hadn't fully slid this time.

Because as a migrant of the snow clan, when walking on the ice and snow, no one specifically counts the obsolescence.

"How much? Mulanzi, you say!"

He didn't even know how many team leaders, so he was very alert and let the assistants around him go on.

As for the child Mulanzi, besides being honest and a little cute, he is really unambiguous at work.

He hurriedly brought the timer prepared by the side to the team leader. This is not a standard timekeeping, which was officially recorded when Gu Zheng rushed down the technological cliff.

The above record is also very accurate: 40:35.

Gu Zheng may not be able to understand the meaning of this achievement, but for the three team leaders who have been engaged in ice events for a long time, they are extremely familiar.

After seeing the result, the three of them took a breath of air in unison, and then together they shared the results-related matters with Gu Zheng.

"It's forty minutes! God!"

"Do you know what the classic 15-kilometer medal score was in the previous Sochi Winter Olympics?"

"How many?"

I really don't know!

"It's 39 minutes!!"

"We take into account the inadequate preparation of ski equipment, the unfamiliarity of the track, and the fact that Gu Zheng has not tried his best."

"Then it means!"

"Then it means!!"

All these team leaders uttered the same sentence...

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